@Susan8, there isn't really a RIGHT way to do this way of living (WOL). But yes, typical plain vanilla 5:2 is bedtime to when you get up the day after, so usually more like 36 hours. In any case, it's not really a fast, since you are eating 500 cals. I advise keeping a little journal and jotting down when you feel hungry, what (if anything) you did about it, what you ate, what worked, what didn't. For example, I always have some kind of protein every time I eat on a "fast" day, even a bit of fat. And I don't actually restrict my carbs (though plenty of 5:2ers do), but don't have bread or noodles on fast days, just too many cals.

Two tips, one I read on here and the other from me: "Clear" fiber you mix with liquid--water! (I found a natural one, 10 cals per serving); fools you for a bit into thinking you ate something, and it prevents the constipation some experience. Broth: As a vegetarian, I use veggie broth; and since it's very low cal, I usually add a tiny bit of coconut oil, only 5 cals but helps with satiety.

I know at first it feels a little scary not to eat (much), but once you find your rhythm, it's very doable! Good luck and welcome! :wink: