Wolfie wrote: I feel somewhat nimwhitted here, but I have to ask - if you do 16/8 each day - how much do you eat during the window?
Wolfie, I've been using an 18:6, so a 6-hour window. It's working out that I'm beginning it about noon, although I'm still experimenting with time. When I open my window, I'm usually pretty hungry so I have a big and delicious meal, either a breakfast-type or a dinner, just depending on what sounds good. I try to keep it fairly low carbish, which I consider anything under a 100 g of carbs to be. I might have 5 or 6 ounces of meat or fish, fixed anyway I like, all the veggies I can find in the fridge, lightly sauteed in butter, yogurt and berries with cinnamon. Or I might have bacon and eggs and veggies. If I am generous with the butter, I am not hungry again until very near the end of my six-hour window

and then not for a big meal so my favorite second meal is a smoothie with almond milk, protein powder, cinnamon, banana and berries -- other fruit from time to time. It makes a big cold shake that is a delicious treat on a hot day and very filling.

If I want "dessert" I have a handful of almonds. In the afternoons I've sometimes added an ice cream cone for a treat or a cookie or two.
I've gone out to eat a couple of times and just switched around my shake and big meal, started my window about 2 pm instead of noon, and eaten whatever I wanted at the restaurant, shying away from grain and processed stuff.
I'm losing on that still, although I'm newly back to Fastday, about 3 weeks in. As long as I lose, I won't add a 500 calorie fast day.
I'm actually getting an 18-hour fast every day this way, which I hope is giving my body some good repair time. I'm in it to lose weight but mostly I want good health again and am now pre-diabetic with arthritis and a few other things that relate to overweight that I am eager to see improve. Your 36 hours with only 500 calories seems hard to me but I do remember from the last time I did 5:2 (successfully for about 6 months), I felt hungrier when I first began than I did after I was into it for a while. Seemed like my body adjusted.
I'm liking the way I'm eating now and think maybe sustainability is the key for me. If it's feeling hard or I'm feeling deprived, I'll quite soon, but so far that isn't happening. But I have a long way to go.
Most important is hang in there with whatever you can do until you work out a plan that suits you! Good luck!