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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Yes agree lovely snail!
@PennyForthem- small is beautiful :lol: :lol: :lol: - nuff said!
janeg wrote: please, please NOT PINK! my poor eyes.

:heart: I'm with @janeg Don't like the pink ones so my bed is in the purple tent thanks for the upgrade @PennyForthem Much better, I had a busy morning so only just checked in and done a successful fast day so I'm popping tomorrow in to make it back2back yes I've got my mojo back and yes my veggies did fill me up Penny will repeat that mix again. :heart:
I'm a :snail: too… moving so slowly, but so happy that line is going down, not up. I'm glad to be in such great company, as many of my fast friends from the start are still here!

And I just read the article, and I think it's a helpful reminder to not be on a diet all the time (just on fasting days).

For those of you who don't know me, I've been around since April. I've a long way to go still… I'm not even half-way yet! I'm super happy though, as I've just ended up on the other side of 200 lbs for the first time in a long time.
snail: :snail: :snail: me to @LittleJoy gotta love the snail, and ditto your sentiments. Having read that article I have decided to refeed my body for a few days then I will do a traditional 5:2 Fast and see what transpires. Agree the less you eat for some causes famine effect eventually. Anyway I am a work in progress with my weight goals still so happy to see what happens if I feed up nutritionally of course
Just some food for thought as to why we stall, has anyone else got something to add to this tents reading material. ... et-plateau
I've been on 5:2 for a year now and on a plateau for the last 3 months, but I'm hopeful that spring and summer will bring renewed weight loss. I may ask for a fitbit for my birthday though knowing hubby (and his propensity for getting some awful cheapo looky-likey on eBay) I will probably have to stand over him as he puts the credit card details in.
Great link/story @gillymary. I feel sometimes that my slow progress :snail: is that my body has an almost plateau confusion - I've been on too many diets, up and down the scales too many times to count.

New set point = time to change it up! A very good thing to keep in mind.

I do like the idea of adding more sleep, and less stress. If you are on a plateau, seems the worst thing you can do about it is stress out about it - it seems! :sleepy:
Are you all measureing yourselves as well? I decided to do so today because weirdly I feel smaller & can wear clothes that were a snug fit before even though I haven't lost any weight for three weeks. My waist has lost an inch & that hadn't changed for 4/5 months & I have also lost an inch on my bust & hips. So it's almost as though my body is shifting around & adjusting itself somehow. It's all very puzzling. :confused:
I actually noticed this morning that my scales are saying I have 0.2 more pounds of bone than I used to , not sure what that means. Even tho' my weight has gone up this week my fat % has gone down.My waist remains stubbornly the same!

Edited to change 2lb to 0.2 lb!!
Oh now I'm jealous...where d'you get those snails?!

Bean :bugeyes:
Hi there, may I pull up a chaise longue over here please?
I realised the cold January isn't helping with the FR so decided to eat more on feed days and fast a little less on FD I.e. Not do 24 hours fasting unless it felt right e.g. Yesterday ended up 18 hour but total calories ended up 418 so not too bad. Eaten steadily today and not recorded but nothing overtly bad eaten. Unless I die first, hopefully not, come warmer weather my body will be more willing and able to do better and I'll be a happier bunny :0)
May I bring my DAB radio in, oh and a book or two, and a few red grapes?
Hmm how many grapes?
I think we should do a deal for grapes with a good Italian farmer. Some for eating, some for wine, some for drying to put in my fairy cakes :0)
Grapes :shock: little bags of sugar but wine, well that has health benefits, hasn't it :oops: .

Does anyone mind if I bring my hot water bottle and teddy.

Thanks @gillymary for the links. I do understand the famine effect but why is it only happening to the few of us and why us?

I'm thinking about shaking things up a bit when my health improves. In the past I have tried a 3 day Dukan Attack which is 3 days of pure protein only. I lost 5lbs in 3 days. It took a lot of willpower and wasn't very nice but it did the job. I also tried 4:3 for six weeks in July/Aug and lost weight on that but I found it hard going as it was just too much like being on a diet. This time I am thinking about trying 16:8 every day with 2 500cal days. It would be something different for me but the prospect is a bit scarey. I've been doing 2 liquid fasts a week since April and I'm used to that. Maybe that is the point of shaking things up.

The other thing I am desperate to do is to get out 2 evenings a week for an hours very brisk walk but I just don't have the energy for that yet, although I do walk to work, home for lunch, back to work and home at night most days.

What things have you tried to speed things up a bit or get off a plateau?
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