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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 17:35
:clover: @rawkaren No such thing as a failed fast !!!!
Postponed yes and as @callyanna Said it's your last
day-night so nothings off the menu fill your boots girl there's always tomorrow :heart: Enjoy All All All :shock: :shock: :shock:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 17:38
@Sue.Q, just adore your new kitty! Such a cool cat! :cat: does he play requests? :music: :musical: :razz:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 18:20
Have been in the kitchen most of the day and decided to make and freeze some Hairy Dieters sugar and fat free tea loaf for OH whilst I was at it for when OH gets home next week. Its lovely but its CARBS (and wheat based too). I only had one piece, but it was a large slice.....
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 18:52
As Azureblue said on twitter - you can fast on the plane! :victory: :cool:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 19:42
Recently back to 5:2, fell off the wagon, and this year have decided to go lower carbs. I have downloaded an app that tracks the GL levels and am finding losing weight much easier. Is there room in the tent for a late comer please :grin:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 19:45
Always room for everyone m'dear.
May have to have a hot choccy drink to stem these evening cravings besting me :0'
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 20:40
Silverdarling wrote: As Azureblue said on twitter - you can fast on the plane! :victory: :cool:

Perhaps. I have your choc in my bag :lol:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 21:12
Think it was @PennyForthem who recently mentioned celeriac, one of the lowest carb root veg and so glad I decided to try it today. I'm not a great lover of celery so had always dismissed it thinking it would taste too similar but what a revelation! It's mild, creamy and utterly delicious! Doesn't have a lot going for it in the good looks department with its knobbly skin and roots but once cooked it's yum! Made soup with half of it today and will use the rest in a mash puree with potatoes or even butternut squash. Good recipes for it in the Celia Brooks Brown Low carb veggie book. :like: :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 22:12
:heart: Yes @callyanna My kitty plays all requests
"What ever you want" just name it he'll play it :heart:

Yes it was @PennyForthem who told me I should try celeriac and I forgot it while at Tesco yesterday but will get one deffo will try soup + mash and maybe roasted.
I have tried my first squash and that was a success and
will try again deffo so we're all learning + trying different foods this WOL and especially this forum is a minefield of information which can only be good for us :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 22:21
Two requests then @Sue.Q (btw , you will have to disclose your cool cat's name!) 'What's new Pussycat?' and 'Year of the Cat'.....I'll get me coat! :razz: :razz:
Do try the celeriac Sue, think you'll be pleasantly surprised!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
19 Jan 2014, 11:55
*fighting her way into the tent*

Help ... I think this is what I need! :shock: :confused: :like:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
19 Jan 2014, 16:53
:heart: Come on in @lizzieh You can make baby/tiny steps to begin with as many of us have But for me the changes I've made an enormous difference. Good. Luck :heart:

@callyanna Couldn't get a celeriac locally
(3 supermarkets ) will get one later in week coz I know Tesco stock them and will report back when I've got it
and tried it :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
19 Jan 2014, 17:00
Sue.Q wrote: :heart: Come on in @lizzieh You can make baby/tiny steps to begin with as many of us have But for me the changes I've made an enormous difference. Good. Luck :heart:

@callyanna Couldn't get a celeriac locally
(3 supermarkets ) will get one later in week coz I know Tesco stock them and will report back when I've got it
and tried it :heart:

Bought mine in Morrison's Sue but then saw them much cheaper later in my local market so will buy there in future. :like:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
19 Jan 2014, 17:04
We've got Morrison+Asda +Co-op locally but smaller versions so all useless but yes good idea will try the market :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
19 Jan 2014, 18:55
Got one in Asda today - v pleased its from Lincolnshire as I try (not always sucessfully) to avoid imported veg. I'm going to make a large dauphonaise (?) and portion it up for the freezer.
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