The FastDay Forum

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Our Frequently Asked Questions topic will answer many of your fasting & weight loss questions!

If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!

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Hi Everyone/Anyone
I'm almost a month into the 4:3 and have lost 2.5 kgs. This tends to fluctuate but I feel great. still have a long way to go to reach my goal. Currently 104 and I want to get to 95.
Hope to hear from someone soon

Hi Suneal!

Welcome to the board, thats a great start already for you, so well done! Been on the 5.2 just one month myself and its going well, you will get lots of support on here and always sound advise too !
When are your fast days? Mine are tuesday and friday but i change them sometime :-)
Take care and happy fasting!
Hi Suneal,
I'm only a little over a week into 5:2 and must say, even though it's a great WOE, things are moving slowly! It's hard to stay motivated sometimes! Especially at the weekend.

Oh well, we're all in it together!! :clover:
Hi Angie
My fast days are Monday Wednesday and Friday. As a School Principal these days suit.
Ooooh when are you guys back after the holidays?? I'm a teacher myself. Just over 3 weeks to go, booo!!
Hi Suneal..... ive been on 5/2 since the 30th July and my fast days are Tues/Thurs.... although they may have to change depending on my days off..... you will find lots of support and encourgement here... just keep posting and everyone will come and support you x
Did someone call for friends?
Here we are!!!
This forum is full of nice people, ready to support or kick your arse, whatever the moment calls for. ;-)
Welcome to the forums!
Welcome suneal and Good luck to you with continuing success on this fantastic WOL :clover: Sue
Hi Janie
We back at school for term 3 of a 4 term year. Term ends on 27 Sept.
Totally amazed with the quick replies. So good to have something in common
Yes, Suneal I just love these forums too! A real community feel!

Our summer holidays started the last week of May and we're back for a new school year on 23rd. I know we had almost 3 months off, but time really flies!!! I wish I'd started this WOE at the start of the summer though. Ah well, better late than never I guess! It's a fast day for me today and it's going fine. Black coffee is a bit of a lifesaver and I spent a nice morning at the gym too. Trying to plan a nice meal for this evening! I have about 400 cals to do it in.

How are you getting on?
Hi Janie
Yesterday was my FAST day so I consumed roughly 600 cals but also spent 954 Cals on exercise. I walked 11.5 kms. The scale didn't show much difference today but I feel great. Today is my feast day but I intend to eat 1300 cals mainly protein. Still early in the morning here in NZ so I hope I can carry out my plan.
How are things in your neck of the woods?
Suneal, is your TDEE 1300? I'm guessing it isn't. Don't forget that 5:2 doesn't work if you eat too much or too little.
Also, many members notice that if they exercise too much they don't lose any weight. Keep that in mind, so that you won't be disappointed if you don't lose as much as you hoped.
All good on this end of the world!

Fast day went really well and I think I'll do Wednesday and Friday also this week!

Off to bed now with a bit of a rumbly tummy, but tomorrow is another day!

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