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Fasting Windows

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and HOLY COW! Check out this blog post: I was shocked when I found this one. Ok guys...going to do my housework now! I'm now obsessed with this stuff! ha ha!
rainbow53 that's a great article you linked to. Interesting how both sets of mice ate the same calories yet the 16:8 hour mice weighed 28% less.
Do remember that for a mouse a 16 hour fast is equivalent to several days without food for humans.

Consider the following statement about the effects of going without food in different species:
it takes humans about 10 days to lose 10% body weigh(6), it takes rats about 24 hours to lose 10% body weight(3) and it takes mice less than 24 hours to lose 10% body weight(7).
(from: ... correctly/)

I'm not saying 16:8 wouldn't work but that mice aren't humans!
Caroline, that might be true, but Panda, who was one of the scientists who conducted the experiment, said that mouse studies end up being applicable to humans as well, more often than not. I thought that was interesting. Even if it would take me 10x longer to lose the weight just by manipulating my eating hours, to me that's an easy way to go.
Hey rainbow53 how IS the 8 hour diet going? Do u find it easy to do?
This seems to come naturally for me, when I've been on a diet I've had to make my self eat breakfast but when I'm eating normally I don't eat breakfast and I'm experimenting with the 5-2 and have found that I don't eat before 1 as I'm just not hungry. I'll have to look in to this WOE as it seems a natural way for me. More research :neutral:
Hi everyone! Sorry I could not respond until now; busy week...yes I am loving the 8:16 way of eating. I shouldn't have weighed myself but I am down 2 pounds, but I know it's probably water loss only. In fact in such a short period, it HAS to be water loss. But I'll take it.

I am reading more and more about intermittent fasting. For some reason, the subject just fascinates me. Some sources say it takes a few weeks for the fat burning to kick in and don't be upset if you gain the first month. That was interesting.

I think no matter what form our intermittent fasting takes, it's the way to go. I really like not worrying about calories. Of course I don't stuff myself, but it's so nice not to count. If you find 5:2 is not for you, 8/16 might be something to consider. I don't want to push the 8 hour diet book on a 5:2 website, but for those of you interested in learning about it, it's a good read (even though, like most diet books, it contains too much hype and miracle weight loss stories).

No matter which form we do, it's so much easier than traditional dieting.
Hi Rainbow,

We are obviously sisters under the skin and I think this is a fabulous way to live. I've never felt so well and my weight has never been so stable, I just LOVE 8/16 or 16/8 don't care which you call it, it is SO natural for me,

Ballerina x
Yes we are definitely sisters Ballerina! I am very grateful I learned about this way of eating. It seems that intermittent fasting is really taking off - it's time has come. People are sick of counting calories or Weight Watchers points all day long. I lost and gained so much over the years. None of those diets were ever sustainable.
Rainbow, I don't mean to sound disbelieving but I don't think that Dr M knows the cure to every health problem. And there are health problems that require regular and small meals.
Blood sugar related problems won't get better with leaving our bodies "empty" for a long time... Same with stomach problems, gall bladder problems, low BP and I'm sure there are a few more that I'm missing.
Ballerina, I know I've asked you again before but I don't remember seeing your answer.
Assuming that you also count alcohol calories, how do you handle going out at night? Do you extend your window? Do you not drink?
:lol: Ha ha ha ha!!!! Do I not drink? Ha ha ha! Ahem, ...cough...clears throat, yes, I sometime imbibe, he he ha ha......sorry TML. Right, got my serious face on now, :neutral: so, in answer to your question, yes, I drink wine, not fussed where on the colour spectrum it falls, I drink it. :drink: Next week I am out with the girls for a curry one evening and I shall just tweek my window a little. I shall have a very light, late lunch, and then have whatever I want to eat and drink whilst I am out. I never count calories unless I've dropped more weight, I never put it on now and can't believe it, and although not a heavy drinker (8st to be precise!)I have whatever I want. I am off to the pub in a bit and will have a couple of drinks, I also had 2 glasses with my lunch today.

I am as amazed as any human being could be at how this has panned out for me, way beyond my wildest dreams. My target weight was 8st 7lbs and although I got off to a painfully slow start with significant plateaux along the way, once my body got the hang of it there was no holding me back.

Parties out, dinners out, anything later in the evening and I merely adjust my time parameters. Only once have I gone over my 8 hour window and that was when a scabby dog ran past me and I just had to have it! :dog:

Hope this helps, cheers :drink:

ballerina x :heart:
OK, it does help, thanks a lot!!!
When I'm fasting, I usually do the same with you and sometimes when I'm not fasting, since I eat lunch at 14.30 and dinner at 20.30 and sometimes I skip breakfast. But if I go out for dinner then I eat around 21.00-22.00 and I rarely stop eating before midnight so I can't see me doing this on daily basis.
I do have one question though: do you drink coffee with milk outside your window?
only ever drink black coffee, so I guess the answer is, no!

Ballerina x
A huh!
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