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Not losing weight?

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18 posts Page 1 of 2
What to say to a friend that tried 5-2 but only for 2 weeks, but stopped because no weight loss achieved. That was about 2 weeks ago. How do I encourage her to try again.

Words were from her "my body fights any kind of diet just as i expected" or words to that effect.

I did say 2 weeks isn't long enough to make a judgement.
I would say something like: "Well, you know 2 weeks is a pretty short time to test it out. It has taken my body some time to adjust to a different way of eating. I bet that if you gave it a longer try, your body would adjust too. If you feel like trying it again, I'll be happy to support you in any way I can. And you know, there are tons of people on the Fast Diet Forum that can encourage you and help you work out problems because they've had them too."

Hope your friend gives it another try. You're a good friend. :smile:
Definitely direct her to threads about people who aren't losing weight. There's alot of good information there. Plus I think knowing other people are struggling, too, but figure it out eventually, may be helpful.
Maybe you friend will come back when she sees your fabulous results. Lots of support and company here on the journey
I also have a friend who 'fell off the wagon' - really it's her choice. Who knows she may try again. Beside your friend sounds like she doesn't really want to lose Dr Phil says there's a pay off for being overweight u have to work out what it is if u want to change it.
:clover: I figure you need to be committed doing this yourself as it is apparent lots of us have times where we stall and then it takes determination to persist through this phase. Best of luck it is a great WOE
Juliana, you are a better friend than I! She sounds as though she didn't really give it a good chance because she got EXACTLY what she expected .. nothing. As with anything in life, each individual has to make decisions for themselves. She may have said she would give it a go to support you but didn't really try to make anything of it because she had already made up her mind that it wouldn't work. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Hopefully your success will allow her to try again.

If and when she tries again, encourage her to join this forum AND take measurements of arms, bust, waist, hips, upper thigh, lower thigh (above the knee) and calves. This WoE is soooo much more than weight loss, the inches lost and shape changes are phenomenal!

Good luck. :)
I also have a friend who 'tried' 5:2 and promptly abandoned it as it did not work for her. Strangely, no diet has ever worked for her. She, apparently, eats nothing so she is bemused by her ability to be permanently overweight. Some people just love to see themselves as different to the rest of us. If you have a headache she has a brain tumour, if you strain a shoulder she has a frozen shoulder, if you have a cold she needs hospitalisation. You can lose weight but she has a faulty metabolism. Get the picture yet? She just loves to moan about all the things which are wrong with her so I now just let her get on with it. The only time she was outdone was when her husband had prostate problems....mmmm!

She could lose weight if she really wanted to, she just doesn't seem to want to! :?:

Ballerina x
Ballerina, I've got that friend too!

Leave your friend be. If she wants support she knows where to find it. Whether she is happy with herself or not, speaking from experience, there's little worse than being railroads into doing something when your heart isn't in it.
Put me down for one of those friends. Apparently my friend doesn't eat enough so that's why she is overweight. And yes she always has a worse illness than anyone else. There's nothing you can do.
. Leave her alone and lead by example.
Concentrate on your 5:2 and then she will see it works!!!
Perhaps she just wasn't prepared to lose weight. You need to be mentally committed before you make any changes otherwise I think you are bound to fail. My sister needs to lose weight and I have even bought her the the 5 2 book but despite hating being overweight she won't give it a go not even for 1 day. I've left her too it as personally I get quite defensive if someone tries to suggest I do something I don't want to (even if I know it might be a good thing) . Besides the truth is this WOE may not suit everyone - difficult to accept when we are having great success.
I bet she binged on her eating days or cheated on her fast days so as to ensure it didn't work! Not necessarily consciously though! Dr Phil says there's a pay off for being overweight u have to work out what it is if u want to change it.

I think that's absolutely true.
Just wondered if maybe you offered to become her 'buddy' eg fast on the same day, so you could compare notes? Perhaps if she took lots of measurements as suggested earlier, calculated her TDEE and entered her food intake on MFP for a week it would give her a better idea of what she should be aiming for? Do you feel she needs to lose weight? Apart from not losing weight during those two weeks did she feel more energetic or perhaps her clothes weren't so tight towards the end? Does she see a difference in you?
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