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I have been awol, but I've just caught up with this great conversation. I do love the quotes about focussing on self esteem and health and not on weight. That is so true. Our weight is sort of out of our control, but what we eat, how much we move, they are things we can influence and make us feel better. If we are limiting calories and exercising and we're not losing weight, it can make us feel bad if that is our sole motivation. I haven't lost weight for a long time and I've stopped weighing myself because it doesn't matter how much you weigh a pig, the pig will always weigh the same. I'm not saying I am a pig; it's a saying we use about incessant testing children in schools. It's just a number. It's not the whole story.
I have thought a lot about your question @Sassy1, about the Don't Go Hungry Diet. I loved it because it was so sensible. I didn't have to eliminate certain foods, I didn't have to starve myself, I got to tune into how my body was feeling, it included really sensible, science based ideas about whole foods vs processed foods, healthy variety, it emphasised the importance of exercise, it gave me the concept of 'fun foods, having a party in my mouth'. - it didn't prohibit them, it just made me aware that when I am eating cake or chocolate, it is something to do now and again not every day. It got rid of the deprivation of diets which always lead me to over eat at the next opportunity. I thought the theory of famine reactions and fat brakes was really interesting and sound. I completely committed myself to this way of life and kept a success journal for 3 months. Amanda identified that I didn't eat enough fruit and vegetables. I was pretty good at following my hunger signals and I got better at it by writing it down. In the end, i just got bored by having to do that every day. It was unrelenting and I had to focus on my weight and what I was eating all the time. I did put on some, but not all, the weight I lost and then I found 5:2. Doing 5:2 suits me better because I only have to be really focussed on 'being good' two days a week and the other days I can relax. I'm sure I use a lot of what I learned from Amanda Sainsbury Salis. I don't eat until I am uncomfortably full any more and am able to leave food on my plate and even throw it away - which I couldn't do before. I can even do it in a restaurant when I have paid money! She taught me that my body is not a garbage bin. I do eat quite a lot of vegetables but perhaps not the range which she suggests -5 different vegetables per day. That is partly because I like to eat the vegetables we grow, and we don't always have such a big range. Today I have had plums with my breakfast, plus some dried fruit in the muesli and I just had cauliflower soup which had onion and parsley in it. So I guess I will have potato and pumpkin, carrot and rocket for dinner - so that's 5. But yesterday, a fast day, I only had cauliflower, onion and parsley, and I don't know if you can count the onion and the parsley as it was only a small component of the soup. Worrying about that while I was on the Don't Go Hungry Diet, got boring. 5:2 is a lot more simple.
As for not following through on our resolves, using the books, the devices, etc. that is such a big philosophical question! Sassy is right. You buy the book because you think it will change your life but that's the easy bit.
Love you all. I have missed everyone while I was away.
@Sallyo, so great to have you back & such a sensible, helpful post. I've been away too & am happy to see the supportive familiar names here & thriving. Looking forward to catching up on this thread especially.
I need to play catchup on here and read all the news
I' m so wobb- erly i' m thinking if gojng to W/Watchers or Slimming World and try to do 5:2 as well
Desperate times,desperate measures :confused:
Hugs all round anyways and happy weekend x
@CandiceMarie, what's going on? Why so desperate?
Dear @CandiceMarie

Sorry to hear you are still wobbling. I hope you feel able to tell us what you think is making you wobble, we might be able to come up with strategies to help. :)

I can understand that going to a support group regularly may help with the motivation to change eating behaviour. Have you been to WW or SW before? If you have, what worked or didn't about them?
I have been wondering for some while whether it might be useful for this forum to provide mentors for long time forum members who are struggling. This is a little different to a buddy, you would work with someone whose attitude to weight management appeals to you and who has had success with it. Just a thought, I have been meaning to raise it with @carorees and @Moogie.

