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Fasting Windows

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Re: 16:8 only and weight loss
15 Apr 2018, 23:44
I’m starting week 3 of the 16:8 and feel really good. I’m surprised I’m not hungry in the mornings and if I do feel like eating, I know it’s just out of habit. I’m more alert and detailed-oriented and my sleep has improved without having to resort to prescription sleep aid.

I do not plan to step on the scale until 6 weeks in. I’m also using my clothing as guides and that means NO MORE NEW CLOTHING until I can get into the ones I have. Sometimes, I notice I can go 30 minutes longer, putting me at 16:8.5, whatever that means, but I still finish my last meal by 8:00 pm.

I wish I could see some success pictures of successful 16:8 fasters; love motivation.

Stay tuned. :wink:
Re: 16:8 only and weight loss
21 Apr 2018, 15:12
I'm wrapping up week 3 of 16:8 and yesterday, went out for a co-worker's birthday lunch celebration and I broke my fast with a glass of red zinfandel and burger w/the works, fries and shared a sundae between 3 people. I couldn't finish the burger and the sundae was a few spoonfuls and I was so full by the time 7:00 p.m. rolled around, I decided that the one meal was enough for me.

I'm keto, but want a burger with bread for some reason. I'm usually pretty good with bread-restraint, but I didn't care yesterday. I know I'll be more mindful next time.

I usually have my first meal around 12-12:30 and sometimes, 1:00 p.m. and finish eating my last meal around 7-8:00 p.m. Last night was weird and I had a couple bites of DH's pork chop and a couple bites of a keto bread sandwich and ice cream and finished around 9:30 p.m., so my first meal will be around 1:30 or 2:00 p.m. today.

I'm reading a lot of articles of how people are losing weight quickly on 16:8, but it doesn't seem like I am. I refrain from drinking wine during the week, but I feel it is deserved on the weekends. Me & DH collect good red wine in our cellar and I see no reason to save it, when it's there for drinking anyway. Yesterday, I tried on a pair of old jeans and those suckers still don't fit. As a matter of fact, they ripped a bit in the back crouch area. They're almost 20 years old and made from the old dungaree, not stretchy material, and every time I wash them, it's a bear to wear them, so I'm wondering if I'm gaining instead of losing weight. I read an article that it takes about 6-8 weeks to START seeing results.

Stay tuned. :geek:
Re: 16:8 only and weight loss
21 Apr 2018, 21:24
Hi @lindalove

Thanks for that update. I hear your frustration...

Carorees is one of our members who lost and maintained using 16:8, though she started with 5:2. Her story is in the relevant discussion topic. There were others as well, can't quite remember who. Barbarita I think, and I believe she now follows OMAD, a very small window of eating.

I hadn't heard that 16:8 is supposed to give quick weight loss. It will of course depend on how much less you eat in those 8 hours than you would normally! For some people, perhaps those who are eating from first thing in the morning til last thing at night, then windows eating may significantly reduce what they eat. Some of us, however, can pack in just as many cals in 8 hours as we did all day...!

Best wishes and good luck. :smile: :clover:
Re: 16:8 only and weight loss
22 Apr 2018, 01:33
Thank you for the info. I’ve been trying to find some concrete results because I really like this protocol. I tried 5:2, but it was too restrictive for me. This allows me to eat normal meals and just skip breakfast, which is fine with me. I’m so busy as soon as I step into work that I hardly think about eating breakfast and I heat up the coffee I bring with me.

I enjoy my keto lunch that I bring and am satisfied until dinner. I’m going to locate them members 16:8 worked for and see if I can get some advise.
Re: 16:8 only and weight loss
22 Apr 2018, 02:43
Hi again @lindalove

Here is the link to carorees story ... story/amp/

If you look at the SUCCESS link near the top of the page, there may be some other 16:8 stories.

There was also a very active 16:8 discussion thread that may be useful.. I will see if I can find it. Actually, if you look at the "Fasting Windows" topic fasting-windows-f45/ there are lots of threads that may be useful...

Good luck!
Re: 16:8 only and weight loss
25 Apr 2018, 10:57
Re: 16:8 only and weight loss
25 Apr 2018, 11:00
I read her story a couple of weeks or so ago and her success came using both 5:2 and 16:8. I’m looking for strictly 16:8 fasters.

That’s what I’m not trying to get involved in: two protocols.
Re: 16:8 only and weight loss
25 Apr 2018, 12:01
I think carorees only did one at a time - started on 5:2 then moved to 16:8 where she continued to lose weight. So she was a strictly 16:8 faster who lost weight from a given point in time.

Btw I think Ballerina may have been the initial 16:8 guru, so perhaps look for the discussion threads she started,,,
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