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Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
05 Jun 2016, 21:48
Just popped in for a nosey, and want to second what @wildmissus said about @Hazelnut20's support and encouragement, it really is out of this world. I hope you are feeling supported and encouraged in return, Hazel. You are doing amazingly well, I hope you are proud of yourself missy. Keep up the great work. Fingers crosses for weigh in tomorrow, not that you need it, I'm sure the scale will reward you with kindness. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Well done too wildmissus, I dream of being as active, but only I can change that. You're doing great, we're in your dust willing ourselves to get off our behinds more. Keep up the great work :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
06 Jun 2016, 12:05
Go for it @wildmissus!
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
06 Jun 2016, 13:35
Thanks @rawkaren, how are you getting on, I know you have had your ups and downs, what way are you eating at the moment?

@Hazelnut20, I've just read your post on your bsd thread. I just don't have the words to tell you what I think of you right now. Wow, omg, you are amazing, what a result. Another 3lbs off, 19lbs off in 4 weeks that is massive, massive weight and massive psychologically. I want what you have got (or not got any more). I actually thought that your weekly weight loss would be slowing down a lot by week 4 but I know that MM said in the book that there is no reason not to lose weight rapidly, that if you lose it rapidly you get that mind boost from it and that you are more likely to keep it off. I should have trusted MM.
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
06 Jun 2016, 14:34
Now then, buddy, you and I both know deep down that your "not good enough" feelings are a belief that you have held for a long time (albeit understandably) that bears absolutely no fact in reality. Anyone who has read your post telling us just what you are doing each week on the exercise front alone knows that you have bucket loads of "good enough" to call your own!

The legacies of our childhoods have such a lot to answer for, but luckily, history is not repeating itself in our children. I am proud as punch of mine, as you rightly are of yours. But, it's not by luck you know, it's by wonderful parenting....and you've done that! I can tell you that. You wouldn't dream of taking any credit for how your girls are turning out - though you so deserve to. If you weren't good enough, how do you think they've learned such great values? Would the head-shave for charity have happened? What about the passion for cheffing (bet that's not a real word!) Kids are naturally selfish - Mother Nature ensures that babies are totally self-focused to get their needs met...which is fine, but unless we mothers gently encourage a bit of selflessness, it ain't going to happen! The trouble is, who is there to tell you you're doing a good job? Often no one - we're just expected to get on with the business of mothering with no we have to use instinct. I'm here to tell you that there's nothing wrong with your instinct, just as there's nothing to stop you achieving anything you set your mind to...and that includes weight loss.

Anything worth having often comes at a price. Weightloss certainly has a price - but it isn't a price you are incapable of paying. You are plenty capable enough. You've done it before and you can do it again. So have I. But this time, I'd really like us to crack it once and for all! Wouldn't it be great to swell the ranks of the maintenance tent? Cor, yes!

So - I'm absolutely delighted that you are committed to "giein' it laldy" right now - such a positive phrase...even though I'm not yet fluent in Scottish, ha ha! As I said in my last post, we have 8 whole weeks to play with...a blank exciting! You've already hit the ground running with last week's 3lb we're well on our way! Talking of weightloss - check out the full blurb on the BSD thread I started a couple of days ago....but, the news this end is that I lost 3lbs last week myself, hurrah, despite it being TOTM. This brings my total to 19lbs in 4 completely gobsmacked....not to mention thrilled!

Ooh, BTW, I have only watched one of the Lose Weight For Love programmes so far (the rest are recorded). Very interesting, the first one! What I found particularly interesting was that the girl's sister was not so overweight. They had the same upbringing, yet one turned to food and the other didn't. Just goes to show that everyone's experience is so different...and it's all down to our individual psychological make-up. How we perceive the world around us at an early age...really has a lot to answer for. I had the same upbringing as my sister, yet I am the over-sensitive low self esteem one & she is the devil-may-care confident one! The truth is...we didn't have the same upbringing...because we were always totally different people to begin with. I am a classic middle child, she was the eldest and we had a little brother. How our parents treated us was completely different...because we were different. None of us were ever hugged much, but I seem to be the only one who has grown up particularly bothered by it...

