The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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Thanks Sallyo, yes, I'm here for my usual Monday fast. I'll pick up fizzy water on the way to work. I have not thought about dinner yet .......... for some reason food seems furthest from my mind.
Happy fasting :clover:
Third morning in a row for my current mode of 16:8 with an eating window of noon to 8pm.
I feel brighter, especially after taking a half hour walk before breaking the fast, though the scales are being moody and not yet reflecting my good intentions.
We had a bit of a weyhey weekend within the eating window so I hope to be a good girl through the week :0)
I'm in for my usual Monday fast - armed with a couple of 25cal cheese triangles & thin oatcakes for late afternoon snack, then bacon & root veg soup I made last week for dinner when I get in at 9pm. Hope the day goes quick! Have a good day all :cool:
I'm in for one of my usual 4:3 fasts.

MaryAnn wrote: I'm in today, too. Two coffees in already. haha. I think I'm having a winged green bean (some weird vegetable they sell here) and shitake stir fry for dinner tonight.
@MaryAnn, I first read about winged beans last week, and, now, someone mentions them with an intent to eat. :) ... ny-moment/
‘Theodore Hymowitz, an agronomist at the University of Illinois who is a member of the Academy’s panel on the winged bean, said, ”it’s like an ice cream cone – you eat the whole thing.”‘

I shall look out for a report with some interest. :)
Morning to all UK fasters (and good evening or good night to the Aussies?) :confused:

I've had a good start, as usual my fast day trip to the gym first thing, now all clean and settled down for a day working from home.
Sipping a diet Coke but water and tea lined up for the rest of the day, plus my usual skinny salad at 2pm, and maybe soup at 6, but tonight is our poetry group so it may be too much of a rush to eat before I go out, we'll see.

Good luck everyone and hope you have a great day :heart: :clover: :like:
Hey Fasters,
I'm in today. I usually fast on Mondays and Thursdays but this week I am going for Mon, Wed, Fri as I would like to shift the scales a little bit faster. I hope this strategy works.
I was planning to try my first ever "fast until dinner" today but have been put off by two things:
1) My husband told me that I had smelly breath this morning and "should eat something" (NOT a boost to morale :frown: ) and
2) Some customers popped in to visit me at work. They had just arrived from Scotland and brought a pressy of Scottish oatcakes with them.... ooooo, I couldn't resist this delicacy (especially after my husband's comment) so I ate three and left it there.
Hoping to try a "fast until dinner" later on in the week.
Hope everyone either has a great day or has had a great day!
Well good luck all of you, there's safety in numbers.
Monday is usually a fasting day for me, slight bit of drizzle an 14C here in Exmouth Devon...
Got back this afternoon after our 4-day caravaning holiday free camping in the mountains. Had a lovely time. :) Managed without breakfast but did have very carby dinners and desserts!! Back on the scales tomorrow to check out the damage... Have fasted more or less okay today at least. :) Best wishes for those still Monday fasting (nearly bedtime here).
I am in for my usual Monday have had a couple of walks today and am going to see Manon at the local film theatre being piped live from London. I am planning an omelet tonight and will have to have my meal a bit earlier than normal so I only have 2hours to wait instead of 4 hours. I do hope that won't mean I am hungry at bed time. Good luck to all Monday fasters
Goodday and good evening all.
Am in today for my usual monday fast. Been tough because I have taken time to just be at home and I struggle to fast at home but this is the 2nd day I managed. Have had all my 500 cals for the day, so now willpower till tomorrow. Good luck for the rest of the day everyone.
I'm in but am really really struggling. Very strange as last Wednesday's fast was super easy. I ate really badly since then (including a load of sweets last night) so I think I'm paying for it now. Doing my best to stick to it though as I stupidly had a sneaky peek at the scales this morning and it looks like tomorrow well be my worst wi since starting 5:2 need to stay strong!
I was intending to fast today, so didn't eat breakfast, then my son arrived home and told me that he was going to be here for dinner. Well, I can't feed him on what my husband and I were having so, a complete change of plan, and now I will be joining the Tuesday fasters tomorrow! I guess that means that I will be doing a 16:8 - who would have thought it! :shock:
Good luck to those of you fasting today. :clover: Onwards and downwards! :smile:
I'm here! Happy fasting everyone!
I am at a conference today at one of the casinos. I'm not gambling, it's just where the conference center is. So, I wasn't sure if I was going to try to fast or not, but decided I would. Didn't eat breakfast at home, did get a skim chai when I got here. Then I was confronted with Krispy Kreme donuts. Twice I resisted stopping in and buying one, but then they offered them for free at the conference and lost the battle! But, I still skipped lunch and have a healthy dinner plan, so I hope to end up under 800 calories.
I have fasted today, almost gave in a few times but in the end I came in at about 550cals. Happy with that as I earned 350cals cycling. :)
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