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Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
03 Jun 2015, 09:14
@wildmissus what a special 14 yr old you have..i think she must take after her lovely Mum x
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
03 Jun 2015, 17:36
I'm climbing the walls - I really, really,really want chocolate, cake, biscuits, sweets and as much as possible. I said yesterday I wasn't going to have any (and I haven't) but it is soooo hard. I've overloaded on nuts and cheese but they don't hit that spot. I think I have a serious sugar addiction. I WILL see the day out.

@Madcatlady, I though about you all along as I remember you in your avatar with a shaved head.

After my dinner - mince, tatties & peas I will start a topic with her before and after pics. That will keep me away for the biscuits.
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
03 Jun 2015, 19:16
Ooh, buddy....don't do it!

It's 8pm you can resist. You've got this far, so it would be a shame to throw in the towel now.

Definitely keep your hands busy tonight....and keep the kettle on! That would be my advice.....

Equally, if you do, you do! And tomorrow is another day. And we are all a work in progress. And only human...

We are here to encourage and motivate each other....but since this is a WOL....we do have a bit of time to crack it. I have already written about my profiterole incident yesterday (non fast day) on today's fasting thread - ooh it wasn't pretty! But you have to put these things behind you...and move on.....and give away the second profiterole stack to your mother this morning, so they can't call to you from the fridge!!
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
03 Jun 2015, 19:47
Hi Ladies thought I would join in the frivolity in here :lol:

@Hazelnut, did you find a dress, would love to see a pic. I wear lots of dresses.

@Wildmisses your daughter sounds like a lovely young lady. :like:
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
03 Jun 2015, 20:19
Well, I didn't do it and I'm off to bed shortly....yeh!

Hazelnut, I heard about you being attacked by the profiteroles. I was impressed, if you are going to do something do it in style. Did you make up for it with a successful fast today?

Tomorrow is another normal day for me, I tend to fast Mon & Fri, so my mission tomorrow is to eat my three meals without extras but allow myself a strip of chocolate in the evening. I thought back to the only time, many years ago, when I actually succeeded in getting to goal weight at the now defunct Slimming Magazine Club. Every evening I would save 100cals for a kitkat or a fudge or curly wurly. That worked well for me knowing I could have a little treat every day.

@JayeGirl, welcome to the party. Jen is lovely some of the time but most of the time she is just a cheeky wee monkey :grin: !
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
03 Jun 2015, 21:59
Very proud of you @wildmissus - well done for stepping away from the yummies! Bed is often a good solution, eh?

Oh yes, buddy - the "profiterole incident" as it will henceforth be known...was pretty shocking! Yummy at the time/both times (I went back for seconds that I honestly didn't need in the first place), but then the guilt set it always does....

Have indeed made up for it today, with a strong fast. Went out shopping with my mum & eldest daughter..and we called into a cafe. I had a latte.....whilst they had a yummy toasted sandwich! Was pretty pleased with myself for that....especially as I had been out for a spot of HIT this morning...and could easily have convinced myself I had "earned" something to eat on the strength of all the effort I had put in...

Getting the rumblies a bit now, so it's probably high time I toddled off to bed....will probably dream about the birthday tea I am going to tomorrow....hope there's a cream scone with my name on it!
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
03 Jun 2015, 23:08
Glad to hear you're both being so good!! Today's been hard to be good. I spent a few hours volunteering and it's exhausting work - this is on top of not sleeping well at all last night. Hubby and I are going to go for a walk in a bit, so I'll definitely reach my 10K step goal. As for sweets - I haven't been terrible today, shockingly. I only had one 60 calorie Dove ice cream treat (a little bit of ice cream covered in chocolate). But evening is always the hardest part, and it's only 7pm here. Here's hoping I manage to sit on my hands >.<
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
04 Jun 2015, 04:01
Hi @Hazelnut20 I always do well for frocks in East or Phase 8. I am a curvy 12-14 with a large bust and both of those designs work well for me. Good Luck - I am sure you will look lovely whatever you choose.
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
04 Jun 2015, 14:57
At work I had 'breakfast' at 10am which was porridge and a handful of nuts. When I came home at about 2:30pm I had a sandwich, packet of crisps and 3 cheese and biscuits and I feel fine, no cravings for sweet stuff but I know I will be able to have a wee bit of chocolate later. Dinner will be mexican chicken in a wrap with sour cream.

