Ha ha ha ha!!!! Do I not drink? Ha ha ha! Ahem, ...cough...clears throat, yes, I sometime imbibe, he he ha ha......sorry TML. Right, got my serious face on now,

so, in answer to your question, yes, I drink wine, not fussed where on the colour spectrum it falls, I drink it.

Next week I am out with the girls for a curry one evening and I shall just tweek my window a little. I shall have a very light, late lunch, and then have whatever I want to eat and drink whilst I am out. I never count calories unless I've dropped more weight, I never put it on now and can't believe it, and although not a heavy drinker (8st to be precise!)I have whatever I want. I am off to the pub in a bit and will have a couple of drinks, I also had 2 glasses with my lunch today.
I am as amazed as any human being could be at how this has panned out for me, way beyond my wildest dreams. My target weight was 8st 7lbs and although I got off to a painfully slow start with significant plateaux along the way, once my body got the hang of it there was no holding me back.
Parties out, dinners out, anything later in the evening and I merely adjust my time parameters. Only once have I gone over my 8 hour window and that was when a scabby dog ran past me and I just had to have it!
Hope this helps, cheers
ballerina x