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Progress Diaries & Journals

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Thanks for the head up on The Book. I order the new one from amazon yesterday but also found the old one on ebay for 99p on auction so was watching that - I won't bother now.

I can't believe how excited I am about getting a veggie book. Can't wait to make a veggie pizza as I can't live without pizza.
Me too WM - looking forward to getting a library copy first though! :lol: :wink:
Saturday, day one-hundred and ninety-five, weekend feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 110.8lbs (analogue scales corrected ~107.8lbs); 0.4lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

Report for the end of week 36 on 4.5 : 2.5 - 0.4lb loss this week (total loss 35.2lbs); registered shrinkage: about a quarter inch off each under-bust, stomach and hips, and a miserly touch off the waist. Think the waist measurement should be better but I'm very "fluidy" this morn, for reasons unknown, so 25.5 it has to be.

That there's much weight loss at all at this time of year is, as far as I'm concerned, rather pleasing. Now to get it so that my weight fluctuates a pound or two *below* my target weight rather above it - then I'll be the happiest FatDog ever.

Aim for today: add methods to Thursday's recipes (oops), catch up with the missing recipes, plot tonight's dinner, get *something* (anything) down for my recipe database.

And tonight's dinner *will* involve a frying pan, my Christmas present, a new 28cm non-stick Tefal frying pan from the OH (I'll just have to buy Plenty for myself, I guess). It's a supposed half-price bargain (£12 vs. £24) from Sainsers: an "on sale in outer Bungolia at the higher price between November and December" type bargain, but actually about what one pays at Lidls for an equivalent. Have tried it out making a stilton omelette for the OH and it works a *dream*. I *do* like this non-stick lark - big waggings. Pancakes tonight. Woof! Woof!

Well, I got that wrong. Took an age to clear the washing-up back-log and I'm not inclined to stand for another hour, or more, chopping vegetables. So it's a highly carbiferous pizza for dinner - it's somewhat dubious too, as it came from our freegan friend and we've not had one that's not been growing extra blue furry bits for quite a while. Oh well, more than a week freezing followed by 15 minutes at 200C should bump off anything nasty I suspect. If you don't hear from me again you'll know that I got it wrong :)

Gah. Major fall-out with the OH over "stopping smoking". OH's first wife, mother-of-only-son, is *really* struggling with her breathing but continues a sixty-a-day habit. Yup, I'm a dreaded ex-smoker as of 25th March last year - I try not to be sanctimonious but can't, for the life of me, understand how folk can continue once they've read the info on sites such as For the most effective quitting method I don't think you have to look further than the USian monster survey figure (involving 10s of thousands, IIRC) that showed that of those still stopped after six months, 96% stopped cold-turkey. [exceeding-contentious-statement] As far as I'm concerned that's a QED, anything else is procrastination on the part of the smoker or an inadvertent sick joke on the part of health advisors. ; [/exceeding-contentious-statement]

FatDog logic: OH has bought the FD a frying-pan for its Christmas pressie, for £12, that the FD actually *needed* and would probably have acquired (as a necessity) sooner rather than later. Ergo, the FD is *entitled* to purchase herself a cook-book for twelve quid, or thereabouts? Hmmm. Not sure that I'd be able to find a logician that wouldn't shred that train of thought, but BAHH HUMBUG to them - I'm gettin' mysel' a book, right? Wag. Woof. Tee hee. Which book(s) is it to be? Plenty and Paradisio Seasons are over budget, but Elizabeth David on Vegetables is well within, and I could even bung in the 365 Covent Garden Soup book to boot... Oooooh decisions. Oooooooh happy dreams.

........ Calories 1841.70 Carbs 87.44 Fat 92.42 Protein 53.06 Fibre 10.41


Sunday, day one-hundred and ninety-six, weekend feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 110.4lbs (analogue scales corrected ~107.25lbs); 0.4lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

I'm not sure what happened to Sunday. Somehow I didn't get to do my log though... Hmm - "the lost day" or some such.

Dinner was a bottom-of-fridge stir fry which was intended for two, stretched to three and then further stretched to four.

Hungry FatDog ended up filling up on chocolate, peanuts, ginger cake and summer berries with cream (with a whisky of course). Gah.