Do let us know if there is any way we can help.
Good luck and best wishes :clover: :heart: :heart:
Thanks @sallyo and @sassy1 x x
I think going to get weighed each week same time same place same group might help me stay on track long term..
I am very good at staying on track for a while then i start to get bored and lose focus...
I would still do fast days for health benefits plus fasting deffo makes myself and DD lose from tum ,thighs and legs, rather than our in the past losing first from face,fingers and bust!
Yes Sassy have been to W / Watchers a few times over many years!
Slimming World,only went once,won the raffle and never went back again! :lol: xx
Thanks girls for yr support x
Just a thought: you could start a weekly weigh-in support group here. That would be cheaper. There may be others wanting something regular. The challenges are a bit like that. Members; regular postings; regular weighing. I get bored with diets too. It really helped me to fail at DODO and then have a complete break for a couple of weeks. Now doing 5:2 seems a piece of cake. And you know about me and cake. I do think having a 'weight loss holiday' is very therapeutic. You have lost weight on 5:2, haven't you? I think you lost it and then put some back on, is that right? But overall, you're down? Keep coming back, @CandiceMarie; it works when you work it. Why should you feel 'desperate'?
Thanks everyone! It's great to hear so many perspectives and different tools that work at different times of the journey. Life does not stand still so regular re-evaluating and tweaking 52 seems to work for me. I'm not where I was last year and won't be where I am now next year. Yesterday was a day from hell due to someone's outrageous thoughtless behaviour, today is a great day as I have time to myself and can spend time on the forum and get back in the great 52 headspace :smile: @Candicemarie I'm so sorry to hear you are wobbling and it's good to explore all options to get back in the saddle - @Sallyo 's suggestion of a weekly drop in page is interesting, people tend to drop by weekly to the monthly maintenance tent to share and in the absence of a challenge (that works for some but not others), people might find this a helpful place to visit.
Sending you a big hug @Candicemarie and everyone else who is struggling today. Keep talking :heart:
Thanksfor hugs @lizbean and hugs back x
Thanks @sallyo too,for your input and suggestion x but i think i might need something 'noncyber' right now to help me along x Yes youre right, i HAVE lost weight on 5:2 ..done it successfully for months and even done several back to back works for me ..but not all the time. I know you mean well and are trying to cheer me on but i' m owning that desperate feeling just now..i DO feel desperate for a sustainable solution.
i cant sustain the - willpower,determination,focus,whatever name we give it - for long enough to see the results i want to see. For me it goes in cycles and right now i feel quite glum about it all...
the "managing well" cycle WILL return tho :like: this is just yet another blip and my horse is just temporarily refusing to co operate...
Candy...@CandiceMarie, only you know your own headspace and your body.
I haven't my lost any new weight for a very very long time now, it's like it's refusing to listen....
Have a bit of a splurge like you did before, but remember that horrible feeling when you get on the scales and have put loads back on......try to use that as an incentive to not go back to old wayward ways. We all eat better now as we've learnt so much. So I'm hoping that sooner or later you'll be here whispering "Oh by the way I'm back and I've lost another we all know we cycle in this journey of weight loss, doing well then not so well, but doesn't mean we won't get back on it though when we're ready. :heart:
By the way I'm really missing some long termers (old timers) at the moment. @Sue.Q, I hope you're ok.
I know Carie..i miss @sue.qevery time i come on here..i do hope she's ok
And i miss some of those who to me are " oldtimers" ...those who'd already bean here months when i joined..
Oh dear I need the wobbly tent too. And yes, what has happened to all the "oldies" or "regulars"? Everyone's gone AWOL!
@CandiceMarie, I'm really sorry you feel glum. I was just trying to understand where you are right now. So sorry if I pushed too much. You know what you need. You are the expert in your own story. I just hope you won't go away and leave us. There are a lot of 'oldies' not here and I think that is the nature of forums like this. I am grateful to all of us who are here for however long. I need this forum. It's a lovely day here today and I'm about to go out and work on preparing the onion bed. Winter sunshine. @nursebean, glad you have made it into the tent. How is your health? Have you recovered from DODO and are you sticking to your plan? 5:2/4:3? Group Hug!
Thanks @sallyofor yr supportt, i appreciate it, X
Yes forums have a sort of natural 'shelf life.' happens a lot in real life groups too - thats life i guess!
Enjoy that wintry sun and have a great day x rainy her which is typical of a Bank Hol weekend!
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