I'm really enjoying setting myself small daily goals and if I announce them on here I am less likely to fail. Next week I will be focusing more on exercise, just like @Tracieknits. ATM I am just jumping in the car to go to work but it is only a 15/20min walk and is so lovely at 6:30am and I can listen to some music. At work I am on my feet for 7 hours with only a 20 minute break and I can easily do my 10,000 steps just by being at work. I often go home pooped and slump on the couch but I think the only way to get over that is by getting fitter.
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
04 Jun 2015, 15:01
Great work and good plan, Wildmissus! I can already tell that I'm feeling less tired, now that my endurance is up a bit :-) And I occasionally actually sleep well now, which is nearly a miracle!
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
05 Jun 2015, 18:27
Oh dear, I've completely fluffed up today's fast. On reflection I usually fluff up my Friday fast so something has to change. I was at work 7am - 2pm and then went and did my weekly shopping. I work on the deli in Sainsbury's so it makes sense to do my shopping before I go home but it isn't working. We are always told not to shop when you are hungry and sure enough there was lots of treats in my trolley. When I got home I was so knackered that I unpacked the shopping and before I even put it away I was attacked by the oak cakes and hummous. Not so bad but the big bag of wafer biscuits made there way through to the lounge next to my cup of tea and that was bad, really bad (profiterole incident). I'm disappointed with myself as all I really needed was a cuppa and as a daily weigher the numbers were looking good for my official weigh in tomorrow. To remedy this I'm going to change my fast day to a Thursday when the goodies will all have been eaten for the week and I'll start weighing in on Friday.

@Hazelnut20, enjoy your brothers birthday tomorrow and remember to enjoy just being yourself....and if you end up with a hangover and feel rough on Sunday then you won't want to eat so that'll make up for Saturday's excesses :lol: .
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
05 Jun 2015, 21:20
Aww, thanks buddy - that's so nice of you! I am here on the forum instead of packing or pampering - what is wrong with me?!! I have such timing issues. My daughter and I are really looking forward to the party...will report back on how it went next week!

Sorry to hear about today's fast. I do agree that it is fatal to go shopping when hungry....or pre-menstrual for that matter! It's also OK for the wafers to go & sit next to the cup of tea....the issue is mainly how many wafers stayed in the bag! In any event, I am confident that my "profiterole incident" will totally trump any damage you could do to yourself with a bunch of wafers! was ugly....ugly I tell you!!!

Anyways, buddy, our motto is going to have to be......move on, because tomorrow is another day. Also, as you say, perhaps Friday is not a good day for you to fast...due to the practicalities, so yay, here's to Thursdays instead. "Know thyself" - that's another good motto for us....

I wish you a very nice weekend xx
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
06 Jun 2015, 06:34
Look forward to joining you in Thursday fasts @wildmissus! Will you be fasting any other days?
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
06 Jun 2015, 07:07
Enjoy the party hazel x what are you wearing,did you find that dress? X
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
08 Jun 2015, 08:39
I did a big reply on Saturday and it has disappeared. Never mind this is the jist of it.

I am over the moon as I have lost 4lb this week and it didn't seem that hard just a bit of mindful eating. I did make up for it on Saturday by having a Star Bar with my lunch and a 'haggis supper' (haggis in batter with chips) from the chip shop and I had a pudding. It was Saturday after all and that is my blow out day. Sunday was an ok day but now we are back to Monday again and a fast day.

@nursebean, I will now be fasting Monday's and Thursdays. I find Monday fasts no problem at all like many people but I do wonder if it helps that I don't work on a Monday, ie. I am more relaxed, less stressed and have more time to think about eating or not eating. I have a habit of thinking longer term, eg. 'I can lose 7lbs in a month no problem' and it never happens but now I am finding it very helpful just taking one day at a time.

@Hazelnut20, how did your weekend go.
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