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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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I'm liking this tent with all my creature comforts.

Comfy carpet, tick
Coloured cushions, tick
Cuddley duvet, tick
Cookbooks, tick
Coconut oil, tick

and a corset like @Manderley's so at least I can pretend I've lost weight by pulling it in tight.

If you don't mind though I don't like coffee so I'll bring along my own teabags.

Thanks @Sue.Q, we can have fun in here while it lasts. Someone will come along soon with a magic wand and this place will be empty :smile: .
wildmissus wrote: I'm liking this tent with all my creature comforts.
If you don't mind though I don't like coffee so I'll bring along my own teabags.

Thanks @Sue.Q, we can have fun in here while it lasts. Someone will come along soon with a magic wand and this place will be empty :smile: .

I'm with you on the tea bags but mine have to be PG tips so will pack them now don't need milk and oh confession time I've not managed to give up the white crystals yet. :shock:

Can't wait for the bloke with the wand though. :heart:
Don't need milk either nor the white crystals.

If we are waiting for a bloke we could be waiting quite a while :lol: .
@wildmissus wishing you some clarity on what is happening with your heart and hope your foggy head situation settles. Relax in this tent, it's a comfy place. At least we can set up a nice space for those that follow us when we are on our way again. This tent caters to all tastes just bring along your favorite supplies

@Tracieknits sounds like a good plan, thanks for sharing. Must be a relief to have meds reduced and seeing some movement. Plateaus happen to us all at some time as this is a way of life it is good to show that being persistent pay off

Hi @SueQ why not a female with a wand was thinking along the lines of a @FatDog vary fairy except can the vary we want downward trend fairy.

This do for starters @wildmissus @gillymary et al??

If it does, a few could be ordered :cool: :wink:
That's the business @Silverdarling...I'm off to put my jammies on.
:like: Probably better as a female magician the fairer sex the multitasking oh I could go on Yes @FatDog Has been helping me along my journey and I did receive the kick up the butt I needed by someone now who was that!!
OK rucksack packed let me see if there's anything missing oh is alcohol allowed in this tent ?
:clover: on non-fast days of course.

yeh night night all x
Fab idea @gillymary
Scenic route and the luxurious tents from @Silverdarling ...comfy ' jamas and great company takes the pain out of a difficult situation!
@wildmissus hope you start feeling a bit better soonest x
@Sue.Q i too am a PG gal! X
:heart: OH here comes the forum "tent groupie" @CandiceMarie You can't make up your mind which tent you're sleeping in and there's so many to choose from now, yes PGs packed look everyone's fallen asleep bet I'll be joining them soon so back to the insomniacs tent for you my girl PS:: I've never been in that one give me 20mins and you'll hear me snoring away. :heart:
@Silverdarling nice one, you are in the zone comfy looking Tent you have there but make it much bigger as we are going to have to fit us all in and our creature comforts.

Sure @CandiceMarie you are very welcome and happy hour happens so bring along your fave drink thought I will be loaded up with lime and bubbly mineral h20 as most times these days mine is a spritzer. Even my taste for spirits has diminished, diluted a G&T the other day, probably shameful but 'twas nice at half strength.
Trying to get the 5:2 Book Club its own special tent in the Glamping Grounds too ...
wildmissus wrote:
Comfy carpet, tick
Coloured cushions, tick
Cuddley duvet, tick
Cookbooks, tick
Coconut oil, tick

I read this as "lick" not "tick" at first *and* second glance LOL! We don't tick the box in the US, we would say "check". Another instance of being divided by a common language.

@Gillymary my favorite new cocktail is bubbly mineral water with a splash of St Germain liqueur. It's elderflower and really lovely and light :-) How about I bring a bottle for the tent?

@Silverdarling - that looks like it'll do nicely :-)
Do you think this looks like us?

Vintage glamping site in North Yorks Moors nr Whitby, complete with Circus Tent and Dressing Up Box - I think @Manderley would feel at home!
nursebean wrote: Oh come and join us @Wineoclock it's much easier than you think! Actually, when I think about it, it's more difficult fasting 2 days a week because of the lengthy gap between the fasts...just leaves me open to temptation for too long!

Bean :doh:

That's one of (the many) reasons that I'm doing 4:3; 'though it usually ends up being 4.5 : 2.5 as Friday tends to degenerate into a half-repair, I found the three day gap between repairs a bit much within the first two weeks of starting this WoE...
Silverdarling wrote: Do you think this looks like us?

Vintage glamping site in North Yorks Moors nr Whitby, complete with Circus Tent and Dressing Up Box - I think @Manderley would feel at home!

Ohh doesnt it look great SD! I bagsy the big pink bedroom x the little caravans etc are so sweet!
Hope it isnt miles to the loo tho :curse:
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