The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

51 posts Page 3 of 4
I'm fasting today, good luck everyone :clover:
Made it to dinner. Vaguely uncomfortable stomach all day but I survived. And I can eat tomorrow!
Today is my very first day fasting! I was going to start tomorrow (along with my mother) but I have a class this evening which means I'm out of the house from 5.30 until 8.30 which I think will help!
So far I've had a probiotic (IBS sufferer, ugh) which racks up 31 cals. May have a cup of tea in a bit. I do not think today will be easy but you all started somewhere, right? ;)
I'm in. Except, once again, by the time I manage to get on the forum I've actually almost finished the fast! This was my 6th fast and I had a 500cal dinner of zucchini, pea, mint and feta pasta with loads of lemon juice instead of olive oil. Now just to make it through the evening without being tempted by the sour gummy worms my other half is chowing down on! :)

Good luck everybody!
Yipee, I am just about done too for the day. Sticking to fluids meant my calorie count via MFP reckonings was around 350 which is the lowest I have achieved.
Just wanted to Suss out fluids only. Am back onto ADF Friday after a lovely feed day and catch up with a dear friend , coffee & cake will be consumed.
8am tomorrow at the gym and a jump on scales is the first plan for the new day ...nite
I'm fasting today too. I'm going for a 36 hour liquid fast with a back up plan of a couple of pieces of fruit if I can't manage it. I did a 36 hour liquid fast last Wednesday and it was tough, but I felt really good when it was over lol. Best of luck to everyone fasting today and see you on the other side :)
MaryAnn wrote: I am going to try to fast today. Monday's fast was the worst ever, so I'd really like a longer break, but I have another hectic week with lots of work dinners, so I'm going for it today. If I feel ill, I will give up and try another day.

I'm going back and forth between 4:3 and 5:2. I started on 4:3 with the intention of switching, but I'm finding it hard to switch, partly because of weeks like this, partly because I think I'm afraid I won't lose on 5:2. I did 4:3 last week, fasting on Thursday, Saturday, and Monday. When I 4:3, the last day in the group of ADF is always hardest. So fasting today is crazy, right? ugh. I feel ok so far, after my usual soft-boiled egg and strawberries.

all that panicking for nothing. Today went really well. I was quite productive in my writing tasks as well.
Hi, I am fasting today, been going well but getting very hungry and tired now.
I switched my days so I'm fasting with ya Dude - all the way in Angleton, TX, USA. Yahoo
I'm in today too, though I'm currently not sure if I'm doing a 36 hour liquid only fast or 1 normal fast or 2 consecutive days normal fasting.Playing it by ear! According to my new posh scales I have put on 2lbs due to a long weekend of excess, so desperate measures are called for.
@ Dude regarding the feeling cold thing Caroees wrote a great explanation last week which involved the phrase brown fat, I'm sure if you search for that you'll find it
I'm in, second day in a row. It's a 4:3 week for me, fasting Tues, Wed and Fri. I am very stressed at the moment and I could do with something sweet but I am holding on so far...
Hi TML, just passing you one of my emergency Werthers sugar free candies :like:
Aaawwwwwww thanks so much!!!

A good reminder! I have some very nice cinnamon sugar-free candies somewhere.
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