The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

69 posts Page 4 of 5
That looks delicious @robmorris I might treat myself to a scrummy cup of bovril too. The things you appreciate on a fast day :grin:
Yes I'm in too, second fast of week. Holding out until 2pm when I can eat my salad. Then soup this evening.

Had a good session at the gym even though I'm having to be careful of my shoulder which the physio thinks is about to 'freeze'. I've developed some creative methods of carrying out everyday tasks such as dressing and undressing to avoid painful movements. :grin:

Good luck everyone, especially all newbies - it gets easier! :clover: :clover:
It wasn't planned as I already did my 2 fasts of the week monday and tuesday but it's a spontaneous fast today. Wasn't hungry for breakfast so thought about a 16:8 but wasn't hungry for lunch either so it became a fast.

Until now I only had 3 black coffee because I am freezing cold and plan to have a low carb soup tonight. That should make my day at around 250 cal
Yes indeed! I am on fast number 2 today!
Yep, I'm in too. Not finding it too bad so far today. Could get tricky later as I am making banana muffins :/
Hi all

I am a newbie and on day 2 of my fast. Its going well so far. Fasting isnt half as hard as i was expecting. I have been wanting to try for ages but not bothered for fear of struggling on fast days and earlier on i was thinking to myself i actually can see myself sticking to this plan :smile:
I'm just back from a failed attempt to give blood, if I don't take iron tablets for a week before, my iron level is sometimes just below their threshold, and I had forgotten I was due to donate.
So I'm carrying on with my semi-fast, and very glad I only had a bowl of veggie soup and a small bit of bread at lunchtime.
Everything has gone well again for me, no hunger pains. Now its just to drive home from work and get into my one meal for the day :)

If I get time I might go training afterwards
Anyone else cold? Brrrr. Even with my heating fixed I'm shivering!
I too, am having an extra fasting day today as I continue to repair the damage from Christmas and New Year. I had a record-breaking weight loss with my first fasting day on Monday, which raised the question of whether or not, I might get away with a 6:1 week this week, and still be able to officially return to weight maintenance with my weight below my target of 11 and a half stone on Monday.

However, although I have continued to lose weight since then, that rate of weight loss has slowed right down over the last two days to just 0.3kg on each of those days, which is just over a pound in total. The result of this is that although I am below my target weight just now, I am still very close to the upper end of my maintenance range which doesn't give me any sort of leeway for the rest of this week in terms of trying to below my target weight on Monday.

Because of that, I therefore need to record a bigger weight loss in order to get that extra leeway and for me, the way to guarantee that bigger weight loss is by fasting. Furthermore, my weight is still running at about over 6 pounds more than where it was at the same stage of each of the last few weeks leading up to Christmas and so, it is only when that differential has been wiped out, that I will then feel more confident about having repaired the damage from the festive season.

It is therefore for those reasons, that I decided to stick with my original plan of fasting today. That way, I will then finally be able to get those festive over-indulges out of my system once and for all.
Hi all :) I'm in today. So far today had tomato soup and lots and lots of water...! Currently treating myself to a coffee :)

Finding today better than previous fasts, I haven't felt "hungry" at any point today. My stomach is usually very vocal by about 9am! This week I have started exercising too, and the scales are being very kind... Hope it carries on that way!

Good luck to all those fasting today x
I'm fasting today, only my 2nd day. It's going much better than Tuesday, I kept busy this morning, walked this afternoon. Very hungry now but about to have " lunch" of miso soup and seaweed sprinkle, all of 31 calories, great warming stopgap.

So nice to have the company of other fasters :)
Just finishing up at work, a spare tray of sandwiches came around after a meeting, but I managed to resist except for two slices of water melon and a few grapes.

@SianS: I have the same problem, though I take iron tablets daily now for donating.

@BethP: Yes, I also get cold on down days, it's not particularly cold here either.

I'll have some home-made 90 calorie soup tonight and some raw veg to tide me over to breakfast.

Good luck everyone, particularly those in more western time zones just starting out.
Hi everyone - just past lunch time here on the east coast of Canada but no lunch for me today :).I had an egg and clementine for breakfast along with coffee and milk. Drinking lots of water. And walked 2 miles with Leslie Sansone. It's too icy to walk outdoors. Tonight, lots of salad and some chicken. I think I need to find some miso soup. I've never had it before but it looks like quite a few of you enjoy it on fast days. Is it really high in sodium?
HI there,
My first post (and hence probably wont be posted till later when it is moderated) and my second fast.
Coffee with one teaspoon of brown sugar for breakfast, miso soup for lunch and am cooking dinner of roasted butternut squash, brocolli and fish in butter sauce and I cant wait. Went to the gym this morning for a pilates class and then some uphill treadmill walking and so far feeling good, but pretty hungry now.
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