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Our Frequently Asked Questions topic will answer many of your fasting & weight loss questions!

If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!

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Welcoming mySelf
19 Sep 2014, 07:37
Hi I'm on my second week of the 5:2 diet. I just completed my second fast day yesterday. I am also limiting my cals to 1400 on my non fasting days in a bid to shed my baby weight. I am getting married in march and would love to be 59.9kg by then. Let's hope this diet works, I am impatient and I'm hoping for quick results but I have a feeling this one is not going to happen overnight. How is everyone else finding it?
Re: Welcoming mySelf
19 Sep 2014, 08:25
Hello @Julia Lodge - well done on completing your 2nd fast day. If you taken a look through ... h-busting/

there are some sections that explain about the rate of weigh change. Some people lose in a linear, predictable fashion that is in line with their overall calorie deficit for the week. Others tend to lose in fits and starts with lengthy plateaus in between (raises hand) but we get there in the end.

If you fill out the BMR and TDEE calculators, it might give you a good idea of where you stand and what your rate of weight change might be.


Good luck integrating fasting into your life :)
Re: Welcoming mySelf
19 Sep 2014, 08:34
Welcome Julia x this IF journey varies from person to person but lots of us see it as a Way of Life/ Way of Eating,rather than just another diet,as we've got so sick of diets and how they're impossible to stick to.
5:2 and variations thereof seems to be something we can manage, and we are hopeful of the longterm health benefits of this WOE,and tho we might fall by the wayside, we always help each other along..for example,this morning i' m very inspired by @PeonyBlues success story! ( she too is getting married early in the New Year)
Read it here..
Re: Welcoming mySelf
19 Sep 2014, 09:09
Hi @Julia Lodge and welcome to this wonderful forum. I'm just wondering how old you are if you say you need to lose baby weight! :confused:

Sounds as though you're handling the whole fasting experience really well. Just remember we're here if you need any advice...although you'd better ask the experts for technical issues!

Good luck

Bean :bugeyes: :smile:
Re: Welcoming mySelf
19 Sep 2014, 09:46
Hi@Julia Lodge.
I have found this approach to eating to be revolutionary. My attitude to eating has totally changed; I now only eat one meal a day, usually in the evening, but if we go out for lunch I'll eat then, and not have anything else. I no longer feel obliged to clean my plate. If I don't feel hungry I won't have anything.

Hopefully, you'll find your way of doing things. As a lifelong carbohydrate lover I have generaaly cut out bread, pasta, rice and potatoes; not because they are not allowed, but because I'm so much better without them. I very rarely eat cakes or pastries for the same reason.

I've lost more weight than I imagined was possible and am currently deciding whether I want to go much further. I too got married in the middle of my weight loss journey. I'm convinced that you will be able to lose weight for your big day. Just stick with it, and try not to be too impatient.
As far as I'm concerned, this is for life, not just for Christmas ( or the wedding, or whatever big event is scheduled) !

Good luck with your weight loss journey ( with added health benefits) :clover:

Re: Welcoming mySelf
19 Sep 2014, 10:01
Hi @julia lodge and welcome to the forum!

Rather than limiting your calories on non-fast days, consider cutting down on carbohydrates. I don't know how much carby stuff you currently eat, but for many, weight loss sped up when they cut down a bit on the carb intake. By lowering carbs and increasing protein and fat to compensate, you feel fuller and also extend the benefits of fasting by increasing the time during the week when your insulin levels are low.

If you would like to know more about how fasting works and how carbohydrates and insulin are big players (though not the whole story) in weight gain and loss, please do read our articles in the science section of our Fasting library.
Especially ... rning-fat/ ... e-and-fat/
and ... hy-eating/

Good luck!
Re: Welcoming mySelf
19 Sep 2014, 10:04
I notice there Caroline @Carorees that you advised to increase protein and fats. Does that mean I can keep the fat ON my bacon when I prepare my lunch today? There are some compensations I suppose :bugeyes:
Re: Welcoming mySelf
19 Sep 2014, 10:10
Hi @nursebean
Yes, if you reduce carbs you can increase protein and fat to compensate whilst keeping the calorie count the same. Studies have shown that getting enough protein is important for feeling full (doesn't have to be lots of protein but those on a low protein diet felt more hungry), and fat is also satiating even though high in calories.

I saw a study recently where people who had lost weight were put on different maintenance diets for 6 months. The different diets varied in protein content and glycaemic index (i.e., sugar and white starch content). The group on a high protein and low GI diet lost a little more weight during the 6 months of maintenance, while all the other groups gained weight with the biggest gain being in the low protein, high GI group.
Re: Welcoming mySelf
19 Sep 2014, 11:23
Quite agree with@carorees and @Bracken re carbs - and to @Julia Lodge - it does work - it's not the quickest weight loss method in the world but it is sustainable (and the only thing that's ever really worked for me). Good luck on your journey!
Re: Welcoming mySelf
19 Sep 2014, 19:57
Hi @Julia Lodge And Welcome to this great forum. :like:
Well done on choosing 5:2 as your new WOL (non-diet)naughty girl glad your first fastdays have gone well for you.
I've done 4:3 throughout my fasting journey and as you seem in a rush why not do the extra day and reduced carb intake that combo I believe was the secret to my phenomanol success last year, just as you are doing know learning from forum members and experts who've already got proof of their own trials
just as I have.
:clover: Good luck and congratulations on the baby. :heart: Sue
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