........ Calories 1952.87 Carbs 77.14 Fat 98.34 Protein 46.21 Fibre 17.97

It's only a stir-fry recipe, but it came together rather well (the peanut sauce could have done with a bit more thought and tenderness) so thought I'd post anyway. It's an utterly splendid repair day dinner too:

savoy cabbage & carrot stir-fry, a FatDog bottom-of-the fridge concoction
cabbage, savoy, narrow strips, 32c/C4.1/F0.4/P1.7/Fi2.4/100g
......... 242g 77.44 9.92 0.97 4.11 5.81
carrot, short fine slices, 41c/C9.58/F0.25/P0.93/Fi2.8/100g
......... 140g 57.40 13.41 0.35 1.30 3.92
onion, white, co-op, medium sliced, 40c/C7.6/F0.2/P1.3/Fi1.4/100g
......... 105g 42.00 7.98 0.21 1.37 1.47
bell pepper, red, finely sliced, 36c/C6.4/F0.4/P1.0/Fi1.6/100g
......... 92g 33.12 5.89 0.37 0.92 1.47
bell pepper, green, finely sliced, 20c/C2.6/F0.3/P0.8/Fi1.6/100g
......... 136g 27.20 3.54 0.41 1.09 2.18
garlic, fine chop, 149c/C33.06/F0.5/P6.36/Fi2.1/100g
......... 5g 7.45 1.65 0.03 0.32 0.11
chilli, green, fine sliced, 40c/C9.5/F0.2/P2.0/Fi1.5/100g
......... 4g 1.60 0.38 0.01 0.08 0.06
chilli, red, fine sliced, 40c/C9.5/F0.2/P2.0/Fi1.5/100g
......... 9g 3.60 0.86 0.02 0.18 0.14
ginger, medium fine chopped, 90c/C17.8/F0.8/P1.8/Fi2.0/100g
......... 32g 28.80 5.70 0.26 0.58 0.64
lime juice, 26c/C2.0/F0/P0.4/Fi0.3/100ml
......... 5ml 1.30 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.02
soy sauce, low salt, amoy, 52c/C9.2/F0/P3.9/Fi0/100ml
......... 15ml 7.80 1.38 0.00 0.59 0.00
toasted sesame oil, 827c/C0/F91.9/P0/Fi0/100ml
......... 15ml 124.05 0.00 13.79 0.00 0.00
s&p 0.00
total for savoy cabbage & carrot stir-fry 411.76 50.80 16.40 10.55 15.80
FatDog's ¼ portion of savoy cabbage & carrot stir-fry 102.94 12.70 4.10 2.64 3.95

peanut butter & yoghurt sauce
yoghurt, no-fat, yeo valley, 59.4c/C8.54/F0/P5.94/Fi0/100g
......... 62g 36.83 5.29 0.00 3.68 0.00
yoghurt, low-fat, rowan glen, 59.4c/C8.54/F0/P5.94/Fi0/100g
......... 142g 84.35 12.13 0.00 8.43 0.00
peanut butter, whole earth, 595c/C14.2/F46.0/P27.3/Fi7.3/100g
......... 50g 297.50 7.10 23.00 13.65 3.65
total for peanut butter & yoghurt sauce 418.68 24.52 23.00 25.77 3.65
FatDog's ¼ portion of peanut butter & yoghurt sauce 104.67 6.13 5.75 6.44 0.91

pancakes for stir-fry (was for 2, then 3, didn't quite stretch to 4 full ones)
gram flour, 352c/C55.9/F5.3/P20.1/Fi4.7/100g
......... 30g 105.60 16.77 1.59 6.03 1.41
soya flour, 424c/C16.0/F20.0/P39.0/Fi12.0/100g
......... 30g 127.20 4.80 6.00 11.70 3.60
eggs, brown, organic, 151c/C0.0/F11.2/P12.5/Fi0.0/100g
......... 59g 89.09 0.00 6.61 7.38 0.00
......... 120ml
total for pancakes for stir-fry 321.89 21.57 14.20 25.11 5.01
FatDog's 1/5 portion of pancakes for stir-fry 64.38 4.31 2.84 5.02 1.00
More inspiring ideas to try @FatDog! I'm so pleased that the renewed interest in low carbing in general has made so many new members read your thread and appreciate all your hard work and fab recipes! :like: :like: :victory:
Monday, low-carb day one-hundred and ninety-seven, repair day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 111.4lbs (analogue scales corrected ~108.0lbs); 1.0lbs gain
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

Report at the end-of-week 28 of low-carb : total low-carb weight loss 26.4lbs, and last week no overall weight change. Finally record the shrinkage too: under-bust, stomach and hips all near a 1/4 inch off, waist just a smidgen...

