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Odd, it's not showing up on my tablet either. I'll see what I can find. Might be a server setting not detecting the device properly.
Just tested out the progress tracker and was bemused to read this in the text
Your last recorded weigh in was on Monday 3rd February 2014. Your BMI score has gone down by 13.56 points in total. Well done! Your Goal BMI of 25.00 is now 0.010000000000002 points away.

Maybe we don't need to be quite so precise with the decimal points there @Moogie? :geek: :lol:
Brilliant! :like:

Thanks @Moogie for all you do for us, I hope you get at least as much out of all this as we do! :heart: :bugeyes:

:like: :like:
Ooh ... according to the time stamps on posts we are in British Summer Time - I wish! :wink:
Hmmm, my timestamps are still showing up correctly - you may need to check your UCP, it could be because the forum is hosted in a different timezone now (I think). I'll check the admin panel too!
@LizzieH You have to set your own timezone. User control panel-> board preferences then scroll down to "my timezone" and select. :)
Thanks @Betsysgr8 - but I've checked and I'm definitely on GMT... :confused:
Did you tick the box for DST too? x
The mobile theme link should appear all the time now (whether you want it or not ;))
New server??? So THAT'S why I had to put in my password again, laptop didn't recognise it, wondered why. Also didn't get a tag when I should have 'cos there was one and it didn't show, just noticed when I was on a post that I had a tag??? I am not making sense today! :doh: :confused:
My work also blocks the site now so no surfing lunch time for me!
I am also having trouble with my password! It keeps saying you've failed three times when I haven't.
Auriga - try deleting your cookies and log in again. Sorry about that :(

Minigill - it's blocking you? That's a pain, I'll ask the server dudes if anything can be done about that.
Hi Moogie,

If I minimise the window and then refresh it I have to log back in each time (I usually have automatic log in ticked) and even on the first attempt I have to enter the Captcha code. I have deleted Cookies as you advised Auriga.

I know this is early days, but any ideas?
Early afternoon it was very fast with no problems but I had to reset my password few times tonight it kept freezing me out after "trying" for 2 mins screen stopped went white so after 2nd time I logged out then back in again, seems bit slower now but will also delete my cookies but settling down now.
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