Well done you for employing the slow cooker yesterday. Planning is everything, in my opinion. I think I'm going to actually turn green soon as I'm eating so much broccoli these days! What is it with husbands though? They really should be banned from coming within 20 feet of us if all they're going to do is scoff biscuits (or in my case, crunchy meringues) right near us! Trouble is, temptation is everywhere maybe we should see them as doing us a bizarre us not to react to temptation!! My husband had toasted tea cakes slathered with the usual large amount of Lurpak spreadable for breakfast, followed by a roll for lunch. My current reaction to that is: "Ooooh, all those carbs will play havoc with his blood sugar! Doesn't he care?" Whereas in the past, my reaction would have been "Lucky blighter...wish I could be eating that too!" Yes people, I have become a fully fledged evangelist....even if I am only inwardly smirking about people's food choices...and not lecturing anyone out loud! It's really quite amusing, because just a few weeks ago, I couldn't care less what I was eating, let alone worry about anyone else's habits....

Goodness me, I got a bit tired just reading about your forgotten Pilates class on top of everything else you're already doing. I absolutely dream about being bitten by the exercise bug...but nope....that's not going to happen anytime soon! You are certainly blazing a trail right now, buddy - no one could be doing more! Can you send down some of that enthusiasm to Somerset please? I could really do with it....

I hope you are into measuring as well as weighing - because I'll bet you'll be gaining muscle. This is great news because it helps us burn more calories apparently, but might skew the scales even though you are diminishing at the same time! You so deserve to see the tangible fruits of your labour reflected in the tape measure...

Glad you've read the BSD book. Your breakfast sounds delicious and right up my street, healthy and tasty. It almost frightens me to think of all the white rolls I used to eat for breakfast, whereas the full fat bio natural yoghurt and strawberries that I have now for lunch is so much more thrilling, clean and healthy. But, I'm like an addict, so I don't know if I have it in me to kick the lifelong habit of carbs. Maybe there's an argument for the 80/20 rule - living it up at the weekends only! But that's a long way off, so I'll put it out of my mind for now.

Hope you're having a good day today? I must stop typing now & get on with some housework....& maybe put that kettle on too! Xxx
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
06 Jun 2016, 14:38
Thanks so much for your kind comments JD! I am feeling very supported thank you and am really thrilled that the forum is becoming a bit more active I enjoy hearing how everyone else is doing and get disappointed if nothing much happens on it from one day to the next...

See you over on the BSD thread! Xx
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
07 Jun 2016, 19:32
@Hazelnut20, I hope you listen to all the support you give many of us and take it on for yourself, if you see what I mean. You, me, @justdee, are all the same when it comes to weight and self esteem by the looks of it and I believe there are many more. You should be shouting out about how wonderful you are because you are...we all are it's just that we forget that sometimes. I think I am getting a bit better at believing in myself but it doesn't half help having you encouraging me like you do and as I say I really hope you are listening to yourself 'cause you are one special lady.

After a successful fast on Sunday I've had a decent couple of days. Yesterday I went to the gym and decided to do 20 mins on the dreaded treadmill (walk, jog, walk...) and I was surprised how well I managed compared to my previous attempts. I must be doing myself some good at long last and yes I did sweat...I mean glow! At lunch time there was an incident with a whole packet of jaffa cakes, 12 whole jaffa cakes, what was I thinking. I think the point was I wasn't thinking. What was happening at that moment was that I was trying to get all of the housework done before lunch and I still had lots to do so thinking about it now I got a bit overwhelmed and the 'what's the point' thing came into play and the jaffa cakes were attacked. I've never really thought of myself as an emotional eater but that certainly was. For dinner I made a large pot of the Hairy Dieters chilli which I had with salad and one piece of garlic bread, no pasta or rice. Today has been a good day food wise as dinner was left over chilli again so no effort there.

