The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

64 posts Page 4 of 5
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 15:47
Hi everyone!
This is my first post, so be gentle! :0) Today is my 5th fast day, while Monday zoomed by, today is realllllllly dragging. I'm finding these forums a really good way to keep motivated, especially today, so thank you everyone for sharing! I'm off to do some digging in the garden now as a distraction - another bonus of this WOL is our house is a lot tidier already, even though I've only been doing this a couple of weeks!

Good luck to all the fasters today :D x
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 16:00
I'm hungry..... I haven't eaten yet today and trying to hold on till tea time at about half six, the MAJOR problem with this is I have got to take 4 hungry kids to McDonald's tonight for their tea, how unfair!!!!!! I will have to eat a sugar free chewing gum and sip slowly on a det coke! The worst bit is if they have any left over and I have to actually throw it away, wish me luck .
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 16:54
Good luck with that Jennifer! It can be difficult around others.

Initially I thought it would be harder but now I have found that as eating is not an option during my fast days I don't actually mind people eating around me. The smells make me hungry but not tempted.
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 17:10
My fourth fast today since starting last Wednesday. I also go all day until dinner time when I have most of my calories for dinner, saving a few for some fresh fruit and a highlight hot chocolate before bed.

I've been concocting my own recipes with the aide of BBCgoodfood and hubby has requested I make another batch of Leek and Bacon soup which we had on Sunday night on a fast day, so heading into the kitchen in a moment to pretend I'm Delia.

Managed today no problem, I have even gone and done a marathon food shop and not been swayed at all to nibble on anything. Me and hubby are treating ourselves to dinner out tomorrow on a feast day.
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 17:29
It's going welll today. The walk at lunchtime was definitely a help, and broke up the day in the way lunch does normally.

Very much looking forward to spicy chicken ready meal tonight. I love the ritual of my fast day evening meal - one of the few times I get to eat on my own, which I love.
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 17:37
Good today. I only licked my finger with buttercream accidently. Don't know what I'll eat tonight yet. Busy X
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 18:24
Well done Dragonbirdy. I went out in the garden too, well next door's garden because I managed to lock myself out and had to do a hop, skip and a jump over the fence!! That was the sum total of my exercise today, well that and lugging some shopping back from Tescos, I'm now a hungry person with very long arms. Roll on dinnertime, 30 minutes and counting ;-)
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 18:25
My fasting day is going well so far. I bought a new wok today and have really enjoyed making and eating my stir fries. I can't remember them ever being so tasty - it's either the new wok or the simple wonders of fasting!
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 19:27
Nearly there at the end of my 8th Fast day. I made it to Dinner time with over 400 calories to eat. I have stuffed myself with Prawns and salad for dinner, and still have plenty to spare for the bedtime hot chocolate.
It has got easier to eat nothing for longer and if I could guarantee what time my family would be back for dinner I might try a proper full day Fast next Tuesday.
Meanwhile I'm looking forward to hot chocolate, bed and lunch out with friends tomorrow
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 19:47
Managed my 2nd day this week without any food for 24 hrs, but made what feels like a mistake by attempting a one hour zumba class before eating. I couldn't keep up with the class and felt like I'd done myself some damage ( knees, shoulders). Plus my 350 cal meal (I'm only 5 ft 1) has left rather a gaping hole. I'm holding out for a hot chocolate in an hour but I feel ravenous. And not v well. Do others find exercising easy on an empty stomach? I also walked for 1hr 45 mins today (to and from work plus at lunch time to keep me occupied). Too much perhaps?
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 19:51
Just left work and am on bus home. Been a very long day with teaching and lots of meetings. Made it until 4 then I had my hot chocolate. I intended to leave work earlier than this. Cycled to the bus and will cycle home from the bus stop at the other end. I will deserve my soup tonight! Well done everyone else who fasted today.

Mauaflower - it gets easier. I had trouble cycling the first couple of weeks but now am fine, just a bit tired at the end of the day.
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 19:59
Thanks Louise. Ps I'm in Oxford too!
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 20:14
It's my second fast today. And it's gone very well indeed. Of course, I'm motivated by the fact that my scales are telling me I've already lost a little weight, that always helps!

I've been fortunate to be really busy at work, I might not have had chance to eat anyway. I've just drunk huge amounts of herbal and fruit tea (I really recommend Whittards' loose fruit infusions, they taste really sweet so no sugar or honey needed). I find having a warm drink helps me along a lot.

My job is fairly active (I'm a tour guide in an old courtroom/gaol) and I get quite cold, so by the time I left I was desperate for something. I went for an espresso macchiato, so just a little milk...

For dinner I've had a small sausage stew--just two quorn sausages and lots of veggies, in a really light gravy. I think I have enough calories left for an Options hot choc and a rich tea finger later on...

So far I'm not struggling too much. Next fast is Monday... But I do want to say thank you to everyone who posts on here. The support and being able to read everyone's stories is great! :-)

Good luck with the rest of the evening, Thursday fasters! :-)
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 20:28
Hi Thursday Fasters!

Just had my fasting dinner. A nice fish pie with a sprinkling of cheese on top.

Should keep me going now until the morning. :)
Re: Fasting today - 28 February
28 Feb 2013, 20:36
I did my 6th fast day today, still haven't dared to get on the scales yet. I managed 22 hours of fasting, apart from 1 cup of tea with skimmed milk in the morning, I just drank hot water all day.

To make things easy, i was lazy and bought some nice m&s stuffed mushrooms and had 2 of those and a nice 'count on us' m&s tuna and bean salad. Feel a bit peckish now, but I'm not going to cheat. Hope it's working !

Keep on keeping on people : )
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