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Fasting today?

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47 posts Page 3 of 4
Just had a three week break while helping out with elderly relative and away from home. Relative is underweight so big effort to get extra food on board. Surprised to see not too much damage done when back on scales.

Not too bad getting back on the wagon, same old routine, milkfree teas/fizzy water, bovril drink at lunchtime, homemade soup c 4 pm and main meal at 6pm, chicken breast with stirfry vegs in new frypan that is fatfree. Now will I sleep tonight? I will have a bit of supper nearer bedtime but usually do not sleep soundly on a fast day.
I arrived home from work at 8pm. Am I missing anything on this fastday? NO as fizzy water and tea WITH milk was fabulous.
One more cuppa before bed.
Wishing you all well. :clover: :like:
TripHOPmamma wrote: I'm in but am really really struggling. Very strange as last Wednesday's fast was super easy. I ate really badly since then (including a load of sweets last night) so I think I'm paying for it now. Doing my best to stick to it though as I stupidly had a sneaky peek at the scales this morning and it looks like tomorrow well be my worst wi since starting 5:2 need to stay strong!

We all have days, fasts & weeks like that. Don't worry overmuch as its the longview over many months that is the goal. Congratulate yourself for each day done & forgive the occasional slipup. I find I do better when I'm more forgiving of myself. Takes that whole overwhelmed feeling I get when I realize what a large task I have undertaken....
I'm in today! Had some weak fasts last week - started out ok but didn't stick to it on Thursday. Wouldn't be a big deal but the scale has been slowly creeping up and now it appears I've gained a ton! Hoping it's water or something because I didn't put this much on in a 2 week vacation! Anyway, back on top of things today. Nice light soup for lunch, small dinner salad. Also, joined a healthy Xmas challenge at work so maybe that will hold me accountable!
Cheers to all!
I'm in! Recovering from flu so wasn't sure how today would go, but I have managed it. Phew!
MLCDz wrote:
TripHOPmamma wrote: I'm in but am really really struggling....looks like tomorrow well be my worst wi since starting 5:2 need to stay strong!

We all have days, fasts & weeks like that. ..Congratulate yourself for each day done & forgive the occasional slipup. I find I do better when I'm more forgiving of myself.
@TripHOPmamma, I strongly agree with @MLCDz - if guilt, shame, and self-recrimination got this done, then most of us would never have a problem. By and large, being a tad more compassionate towards our own circumstances and accepting of our realities, can help us to make good improvements in our wellbeing and health. Learn what you can from a slip-up (if anything) and then leave it behind you.

Good Luck! :clover:
I'm in today as well-- liquids until dinner then a veggie stir-fry with a salmon burger! My friend is really big on natural oils, so she game me a sample of some citrus oil that's supposed to be an appetite suppressant. I'm skeptical, but I may try it when the hunger pangs strike.
@cblasz, I sympathize with your Krispy Kreme predicament. I'm very lucky I don't have one near my current house. =) I had a hard time walking by the free samples at Costco- don't know why I always seem to grocery shop there on fast mornings!
@ewoodwor - are you in the U.S. too? I don't have a krispy kreme near me either, I think that's why it was so tempting!! I had to have a glazed raspberry jelly one!
Good morning to the Americans. Have a good day. I ended up with a caesar salad last night. A summery dinner with cos lettuce and parsley from the garden and our own eggs. I'm not sure I want to know about krispy kremes! No doubt we will soon be able to get them here!
The power of Krispy Kremes! I often see people taking boxes of them on the plane to places that don't have these!! I love donuts, but they are one of those treats I don't have very often now. :(
Btw, the scales were ok this morning. :)
You know, I've got a Krispy Kreme only a few miles from me--and I'm not the slightest bit interested! Mostly because I might as well INJECT pure sugar into my veins, they cause such a bad sugar rush and crash. Don't get me wrong, I love me some donuts and baked goods; just prefer the high-quality stuff from a real bakery or Whole Foods. I did manage to resist going to my favorite bakery (Dahlia Bakery in downtown Seattle) when I was in town for a work meeting a couple weeks ago (on a light day). Just not worth the risk... :shock:
I'd go for cake, pie, ice cream, cookies/biscuits over donuts any day. Just don't see the appeal.
Closing out the Monday fasting thread - my new ritual - with the news that I went running, and then took a walk with the family, and then moved a bed upstairs (with son) all on about 50 calories. By dinner time (fettucini with meat sauce, broccoli, my symbolic very small bowl of ice cream) I was fading fast. Now I'm pleasantly full and can't wait to be asleep! See you next week :grin:
I have made it almost till the end.. but this day has been hard for me as well.. I've been hungry most of the day but I will make it!
Well, I almost made it. Ended up at 700. I've been having a lot of sugar drops lately, so treating them adds calories because of the glucose tablets. I had two drops today though, I need to be more careful..That's ok, it means I can continue to cut back on insulin (according to doc's plan!). See you all Thursday. Have a great week.
Just popping on to say I made it, came it at under 550 cals, plus the added bonus of a loss this morning, is a small one but I'll take it! Thanks muchly for the support x
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