I've just been reading about the catering jobs you have to do. Would you normally lick the bowl? I'm a bit funny that way, I don't lick bowls because it isn't my food until it's cooked and on my plate. When the girls were small I never ate their leftovers.

I haven't really been measuring, just my waist but I am going by how well my clothes fit. For my holidays I have a dress that I can get into no problem but I look pregnant in. I also have a pair of jeans that will look fab when I can do them up properly. I was pleased with myself this morning when I put my work trousers on. They really are too tight for me (size 12) but I refuse to order the 14's. When I put them on they were just a tiny bit looser so that instead of having to adjust my belly fat I was able to just zip them up.

I hear what you are saying about carbs. You are proof that by ditching the carbs you can easily lose weight but is it realistic to do that for the rest of your life. I know the answer to that is probably no but for now the important thing is to get the weight off first then start putting in some coping mechanisms to be able to control the carb intake so that we don't keep yoyoing.

I hope you have had a good day and you remain in a good place.
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
07 Jun 2016, 21:33
Hi @wildmissusI'm only a few days into the BSD low cal low carby thingy but for me (and I think @hazelnut20) this is phase one. I'll never be able to stay low carb for ever and that's not the plan. I would be happy with a carb reduction for the rest of my life. Before the BSD I was eating way too many carbs on non-fastdays. Phase 2 will be back to 5:2 (or 4:3) with a few more carbs if I want them. I think the coping mechanisms are already developing. A few more carbs on 5:2 will feel like a real treat, when the times comes. The blood sugar diet seems much more difficult than it actually is. Knowing it's only for a number of weeks helps, I'm sure weight loss will help even more. It will be interesting to see how it all plays. It is hardcore but seems totally do-able.
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
07 Jun 2016, 21:48
Aww, dear buddy, thank you for those kind comments in that last lovely post of yours. I was so thrilled to hear you say that you are starting to believe in yourself - as I know what a massive thing that is when you've had years and years of not believing. I have to say that I have never seen myself as remotely wonderful...and that is the legacy of a childhood where I was not all that important to anyone....and an adult life where that theme has been played out time after time. I'm sharing this with you (and anyone else who reads this thread, I suppose!) because it means so very much to hear that I have a place and a purpose here on the forum. Ooh dear, this is making me feel a little emotional to be honest...better change the subject for the moment, but before I do, I just need to tell you how very grateful I am that you have taken me on as your buddy. It is very much a two-way street and I think we are going to be very good for each other...

Another good reason we make such a good pairing is that....your Jaffa Cakes would always be safe with me! I detest the things - though my eldest, Emily, adores them and can't understand her mother's problem. I'm sure McVities' sales figures are not troubled by my persistent failure to purchase though....but just lately, Maltesers profits must've slumped significantly, ha ha!

Many people have said on here that it is important just to move forward after a Jaffa Cake-type incident, learning from it if possible. You sound like you've already identified the trigger for that particular one, which is great, so the next trick is to put a bit of distance between that and the next time. That is how we will measure success! We are human. In the scheme of things, it's just a bit of food...and definitely not the crime of the century!

I've always liked raw cake mixture a lot - so that's why it's such a great sacrifice not to eat it! Emily loves it too, but she is working in Australia at the moment, so is not here to deal with it for me! Funnily enough, I am always reminded how much I miss her whenever I am making cakes. It seems soooo wrong to just dump the beaters in the washing up bowl! No doubt I'll get over it...but it feels very wasteful.

Your meals sound really tasty. I've never made any Hairy Dieters stuff - I've been in such a rut for so long that I don't really create too many dishes - even though I love cooking. Perhaps that will change...

What a lovely feeling it is when the old trousers feel a little looser and don't put up the same fight as they used to when trying to get the zip up! It's an excellent measure of how you're doing and I'm very pleased to hear it. Size 12 eh? I dream of such fact, it's my goal. Am currently bobbing between 18's and 16's on a good day - so that tells you how far I need to get. But, as the lovely Proclaimers would say: "I'm on my way"!!!!

