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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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56 posts Page 4 of 4
I'm in for my 6th fast! Hoping to see some change on the scale, up 1 lb from my start weight :( Having a hard time parting with my oatmeal in the morning...starting low carb this weekend which should help with the weight (I hope!)
I'm here, a bit late I know. Had black tea all day and bovril at lunchtime. Having chicken stirfried in wagamama spicy chilli men sauce with mushrooms and peppers.

@eloelo3 ditch the carbs. Honestly, you will get used to it and it really shifts the weight. Pile on the veg and salad. Good luck
My plan for no calories till dinner fell apart a bit today, I went for a 5km run then at lunchtime when OH suggested a walk, I was keen to get out in the sunshine again. 6.5 miles later and I was feeling very weak so I dug a container of low cal soup out of the freezer and had that with some Slim Rice, which kept me going till Dinner.
Low calorie Hot Choc at bedtime and fingers crossed for a good weigh-in tomorrow
Hello peeps! Felt very happy with yesterdays fast. Didn't need the chicken broth and just had dinner so only about 320 calories. Morning again here. Very happy! Its been 12 weeks with no shift in the scales and finally I have lost some excess and am half a kilo lower than before christmas and have lost a few cms here and there. There is hope people. Onwards and downwards.
Xxx julianna
@SianS I cannot go zero cal every day. And with all the energy expenditure you have to replenish sometimes.
First successful fast day in a while!
Had to eat a satsuma at lunchtime but then just had my cod and salad for dinner so well within 500cals!
Congratulation, @Spanner! It's always great when you feel that you have a successful fast under your belt. :smile: It's another three and a half hours before I'm likely to go to bed, so I need to stay out of the kitchen now! - at least until it's time for my Options drinking chocolate! Yum! :grin:
StowgateResident wrote: Congratulation, @Spanner! It's always great when you feel that you have a successful fast under your belt. :smile: It's another three and a half hours before I'm likely to go to bed, so I need to stay out of the kitchen now! - at least until it's time for my Options drinking chocolate! Yum! :grin:

Thank you!! But three and a half hours until bed?! I will be asleep in next 30 mins :sleepy: Early start followed by late night for me tomorrow so going to sleep load whilst possible! Night all xxx
Finally staved off the hunger with 2 boiled eggs and gallons of green tea and water! Still have 2 hours before bed but I doubt I'll cave in now, so another successful fast!

Well done everyone, fingers crossed everyone gets the results they want on the scales tomorrow morning!
I am late but here.It is 4:30 pm in US.
Still 2 hours to go until my dinner - will eat sardines with steamed kale and mushrooms.Hot choc before bedtime.Hope, scales will be nice to me tomorrow.
Congrats on nice fast who competed it already! :smile:
Done my first liquids only fast today (which included stock cube drink - not sure if that counts :D ). Himself if away on a stag do so no cooking and I managed to keep busy, so that helped. If I haven't gone down on Saturday it's going to be hard not to sulk. Right off to bed.
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