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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
19 Jan 2014, 19:01
We had goulash with beany mash (celeriac, swede and mashed canellinni beans) and it was proper winter fayre!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
20 Jan 2014, 00:18
I am going to try low carb combined with my (so far) successful experience of 5:2. I have digestive 'issues' that are exacerbated by a high carb diet - I love potatoes and rice so struggle to give them up. I am finally at a point that I have to do this for myself and for my body. I want to start treating it well :)
I generally eat very well - hardly any pasta or bread - but potatoes and rice are my downfall. Hopefully a switch to sweet potato and cauliflower rice will help.
I also hope that it will help to shift holiday weight, kick start my 5:2 weight loss again and was hoping I could pick your brains for motivation, ideas or advice!


Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
20 Jan 2014, 02:20
kelkelkelster wrote: I am going to try low carb combined with my (so far) successful experience of 5:2. I have digestive 'issues' that are exacerbated by a high carb diet - I love potatoes and rice so struggle to give them up. I am finally at a point that I have to do this for myself and for my body. I want to start treating it well :)
I generally eat very well - hardly any pasta or bread - but potatoes and rice are my downfall. Hopefully a switch to sweet potato and cauliflower rice will help.
I also hope that it will help to shift holiday weight, kick start my 5:2 weight loss again and was hoping I could pick your brains for motivation, ideas or advice!


Ocht, it's that time of night (post several vinos) when I shouldn't be posting at all, so I'll be a complete erse and promote my own thread. Please see my signature, @Kelkelkelster, for a link to a series of utterly experimental low-carb veggie recipes and shenanigans. Enjoy - I think some of it might help.

And please do know that you've made the best decision ever with low-carb AND 5:2. xxx FatDog
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
20 Jan 2014, 04:00
Thank you @FatDog! I've really enjoyed reading through your posts... Quite dangerous, seeing as I'm supposed to be working right now!

I hadn't quite factored in the traces of carbohydrates in foods that you wouldn't automatically consider - in my mind I was planning on cutting down bread, pasta, rice and potatoes, and cutting out (as much as possible) all this sugar nonsense that we're so addicted to.

Did you start out being as strict as you are now with low carb? Or did you start off more simply?

I'm intrigued by your success - you must be so proud! I had lost 6 kilos in about 3 months before Christmas... 3 of those kilos went back on with no fasting for a month and eating like a pig, but I'm back on the straight and narrow as of today.

Thanks again for your advice.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
20 Jan 2014, 11:24
Thank you @SueQ!

I'm struggling at the moment as weight just about what it was 3 months ago - I thought it was going in the right direction but need to make better progress. So I'm trying to be more careful re carbs. Hoping it will make a difference!

Reading this thread and I think it's sinking in...

:like: :clover: :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
20 Jan 2014, 15:28
kelkelkelster wrote: <snip>

Did you start out being as strict as you are now with low carb? Or did you start off more simply?

Reading the forum at work @kelkelkelster? Dangerous indeed - I'd swear the forum swallows half my day before I know where it's gone :)

Started with 5:2 (well, 4:3) at the beginning of May, added in low-carb on 24th June. Kicked off on the low-carb following Rose Elliot's low-carb veggie plot - 20g carb per day for minimum two weeks (I did three, I think), then gradually increase carbs by 5g a week (or not, if you don't feel the weight is coming off).

I found that at 70g of carb a day my weight loss stalled, so I now aim for 50g (20g on a repair day) with the understanding that I'll miss it occasionally.

And I have the odd blowout, usually recovered in a week. Multiple blowouts (such as the festive season just passed) take a bit longer...
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
22 Jan 2014, 08:54
Hadnt really occurred to me before, but Balsamic vinegar is quite sugary, so I'm going to stop adding it to my vinaigrette, and use mustard instead.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
22 Jan 2014, 09:05
You know, I'm rubbish at this. Yesterday started well with hardly a carb but, while visiting more grandsons, a deadly teacake jumped into my mouth. Ok, hold steady, don't over-react, I told myself. Dinner was a ready meal for speedy ease with lots of veg followed by the banana in yogurt with flaked almonds and chopped Brazils. But then ...
I found the chocolate covered ginger left over from Christmas in the cupboard!
Blimey, before you could say 'How's your father?' I'd eaten three quarters and then luckily OH polished off the rest.
Guilt-racked I went to bed.
I have yet to stand on the scales today :0(
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
22 Jan 2014, 09:16
I seem to have found the perfect solution, break a tooth whilst indulging in chilled chilli chocolate. Not only does it stop you ingesting carbs, it stops you ingesting anything and there are two reasons for this, firstly, it is uncomfortable to eat and secondly, you need the money saved on food to pay for the dental work. It could be described as a 'win, win' situation but that was not exactly the word I uttered. .......mmmmm

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
22 Jan 2014, 10:26
Oooh Ballerina that's a bummer. Fillings are sly devils, breaking ridiculously on a buttered crumpet or cashew nut. Then there's the wait to see the dentist who puts in a stupid temporary filling that falls out at the first cup of tea. Then there's the wait to see the dentist who deigns to put in a proper filling, thereby doubling their fee.
Apologies to any dentists here who don't engage in this sharp practice.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
23 Jan 2014, 13:09
:heart: Blimey I lost my way a bit there and couldn't find the
Low Carbers Tent :shock: :shock: Page 18!!!!!
@PennyForthem and @callyanna and @Minumonline and anyone else out there as this tent is bloody deserted
and I need help so I'm just on my way over to checkout @FatDog for inspiration.

We're obviously not communicating to each other anyway I've found you all now so here goes I've got my celeriac at long last so will try it tomorrow is oven roasting OK for it?

Tried my first squash last week and wasn't sure if it needed peeling and deseeding
( do you guys eat the seeds and or the peel) so did few options but yes was a success and tasty alternative to potatoes which at the moment I'm finding very tasteless indeed even my OH is complaining about them and
he'll eat anything.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
23 Jan 2014, 13:12
@Sue.Q, just off out but will get back to you later with some ideas for the celeriac. Glad you resurrected this thread, wondered where it had gone too!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
23 Jan 2014, 13:30
helloooo *waves*

Celeriac chips - spray with Frylight and pop in the oven
Celeriac mash - either on its own or mashed with other root veg (I love it with swede) with some mustard or horseradish. I sometimes mash some cannellini beans into it for added fibre and texture! It makes nice little patties for shallow frying.
Diced, boiled and use in casseroles, curries etc
Raw - grate, sprinkle with lemon juice, then add gherkins or anything of your choice, then mix in a dollop of (low fat if wished) mayo or some crème frais as a remoulade.

Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
23 Jan 2014, 13:49
:heart: Howzat? = Brilliant thanks@PennyForthem

Such a sad sight this deserted tent even our resident forum
:shock: Tent groupie @CandiceMarie was nowhere to be seen and she's in and out of anyone's tent. :shock:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
23 Jan 2014, 14:01
Ach, that @Candicemarie is usually hanging round any guy (rope!)

We'll have to keep this tent going then, Sue.Q! In fact loiter within... tent!
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