I personally also don't think it is remotely realistic to ditch carbs for the rest of my life! Wouldn't really want to either - coz it would mean giving up so many things I like. Imagine life permanently without Maltesers, or bread, or a fabulous roast potato or three? Unthinkable! What I do need to ditch though, is the mindless comfort eating that I have done for decades. That's the real challenge...should I choose to accept it...

Well, we've got through another day, so that's good! Will check in with you tomorrow...xx
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
07 Jun 2016, 22:07
Hey, @justdee - really loving all those positive vibes! It sounds like you are really "getting" what this is all about, hurrah. I'm so proud of you!

I totally agree that the thought of doing the BSD is harder than it actually is. I thought it would be well-nigh impossible and definitely unsustainable for more than a day! How wrong was I? It's fitted in absolutely fine with my routines. Take tomorrow, when my aunt is visiting for the day. I will make lunch for us - salmon & potatoes for her. She can have strawberries and cream for dessert, whereas I will save my strawberries for tea have with yoghurt. In otherwords, I am merely switching my usual lunch for my tea...with the minimum of fuss....and nil impact on my calorie intake. Good eh? I don't expect others to go without anything just because I'm overweight - that would be unreasonable! After all, who got me into this mess in the first place? Me, myself and I!

Catch up with you on Day 4!!
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
08 Jun 2016, 07:19
Hi hazzlenut,have you found that special dress? It's always hard when you decide you need something new,there is never much out at the shops but when your not looking lots can be found
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
08 Jun 2016, 12:25
Hazelnut20 wrote: Hey, @justdee - really loving all those positive vibes! It sounds like you are really "getting" what this is all about, hurrah. I'm so proud of you!

I totally agree that the thought of doing the BSD is harder than it actually is. I thought it would be well-nigh impossible and definitely unsustainable for more than a day!
How wrong was I? It's fitted in absolutely fine with my routines. Take tomorrow, when my aunt is visiting for the day. I will make lunch for us - salmon & potatoes for her. She can have strawberries and cream for dessert, whereas I will save my strawberries for tea have with yoghurt. In otherwords, I am merely switching my usual lunch for my tea...with the minimum of fuss....and nil impact on my calorie intake. Good eh? I don't expect others to go without anything just because I'm overweight - that would be unreasonable! After all, who got me into this mess in the first place? Me, myself and I!

Catch up with you on Day 4!!

You know, I'm starting to think you might actually be right about that. When I first heard about BSD, I was extremely dismissive, thinking there's no way I could do that. I lumped it in with the stupid lemon juice cleanse and other extreme diets that I know I wouldn't stick with. But now that I've been doing weight watchers for a month and a half, and lost 17 pounds, I find I'm eating WAY WAY less sugar and way fewer carbs than I had been eating. Even when I first started weight watchers, I was eating lots of fruit and having a small dish of ice cream every night. This past week, I only had ice cream twice - once was a measured 1/2 cup serving (which I would have thought was pitifully small two months ago) and last night I only had 1/4 cup of my dark chocolate ice cream and I was totally satisfied. That's 75 calories of ice cream, which isn't much at all. And I was satisfied and didn't need any more.

Now I may actually challenge myself to go a week without chocolate, or simply see how long I can go without chocolate. I would have thought this was impossible two months ago.
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
08 Jun 2016, 16:23
wildmissus wrote: Thanks @rawkaren, how are you getting on, I know you have had your ups and downs, what way are you eating at the moment?

@Hazelnut20, I've just read your post on your bsd thread. I just don't have the words to tell you what I think of you right now. Wow, omg, you are amazing, what a result. Another 3lbs off, 19lbs off in 4 weeks that is massive, massive weight and massive psychologically. I want what you have got (or not got any more). I actually thought that your weekly weight loss would be slowing down a lot by week 4 but I know that MM said in the book that there is no reason not to lose weight rapidly, that if you lose it rapidly you get that mind boost from it and that you are more likely to keep it off. I should have trusted MM.

