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I'm doing ok Thanks Suneal. I had a period of about two weeks where I didn't fast and ate a lot. not suprisingly I put weight back on straight away. I'm now back on track and just completed my first fast of the week yesterday.

Quite a few people have tried 16:8 whilst on holiday where others have continued fasting and some done nothing at all. Search the boards and I'm sure you'll find a few hints and tips :)
Wow suneal well done :like: that's fantastic news and should also give you the motivation to carry you forward :clover:
You just needed a good strong woman behind you Eh
Good Luck and don't worry about the holiday just do the best you can calorie wise and climb back on board on your return :clover: Sue
Thanks Umleila and sue.Whats the 16:8? I'll google that now. take care. Sue you toooo kind good woman behind absolutely !!
Got it Eat for 8 and fast for 16 silly me...I knew that. I'll try desperately to maintain at the very least.
Hi Suneal..Welcome from a fellow newbie
Well done on yr efforts so far!
Enjoy the site! X
101.7 this morning.So happy. So motivated to keep going :)
Hi Friends. One quick question. eating 608 instead of much difference will that make. Should I feel guilty?
It won't make any difference at all. 600 is only a guide and as long as you don't exceed it by too much you'll be fine. :)
Frustrated!!!!! Been stuck on 100.5 for over a week and cannot drop to the much sought after 90's.still keeping the same regime but seems like my body has a mind of it's own.
Hi there, I am finding success on 5:2 interspersed with 16:8 to kick start my weight. Why not give that a go. Also read Carorees blog on her changes. Good luck!

I've just signed up today and I'm really excited. I've read quite a few posts on here and I think I've finally found something that is going to work....

Today is also my first day on 5:2 and masochist that I am, I've made it a fast far so good. Filling up on steamed veges which are very satisfying but really low calorie. Hope I don't blow it when I get home lol
Three days before I jet off to South Africa and still I have not managed to hit double digits. 99 kgs is so near yet so far. while I'm in South Africa I hope to have a few Fast days but will definitely do 16:8 most days. 3 days and 400gms to lose. C'mon Suneal you can do it..just hang in
Back after the holiday - a week already and into my 4:3 regime. Put on 2 kgs but hoping to start losing again.
Janie_Bop wrote: Hi Suneal,
I'm only a little over a week into 5:2 and must say, even though it's a great WOE, things are moving slowly! It's hard to stay motivated sometimes! Especially at the weekend.

Oh well, we're all in it together!! :clover:

Hi and welcome:

You may think you are slow, but ... post71147.html#p71147

I'm stuck and the weight is not shifting. Today is the last day of my 3 day diet ( the one that MM tried) and I have lost 2.7 kgs. Not healthy maybe but satisfying.I'll go back to 3: 4 next week but will only have a miso soup on my fasting days. I hope that helps the weight drop.
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