The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

69 posts Page 2 of 5
Did you have to mention Christmas cake? I still have some in my fridge, its on its last legs though, but its all boozy with that brandy and oh my.
Today is really hard.
I'm in today, third of the week and not really feeling the groove.
Have had my coffee and am setting the wet fish out in case I need a serious slapping around the head.
Good luck to everyone in today. Wish I was in Australia- would be nearly over by now...
I have struggled today, but should be able to hold out until dinner time. This is my second day and has been much harder than the first.
Good Morning Fasters,

I will be doing a semi fast today as I have a blood donor session early afternoon. My plan is to have about 600 calories split between lunch and dinner. My OH has offered to drive me as he has some things he wants to do in the same town, so I don't have to worry about that aspect of it.
Happy fasting
I'm in :)

Still got 500gm that I need to knock off after Christmas ...... I know it's nothing, but it's a slippery slope & I'm on another business trip next week & they're not easy!!!

Keep busy & drink lots!!!!
I am doing my 2nd fast today, hoping it will be as good as the first.

Happy fasting to you all
I'm in, everyone. It's still dark here and my husband was not at all quiet getting up and leaving at 5.30 this morning, so I'm feeling rather sleepy. Trying to persuade a teen out of bed isn't easy either! But the 11 year old has already eaten more calories than I care to calculate this morning!!
I hope you all have a good day. :)
I'm in! Gave in to more chocolate than I should have yesterday. Goal for today is just drinks till this evening's meal. Then NO CHOCOLATE! I'm at home today, so will try to keep busy- I find it much easier when out and about.
:clover: everyone!
Morning all!
I'm in today too, I agree that it's hard to do this after the lovelyness of Christmas. (Hubby and I polished off a box of Swiss choccies last night... Well there were only a few left..)
I gained nearly half a stone over the two weeks, so I need to get back on track.
I must read some of the threads on maintenance, as I feel that will be key to life beyond the phase that I'm currently in. I realise that one can keep on doing this indefinitely, but understanding how to balance regular food and drink while keeping the weight off and maintaining a healthy BMI, well that's what I will need to understand.
Enough of my waffle... Have a good day folks.
I'm in too. Have just had dinner - youngest daughter had all four of her wisdom teeth out this morning and is currently on liquids so I made a lovely vegetable soup. A bit weird in this beautiful hot weather we're having but it tasted delish and left room for some crispbread as well, haven't had that in ages. :razz: Looking forward to some nice cool watermelon a bit later.

Hope everyone is doing ok! :heart:
I started my second ever fasting yesterday evening, my last meal was 5 pm. I then went training for 1 hour afterwards.

Got up this morning and started the day with a visit to the dentist for a check and clean. To date I havent had any hunger pains. Things are looking good. I'm planning to eat one meal today around 5 pm tonight.

Is it me or is the fasting easy too handle? Maybe it is because it is early in the journey. Does it get harder or easier with time?
Hello to the Brits and Europeans just coming on board. It's not been an easy fast for me today. I cracked and had some São biscuits with butter and Vegemite. Now hanging over the barbie while some porterhouse steak cooks. Come on dinner!
It gets easier, but then you have hard days, like today. I don't know why some fasts are easier than others.
Second fast day after the Christmas break. Tuesday went well, so I thought I might try to go liquid today since The DH won't be home for dinner and the son want Billy's pan pizzas. He doen's have any problem with his weigth, quite the oposite. :smile:

Haven't decided if to go with only water or have some sort of soup for dinner.....
I'm in for only the second fast of 2014, have just had an unplanned week off as I had to take antibiotics and am really looking forward to finally getting underway this year.
I'm hoping that this one will be an easy one, I have lots of work to do and dinner is already cooked so fingers crossed...
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