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45 posts Page 2 of 3
Thanks TML 13
1300 is my normal daily cal intake. I agree with too much or too little exercise but i get a bout of the guilts when I do not exercise.Today is a feast day and it is just after lunch and I can't really overeat ( which is good). the main thing though is that I do feel a lot better. Still like everyone else I want to see the scale show me that I've dropped a few kilos lol.
take care
Suneal, I see you are a male. Unless you are very short and very thin and have a very low BMI, you are seriously undereating. Not only you are damaging your body, you will have absolutely no success with 5:2.
If you are eating 1300 calories daily for a long time, then you have already entered some sort of starvation mode and if you add two days of 500 calories to that, then you will just go deeper into a vicious circle.
You need to reconsider what you are doing and you need to do it soon.
Hi Suneal and welcome. In your first post you say you are currently 104 want to get to 95. Is that pounds or kilos?

If it is pounds, it seems to be a very low weight to start with. I hope you will put your stats into the progress tracker and find a healthy weight for yourself and a healthy tdee :)
It can't be pounds, surely...?
Hi friends ! Yes, some terrific positive people here who have great ideas and suggestions. We are a Mon- Thurs fast couple here and have switched it if a holiday is coming. Hoping you find this a way of life like we have ! I like to walk when I can and go 3 miles 4-5 times a week. I think this helps the slow and steady weight loss. Have a great day :smile:
Hi Umleila and TML13
Thanks for your comments - I need that. I am male and weigh 104 kgs.I am also 188 cm or 6'2". You are absolutely right about too few cals . I started this a while ago and did lose weight . i dropped from 112.9 to 102 at one stage but holidays etc saw me go up to 107.9.
I walk an average of 40kms per week.That may include a round of golf or not.My BMI is 29( over weight Just 1 below obese) and to get to 25 to be normal??? I should weigh 90Kgs. Im not sure that I want to or can get that low.87-89kgs was my running weight when I ran ultra marathons..I was also much younger then too LOL.
Hi Suneal
I'm a newbie too. Only started yesterday with my first fast. According to the scales I lost a teeny bit on just the one day but I was so stressed out on Monday over what I would use for my 500 it probably started to go then. :oops:
Think I will take a whole bunch of measurements so I can see where the loss goes from in future.
Suneal, if you go from whatever to 1300, you will lose in the beginning. But in the long run, you will probably lose some, then starve yourself and stop losing.
If you gotta do it, do it right.

Dididit, welcome! :-)
TML13 I get it.Will def up my daily cal intake. that's what I need...someone to set me straight when they think I'm doing something wrong.

Congratulations on starting the journey. I know what you mean about staying motivated. I really do. It's nice to know - for me at least, that there are others needing motivation and friendship. Thanks for inspiring me. Keep going... :like:
Hi everyone
I followed TML 13's advice and started eating more on my Feast days but not to the extent of over eating.I feel really good and lost a bit. So TML 13 thanks for that. How's everyone else going
You are most welcome! :-)

Thanks for coming back to let us know of your progress. I wish you more and more losing in the future!
45 days and I've lost 5kgs. still 7-8 to get to my first target of 95 kgs. Very motivated to stick to my 3:4 programme before my trip to South Africa
Wow! That is fantastic Suneal. Keep on doing what you are doing. What a great achievement and as you've probably read many people on here have managed to maintain their weight loss whilst on holiday too :)
Thanks Unleila
The holiday will be a struggle but I plan to do 2 days of fasting a week to try not to undo the good work I've put in already.How are you going.
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