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Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.
I am experimenting making bread rolls which isn't too bad as I don't feel the compulsion to eat the raw dough like I would with cake mix!
This is the first week in November that I haven't had family visiting from Melbourne so I'm trying to really make the most of the fasting .
Soon enough it will be December--eeek!
I have a firm belief that we need the plateaus to reset our bodies at the lower weight. (No scientific evidence, just a firm belief! )
Most 5:2'ers seem to find that after a plateau the weight starts to come off again, mostly without changing anything, so as Sallyo says so patiently, it will kick in again.
I'm off to visit my Mother after (her) lunch then need to start a few Christmassy things.
Having a coffee now then herb teas and water till 6pm- or if I get too hungry, a small fruit snack about 3pm.
Have a good fast day everyone.
Debs wrote: You can do it Mandy!!! Commiserations on the cold, keep warm, I always find it odd having a cold in warm weather!
I am experimenting making bread rolls which isn't too bad as I don't feel the compulsion to eat the raw dough like I would with cake mix!
Thanks Debs! I blame Melbourne's weird weather - blisteringly hot yesterday, warm but windy and rainy today and due to be cold tomorrow. Never a dull moment
I'd love to make bread rolls but yeast scares me a bit - hope yours turn out well
This is a big stress for us, and I dont want her to remember that I was stressed on her day of going to her first school formal, so no fasting. Just making sure she has a wonderful day.
Happy fasting. I am making it a 16/8 though
It's hot today so I may need to find a replacement for my lunchtime miso. I'll probably go with raw carrots.
Good luck everyone!
Sallyo, that makes so much sense to me!
Im with you on that, had a 0.3lb weight gain this week which of course is nothing but still dissheartened non the less!!
BUT reading all this and knowing everyone seems to go through the gains and still come out with over all losses a week or two later without really doing anything extra helps me think.. oh well next weeks fasts will work! keeps me on track and not give up
I will try and be good this weekend, i must admit i normally let myself go at weekends, fasting in the week and being good the other week days to compensate!
Islandmum wrote: Just past mid day here and I'm struggling! Work out was good, but am now feeling listless and sapped of energy, Everything I had planned to do today I think will be left until tomorrow...
Exactly the same. Day off from work with lots of jobs planned but other than usual washing, floors, gym session and supermarket nothing else. Can't stop thinking about food today! Just had large, strong coffee but with 3/4 cup of skim milk. I had to have it. good luck everyone. I hope you are doing better than I am today.
I find it fascinating to look at other people's Progress Trackers and see how consistent the overall weight loss has been against the trend line for the vast majority - so glitches of 300g weight gain are soon overcome. (And I do know for a fact that 300g, even more, can just be body waste... And .3lb is only 130g roughly. ) But it can still be disheartening of course.
You are still in your very early days of this Way Of Eating, and it can sometimes take a while to get into the routine. You'll get there. In my early days I often overindulged, but over time I have found I am better able to manage what and when I eat. But I still love food, and certainly let myself enjoy higher calorie foods if that is what I want - just not as often as I used to!!
All the best on your journey.
NB Those struggling today - I have just had 2nd coffee, and have had 3 teas today, and am now going out to help distract myself. Try to find things to keep your mind occupied, and tomorrow will be here soon enough. Good luck!
I agree, im not letting it put me off and I am still new to all this and still finding the right balance for me on fast days..
Good luck everyone, im not on another fast day until Monday but strangly looking forward to it! Crazy how quickly you can change your mind set from seeing a diet as a negative to a possitive.
Going to log off now until Monday, time to stop thinking about food for a bit (which is one of the best things about IF)
A nice big green tea or hot water and lemon helps me with hunger if anyones struggling... and both these have additional health benefits to so cant be bad
Have a good weekend everyone
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