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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 21:32
:shock: Bugger my answer disappeared!!!
:heart: Thanks @PennyForthem I've never even tried it and your casserole sounded wonderful :heart:

Thank-you @Minumonline I didn't use it tonight because I didn't even think of it and while meal was cooking came on forum as you do and saw the cream thingy come up again I can't get my head round it because all the bull***
that's been fed to us is really stuck inside me :heart:

Thanks a few more options for me to try I'm not a big veg lover but am eating far more now regardless to what I actually "want" well they do bulk up every meal. :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 21:35
Do try it, Sue - it's one of those knobbly ugly veg (sounds a bit like me then!) but so versatile!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 21:36
PennyForthem wrote: Try celeriac Sue. It's fantastic! I eat it grated raw in a remoulade and cooked any which way. Makes good chips too. In fact, it's my wonder veg.

I did a beany mash which will easily serve 3-4

Small tin (140g drained) Cirio cannellini beans, mashed
200g celeriac boiled, mashed
200g swede boiled, mashed
mix/mash all together
add a little plain yogurt

I also added: horseradish (from a tube), cumin seeds, seasoning and a little chilli. We wolfed it down and there's still a healthy portion left. If divided equally into 3, there are 76 cals per serving and 12g carbs. I had a heavily veg laden portion of the casserole and, my word, did I enjoy it!!!

Oh I love raw celeriac. @pennyforthem you sound such a fabulous cook. I could eat all of the food you write about.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 22:16
I really really wish veg like celeriac, Jerusalem artichokes, turnips, swede etc was sold frozen and prepared like chips, so you could come home from work and put a portion in the oven.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 22:32
Minumonline wrote: I really really wish veg like celeriac, Jerusalem artichokes, turnips, swede etc was sold frozen and prepared like chips, so you could come home from work and put a portion in the oven.

Want to go into business @Minumonline?

Nah, seriously though, I think there is a major low-carb market out there just waiting for some enterprising chaps to do just that. None of this cruddy 'low-carb breakfast bar' stuff - but real food. Preferably slathered in cream and cheese too : I'm drooling at the thought. :)

Trouble is in the present food-politics climate (stupid Dieticians Association lot are *still* saying fat=bad, even though there's diddly squit proper research evidence to show it), it's unlikely that any but the "converted" would buy such foods, and the press would savage the producers to death as evil purveyors of heart attacks...

p.s. just encountered this and it makes me despair ... ionKit.pdf Daily Heil is promoting it. I mean, peanut butter and choc chip cookies as part of your *daily* diet?

p.p.s. lovely end of the woods you live in there Minumonline - I used to stay near Ripe (officially Firle) and worked in Lewes - loved it.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 23:07
Try Farmfoods for frozen veg, minsmum. May not be celeriac, but a good selection ready to go.
Trouble is, celeriac doesn't have a good fanbase, poor thing. We need to change that.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 23:17
It's early days yet but I have been restricting my carbs to 20g or less on a fast day and under 100g usually 50-70g on other days. Tried to increase fat too and am finding I am full on 1200 cals which is unheard of. Not managed to get my protein levels up to 90g yet though which is what Phinney and Volek recommend for my body weight. Quite a dramatic drop in weight this week (for me); early in the week I was 8st 11.5lbs then dropped to 8 st 8.5lbs. We'll see what Friday's weigh in for Valentine Club brings. :)
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 23:50
Loulou51 wrote: It's early days yet but I have been restricting my carbs to 20g or less on a fast day and under 100g usually 50-70g on other days. Tried to increase fat too and am finding I am full on 1200 cals which is unheard of. Not managed to get my protein levels up to 90g yet though which is what Phinney and Volek recommend for my body weight. Quite a dramatic drop in weight this week (for me); early in the week I was 8st 11.5lbs then dropped to 8 st 8.5lbs. We'll see what Friday's weigh in for Valentine Club brings. :)

I was in a study comparing the low carb diet w/ the DASH high carb diet. We had to keep food logs (for 2 1/2 years). The logs measured carbs, but I went back and computed calories for when I was eating all of the fat/protein I wanted (but less than 20 g carbs a day).

My caloric intake when I was eating basically nothing but fat/protein, and all of it that I wanted, was between 1000 and 1200 per day. I lost weight like crazy, and was never hungry. Eating fat/protein is also a low calorie diet. Which is why the Atkins diet really works.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Jan 2014, 07:26
Right I think I'm back on track with low carbs. Zero calorie fast yesterday and tested for ketones this morning. Sucesss. I have no excuse now but to stay here.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Jan 2014, 07:28
Good luck today rawkaren , and enjoy the yummy fat :grin:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 12:27
Crickey I had a monster carb attack last night, ate several GF biscuits without a thought!!
Is that like my body needing a refeed?
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 15:21
Azureblue wrote: Crickey I had a monster carb attack last night, ate several GF biscuits without a thought!!
Is that like my body needing a refeed?

Hmmm, not sure to be honest @Azureblue. I had a similar attack a night or two ago but with chocolate, craving wasn't satisfied so tried nuts which fixed it. Worked out afterwards that it was probably salt that I was after.

I think a low-carber rule of thumb when encountering cravings should be: a) drink some water and b) have some salt. If you're still craving carbs twenty or so minutes after, you've probably fallen out of ketosis - so eat some cheese and tell the nasty cravings to take a hike! xxx FatDog
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 17:19
Tonights pre dinner nibbles ; Fatdogs awesome flaxseed crackers (cayenne pepper version) smothered in lovely Aldi goats cheese, topped with a piece of marinated pepper, served with a glass of Aldi's Toro Loco.

Perfection :grin: :grin:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 17:22
One word for me today (it's a failed fast).......

CARBO-CIDE!!!!! :doctor: :doctor: :doctor: :knife: :knife: :knife: :cake: :cake:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Jan 2014, 17:28
rawkaren wrote: One word for me today (it's a failed fast).......

CARBO-CIDE!!!!! :doctor: :doctor: :doctor: :knife: :knife: :knife: :cake: :cake:

What was it Karen that was so carboholic? Think for your last night here you're entitled to go a bit wild! :razz: :grin:
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