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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Blimey, two huge books back to back? Good luck @Azureblue

Bean :geek:
Azureblue wrote: I'd join in but I'm deep in Winter in Madrid by C J Sansom and it's brick size. I'll catch up when it's completed.
How is it @azureblue? I have it on my ipad and just not got around to reading it yet.
It is a great book @rawkaren I particularly enjoyed his Shardlake series of which I think there are about 5 or 6. Elizabethan lawyer, very well written and informative.
I've just finished the Rosie project. It was ok. Don reminded me of Abed from Community. Particarly when he started channeling movie characters.
I've just finished the rosie project too. I really enjoyed it. A lovely book and despite the kind of extremeness of it, i found the characters totally believable.
Is ANYONE reading The Luminaries? I feel so alone...I'm sure at least 6 people voted for it...As Delia once famously shouted at her poor Norwich supporters...."Where are you?!"

Bean :geek:
Sorry, Iwent for Rosie, a quick, easy, fun read. I enjoyed it mostly, but it wasn't a fave. Not sure why.
nursebean wrote: I think it's the sort of book that you shouldn't have too many breaks from

So true! I finished it last night after starting in October! I had to re-read the first 150 pages as I had lost track of all the characters and events, and even though the author kindly includes a sort of recap chapter midway, a lot of the details remain fuzzy. I wish I had bought it on Kindle rather than hardcover, because then I could have used the search facility to refresh my memory. I mostly tend to read for ten minutes before sleep and this was not the book for that sort of reading - except for getting me off to sleep, worked brilliantly for that! I found it a chore to be honest - I am just too lazy a reader, and I skipped all the astrology stuff which the author had worked so hard to build into it. With about 100 pages to go, it became a page-turner at last (after about 700 pages!) but then it drifted on for a few pages too many then just stopped. Plot-wise I'm somewhat annoyed with it, but won't say more for fear of spoilers.
It has some beautiful/funny/clever/insightful phrasing and creates a vivid picture of gold rush New Zealand, a fascinating time and place I had never given much thought to before. But I didn't enjoy it.

I look forward to hearing other views.
Oh at last! @kentishlass I love you!! Thank you for your "non spoiler" review. I am currently about 60% in. It's beginning to be a real struggle now but I'm determined to get there and come back with my review.

Bean :geek:
I'm reading it nursebean, I'm 77% there. @kentishlass I did the same thing reread about the same amount. At least the chapters are getting shorter or there's a break in them so you have somewhere to stop.
I'm reading it too but haven't been able to dedicate chunks of time to it which it probably needs. Mostly cos I spend so much blooming time on here!!!
I shall try and make a dent in it on the plane home on Monday, as long as I don't fall asleep which is a definite possibility!
Yes I think this is the type of book that you have to devote great chunks of time too...just so you can remember who's who? But I'm pretty sure I'm keeping up so far.

Bean :fat: :cake:
How ON EARTH did that fat get there?!

Bean :grin: :grin: :lol: :lol: :shock:
nursebean wrote: How ON EARTH did that fat get there?!

Bean :grin: :grin: :lol: :lol: :shock:

Well, is that not the question that we have all been asking ourselves for years now? :shock: :shock: :shock: that said, I've done that as well, I think the fat smilie must sort of get in the way and get 'clicked' accidentally. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, books! I keep meaning to get The Rosie Project but I am now so far behind with my reading and I can't get into my local book club book so I'm really struggling. The stupid thing is that every time I am in town I buy at least 1 book from pound land and they are now stacking up. I shall round them all up and take them to Scotland next month and have a blissful 3 weeks of dog walking, reading, sleeping in front of log fires, lovely wines, fabulous meals with hubs and then I should have caught up. Hubs suddenly bought me a late Christmas present the other day, a Kindle 'Paperwhite' and boy, am I in heaven, it is fabulous. I loved my original kindle but this one is smaller, ( no need for the keyboard space ) lighter, front lit, touch screen and a thing of beauty, so, no excuses now :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
The Rosie Project looks cute and only $1.99 on Amazon. I'm in! :)
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