Doing ok @wildmissus. I'm on a plan at the moment but can't report such dramatic results. I'm still trying to lose the weight I gained whilst away and progress is slow although I have had a few comments recently that I look like I have lost. So I will take that for now!
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
08 Jun 2016, 21:26
Oh wow @tracieknits - 17lbs in a month and a half? That's brilliant - very well done you! I'll bet you're pleased with that!

It sounds like you are adhering to a lot of the BSD principles within WW if you are eating way less sugar and carbs. I have to say, I really don't think the BSD is a fad type either! I did the Cabbage Soup diet about 15 years ago - lasted about 3 days and have never felt so ill in all my life!! There really is no joy to endless cabbage! The caffeine withdrawal was appalling too.

It's true I'm eating way less these days - but I'm finding it completely do-able. Me....who can absolutely eat for England! No light-headedness, no headaches....just slight hunger pangs from time to time that are easily ignored or quietened with a cuppa! Who'd have thought it? Also, as a chocoholic, I've gone without it for over four weeks - since starting the BSD on May 9th. As it's off limits, it doesn't enter my head to want to eat any. I'm not even craving it....wouldn't dream of "cheating" and having a bit! What on earth is going on? That's not normal for me - I didn't think I could go even one day without a chocolate fix!!

Your chocolate ice cream sounds really scrummy....and well worth 75 calories! I suppose it goes to show that a little bit of what you fancy does you good. Perhaps you are chanelling your inner French woman - apparently, the reason many of them are so slim is not that they don't eat - but instead that they eat really good and enjoyable food but in sensible quantities - a few spoonfuls of dessert, for example, just to get the taste and then they are satisfied. This has always sounded like a waste of a good pudding to me, but I think I am beginning to see where they're coming from on the moderation front!

I'm certain you could go without chocolate for a week! If I can, anyone can - honestly. Let us know if you decide to give it a go...and we can support you and cheer you on!
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
09 Jun 2016, 02:42
Yes, I'm basically combining everything I've learned here and tweaking the weight watchers program. I'm having three light days a week (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) where I basically eat 1000 calories (20 of my 30 daily points -- strictly against their rules, mind you. They say you're supposed to eat your points that day). Then the rest of the week, I pretty much follow the plan as prescribed, but I'm reducing carbs and sugar as much as I can bear. I'm trying to use eating windows as much as possible, for example not eating until noon most days and trying to finish eating by 8pm.

Like you said, there is occasional hunger, but I quell it with a cup of something - I have a few teas I like black, and I love my espresso with very, very little milk in it. And I remember I paid a deposit on a photographer in another 11 weeks. I'd like to lose another 17.8 lbs by then and I think I can do it.

Yes, those lovely, svelte French women and their French portions are a huge influence. On my first visit to Paris in 2012, I was served the most beautiful breakfast and they had these tiny glass cups of yogurt. I actually brought one of them home with me as inspiration. It holds only 1/2 cup of yogurt, and they served plain Danon whole milk yogurt in it with berries and jam on the side. Here in the states, a serving of yogurt is a full cup. On my next trip to France, I brought three more yogurt cups home. So they are inspiration to remember small portion sizes are probably just right. Now, a half cup of yogurt really does feel like a full serving, especially since I usually have it with fresh berries.

I may just try going without any chocolate soon - after my monthly hormonal fun. I never seem to know exactly when that is going to happen anymore, and the doctors don't know whether it's my thyroid screwing up my cycle (which it totally could be) or the fact I'm 49 years old. I will let you know if I go for it!! Right now, I'm just delighted to feel that I don't need it every day, let alone four or five times a day. While you were comfort eating for England, I was representing the great state of New York LOL
Re: Wild 'n' Nuts!
09 Jun 2016, 07:20 is on fire!!

How fab that you have the motivation of the photographer - goodness me, you can get a long way in another 11 weeks, how exciting to have that to aim for, it's such an added incentive.

Am so pleased you are in such a good place right now! It's good news for all of us on the forum, because we're all here more often when we're back on track!

Have a great day xx

PS Liking the sound of those glass cups - such a good idea.
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