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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
11 Jan 2014, 22:43
that cauliflower sounds so yummy @bordergirl
Well done @Julieathome

We went out last night for a bbq last night and I managed to stay away from the 'carbs' - just had the delicious salads, steak and then ice cream cake for sweets and I kept away from the bread rolls potatoes and sauces.

Lunch out again today, and I definitely plan to make wise food choices - it's proving quite a challenge some days especially as I am lactose intolerant as well.

cheers Maggie :smile: :smile:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
11 Jan 2014, 23:20
I so missed bread when I started 'more or less' paleo (I do eat processed grains sometimes - as a treat), but last week the family requested a bread pudding for Sunday pud and I made it, served it and wasn't bothered. Coconut flour is a good sub for white four if you can find recipes (I like the Civilized Caveman recipes). His recipes are GF, and often dairy free too.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Jan 2014, 12:56
As an experiment yesterday we had a brunch of smoked salmon & scrambled eggs & didn't feel hungry until around 6-0pm. We then had a haddock gratin that had a few potatoes in it with mushy peas & spinach but an M &S small strawberry cheesecake pot. We tried to keep it low in carbs & I don't know how many but I suppose the cheesecake did have some sugar & a biscuit base. It was good that we didn't feel hungry for at least six hours after our brunch. We are still learning how to reduce our carbs on a weekly basis but I don't think I could completely cut out organic whole meal or home baked bread!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Jan 2014, 17:35
I'm experimenting with making gluten free bread rolls. The latest incarnation is
100g GF brown bread flour,
100g ground almonds, and
50g milled flaxseed, with
1tspn baking powder and
2tspn cream of tartar and
1tspn caraway seed.
Mix the dry ingredients together well then pour in
200ml whole milk
And mix until it's a sticky soft ball of dough. With floured hands divide into 4 and roll each quarter into a ball.
Put on a warmed and coconut-oiled baking tray, brush the rolls with coconut oil and cook for
15 minutes at gas mark 7,
then turn them over and cook for a further 5 minutes.
Leave to cool, covered by a clean cloth, on a wire rack.
If anyone can figure out the cals and carbs numbers for this that would be great :0)
I store them in a sealed plastic box when cold so they don't dry out too quickly.
I think they taste brilliant with butter and very satisfying.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Jan 2014, 17:49
Last nights dinner was chicken and mushrooms in cream and mustard on a bed of kale. Really yummy. I'd forgotten how much I love cream.

I'm still missing something sweet after dinner, but as I don't have anything in, I can't succombe. Once Jan is over, I might go back to dark chocolate.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 16:30
Where have all of the low carbers gone? I'm guilty as I have been distracted with Green and Blacks dark chocolate for a couple of days which seemed to have knocked me out of kilter completely.

Anyone making any tempting low carb suppers tonight :?: :?: :?:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 16:36
Julieathome wrote: I've just used a tracker and using the highest figures there for kebabs, with the half pitta, the 5 chips and the christmas cake I've come in at approximately 600kcals and 69g carbs (35g were the Christmas cake, oops).

I am actually shocked/pleased at that. I now just have to learn to slow down when eating after a day of fasting as it took ages for the full signal to reach my brain and by then I was stuffed, overfull in fact.

@Julieathome I'm a little bit partial to a chicken kebab on takeaway night. What's bad about a chicken breast, salad and a pitta bread.
Could just eat one now as it happens.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 16:40
Yes @rawkaren I'm low carbing my evening meal
steamed salmon with 3 vegetables maybe one small new potato for me, I'm thinking that's a good choice :heart:
:shock: But its these bloody chocolates I've just had 3 already and I really don't think they were low carb. :shock:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 16:50
That sounds yummy @Sue.q Step away from the chocs though. I have had to throw the ones we had away :lol:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 16:56
No, Sue, they're not *frowns and goes to hunt said wet fish*

Thinking of suggesting to hubs that he does 2 days lowish carbs to start off with, as he's plateaued.
In fact, I shall try and get him to join here and use the tracker and get all the wonderful info, too.

We're having casserole with Denver steak and veg and a swede/celeriac mash. Tummy rumbling at the thought of it. The casserole was cooked yesterday so it's meltingly tender. I'm going to reduce the liquid, rather than thicken it.

And I've lost the weight I put on over Christmas!!! Could murder one of your chocs, though @Sue.q!!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 17:07
I'm having gammon & fried egg with cauliflower cheese and fried tomatoes tonight.

Just sitting down for pre dinner nibbles of Fatdog's fab flaxseed biscuits topped with pate with some lovely Italian red wine

Should come in at under 20g carbs today :grin:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 17:24
Minumonline wrote: I'm having gammon & fried egg with cauliflower cheese and fried tomatoes tonight.

Just sitting down for pre dinner nibbles of Fatdog's fab flaxseed biscuits topped with pate with some lovely Italian red wine

Should come in at under 20g carbs today :grin:

That sounds amazing. I have only had coffee all day and could eat all of that :starving:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 20:59
:heart: @PennyForthem Well done on loosing your xmas gain lucky girl and yes get the hubby up here to chat with us all
and talk dirty in the men's tent :shock:

:heart: Stepped away @rawkaren I said I was rationing them so that's me done for today the meal was very nice indeed, but one query on the good fat thingy I used to do a " special" potato dish involving cream and spring onions and wondering if firstly cream yes or no?
( obviously non-fastday)
would it work with turnip/cream/spring onions? :heart:
I have been using turnip in place of potato and I think my changes over the last 2/3 months are small ones but the actual benefits I'm getting are enormous!!!

Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 21:13
Try celeriac Sue. It's fantastic! I eat it grated raw in a remoulade and cooked any which way. Makes good chips too. In fact, it's my wonder veg.

I did a beany mash which will easily serve 3-4

Small tin (140g drained) Cirio cannellini beans, mashed
200g celeriac boiled, mashed
200g swede boiled, mashed
mix/mash all together
add a little plain yogurt

I also added: horseradish (from a tube), cumin seeds, seasoning and a little chilli. We wolfed it down and there's still a healthy portion left. If divided equally into 3, there are 76 cals per serving and 12g carbs. I had a heavily veg laden portion of the casserole and, my word, did I enjoy it!!!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Jan 2014, 21:15
Sue I think cream is a definite yes - I had lovely chicken in cream the other night. When I did Atkins a few years ago I often had turnip gratin - love it. With spring onion sounds great.
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