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Fasting today?

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Liquid Fasting w/b Monday 6 May
05 May 2013, 22:11
Hi people - OK so this is a new thread for those of us heading for another 36 hour liquid only fast - this will be my first of this week (next one planned for Thursday). I last ate at 7pm tonight, so am aiming for Tuesday morning/lunchtime before breaking my fast. Who else is along for the ride? wildmissus, redhead, Moogie, Bssh, meribel, TML, KataMac, Minumonline..... ??? Feel, being Bank Holiday in the UK and family around, it may not be as easy as the past couple of weeks - but my weight loss has really benefited from these liquid only fasts, so I'm going to stick with them for a while. Be back tomorrow to see how people are doing.... hope I'm not alone 'cos holiday time's going to be difficult !! :clover:
Hi Suchard,

I'd love to join you all but after doing a 36er last week I cannot afford to lose any more weight. I never thought I'd say those words! Anyway, I shall be with you all in spirit and keep up with how you are all doing throughout, so, can I hitch a ride as an interested bystander?

Can't wait to see your new photograph now it has been brought to out attention that you are much slimmer and younger looking than you have led us to believe, you shady lady you!

Good luck to everyone, :heart:

Ballerina x
I'm here!
I went and stuffed up and had a Froddo frog at 7pm last night - annoying because I'd had a late lunch/early dinner with friends that involved cider and pizza, finishing up about 5pm and that would have been a 2 hour early start fast time. lol, so minor in the overall picture though!
Bank holiday will make it more challenging, check in here for moral support when you need it :)
Hope you don't mind, Suchard, but I took the liberty of linking to this thread from the old one.

It took me until 4 pages into that thread before I found you all last time!

Not sure when I shall be (mostly) fasting this week, but I'll be looking to beat my record of 87 calories in 36 hours at some time.

Good luck to all first timers on here - the ones who've done it before don't need any luck, they know they can do it! :like:
Good morning all you 36ers,

I'm ready for the off, actually, I was ready and off at 7p. last night, so here I am 13.5 hours later. I shall travel half way with you all and perhaps next week go the distance as well. Just finishing my first coffee of the day and feeling good,

See you all later, :clover: :heart:

Ballerina x
Morning all. I'm planing two 36ers this week, Tuesday and Thursday, not doing today as we have few BH family treats planned. Good luck everyone, and hopefully see some of you tomorrow :grin:
It's nearly 6pm, and I'm doing fine. This would be when I normally have my dinner, so there is hunger, but really not too bad at all. I even made a lovely looking chicken curry for the rest of the family, without feeling too hungry. Funny how knowing I can have some tomorrow really is all I need to think, and I don't feel deprived or like a martyr. Even my horrible sinus from this morning has gone.

Think I'm ahead of most of the rest of you? Hope your days are all easy too.
Morning all. I'm going to fast tomorrow because of the bank holiday. Best wishes to everyone fasting today!! I'll try to check in to give you all a rallying cry later on!!
Thanks to redhead pointing out this thread I'm in too! Bank Holiday here today - sunnyish (sitting in the garden but with a scarf on and hoodie up - how British!) Will probably go out for a walk with the family this afternoon and planning on tidying the garage to keep me occupied when the early afternoon hunger pangs strike! Any other plans for distraction tactics today?
Ballerina - "can't afford to lose any more weight" - fantastic words - well done you. :smile: No intention to be shady - just a photo that I liked taken just after my hip op last year and just before I started 5:2 - so felt it was representative of me at the time.....

B&W - glad you linked the thread (it'd take me ages to work that out) :confused: - we don't want you wandering away from us now do we..... hope the challenge of less than 87 calories pays off - keep us informed, won't you.

Like the distraction tactics Ourb, think I'll need to find some myself late on - was hoping to get out and do some gardening but it's cold and just not enticing me to go outside :frown: Will have to put my nose in a book if all else fails........

Glad to be facing the Bank Holiday with others on here... anyone see Wildmissus she seems to have gone AWOL :grin:

Have a good day everyone - catch up with you all later
I'm in ! I started on Sunday evening so will try to go until Tuesday morning although DH is at home today so might be a little harder than last week
Isn't Wildmissus on an away weekend in Birmingham AND meeting up with some of the others in Worcester for lunch?

She is really missing out, hope she is back soon.

I'm now at 17 hours and not hungry but I shall probably eat some protein at your half way point in an hour, after that I shall just keep in touch with how you are all doing.

:like: :clover: :heart: :victory:

Ballerina x
Joining you today, third week of doing 2 36hr liquid fast. Next one will be on Wednesday. So far so good, had a very indulgent weekend so my body needs it today :)
Good Morning fellow 36 hour fasters
I'm joining the group again today. I always feel so good after I complete the fast. I am going out for dinner next Sunday for Mother's Day and plan on stopping at Dairy Queen on the way home to pick up an ice cream cake so I will be needing all the fasting I can do this week.
HI all, sorry I wasn't about earlier for the roll-call :D I'm in for today - not sure about Thursday as we've a long old journey to the Lake District on Friday so I'll probably have something on my Thursday fast so I don't have to eat much before the long journey (I don't always travel very well).

Hubby's been munching yummy biccies & treats today with a friend, so I've kept myself away upstairs sorting out the tracker blips ;) But have reserved a couple of biccies for me for tomorrow!

Well done all my fellow 36ers :)
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