Been doing the 5:2 diet since late March and over first 6 weeks or so lost 1.5kg. Stalled for a while and then another .5kg for 2kg total loss which is pretty good in my books. But...(and there is a but) then I started to relax A LOT on my non-fast days. Eating normally is a difficult thing to define but I began "treating" myself often. A muffin here, a scone there and chocolate with hubby in the evening! I was still religiously doing 2 fast days a week (which is how I justified the treats!). I managed to put back on 500g and then stay there for a couple of months.
So overall I have still lost 1.5kg (and maintained it since June) which is no mean feat but now I want to get myself back into my weight loss mode and shift the last 2kgs. IT's HARD! Almost like starting a new diet all over again. I have realised that a few extra things hjave also crept into my fast days too. Just the odd extra 100 cals but none the less, I guess, all the cals count.
So I figure I am going to start with taking out the chocolate in the evenings - except for maybe one night a week and then try to cut back to like one treat every other day. Fingers crossed I can get back on track!