Boing, boing, boing. Okay, this is getting tedious. Dear V&P vary-fairy will you *please* let my base-line weight drop *properly* below my target, and then you can bounce about those two pounds as much as you like. Much love, a weary FatDog.

I've spent the day chasing my tail, it seems, to the point that I've fallen behind with my log, *again*. Firstly the fiasco with Celia Brooks' Low-carb and Gluten-free Vegetarian utterly threw me this morning. Gawd knows why, it's hardly the end of the world but I suppose I was pretty excited by its prospect for a couple of months - oh sad FatDog. I spent an age agonising whether to keep or send it back (with very kind offers from some of you to buy the paperback off me) - but the hardback is going back, and the compensation is... I've ordered Plenty *blush thingy*. OH went to take library books back (including Plenty) and was vanished for over four hours. Friends called by for 'computer rescue services', which I've scheduled in for next Thursday. And blah, blah, blah...

Dinner, for me, was an angelic repeat of last Friday (Greek salad, OLS bread, quorn ham and mustard), and I'd have been up for the goody-two-shoes award had bestest neighbour (BN) not come around with ten penny bargain luxury Christmas puddings from Sainsers, plus the most amazing "cosy socks & foot cream" combo for a quid (BN was commissioned to go back to get another for the FatDog and one for next-door neighbour).

I was then outnumbered by OH, BN and next-door neighbour regarding the puddings, and they were duly cooked. Poor FatDog's self-restraint vanished with the wonderful puddingy fragrances, and that was 333 calories and 41g carbs scranned in the blink and a half of an eye (and that was much less than half of what the others munched - thank goodness I resisted a full serving and the brandy butter).

........ Calories 799.68 Carbs 61.01 Fat 47.39 Protein 27.01 Fibre 11.88

The cosy socks that BN acquired don't do much for my figure either, but oooooh, they're warm. Happy FatDog feet.


Tuesday, low-carb day one-hundred and ninety-eight, feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 111.8lbs (analogue scales corrected ~108.5lbs); 0.4lbs gain
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

FatDog is *not* amused. Booo. You do know that that was a repair day yesterday, don't you, V&P vary-fairy? The readings are meant to go *down* after a repair, *not up*. Ohhhh, punishment for the Christmas pudding eh? Okay. Fair cop, I suppose - it was a mega 41g carbs in a single hit... Never mind, soon mended.

First day as "Tuesday girl" volunteer today - don't actually know who I'll be working with so that makes for an interesting afternoon.

Have been pondering how to use the red kale from our freegan film-maker in tonight's dinner through the night (as is the FatDog's wont) and had in mind a Japanese pancake thingy in CBB's World Vegetarian Classics, p200 which uses savoy cabbage but I'm sure kale would do.

By morning my recipe was a well morphed version of this - as we have loads of swede, cream and cheese to use up - so I thought to do the pancake / frittata thingy with shredded swede and slithered kale, slathered with a cream and goats cheese sauce (garlic too, to keep the likes of the BN happy? or mustard?) finished under the grill, served with a nicely reduced slushy tomato sauce of some sort.

Headed to the cook-books on rising and, lo as might be expected, Cotter's onto it (for the love of food, p173) with a remarkably similar concept, so I might add ginger and seeds to the pancake and make sure that the tomato sauce has extra oomph from chilli flakes and fresh ground coriander and I'll have a winner.

Turned out that it was head boss-man on in the shop, so no problems there as he works darned hard at being good to his volunteers and it's usually pretty pleasant working with him. Unfortunately my Tuesday hours mean that I get away at fourish (was late today as I wanted to finish what I was doing) - and there are several charity stores on the way home; this could be doom for my finances.

Fortunately, this time I spent all my heading-homewards-time in the charity store next-door as they've a "trough of bras" as the manager calls it (I somehow think there's a message in there but I've not got it) - lots of M&S samples for sale. TMI warning Now, FatDog hasn't worn one of these things for an age (a decade or so, perhaps?!! I'm not counting crop-tops) and genuinely can't remember how they're meant to fit as and when they fit properly. Anyway, I now have two black soutiens-gorges and I *think* that they're the right size (34A), but it's hard to tell as I have all this extra skin wibbling out and about in the wrong places (no, I don't want it filled out again - I'm much happier now that it's not full of fat - I'd just rather the skin bits shrunk away a little). Must. Get. Back. To. Toning. Exercises.

Well, that recipe will have to wait (hope the red kale is up for loitering a little longer too) as OH fancies something to eat sooner rather than later (it invariably takes me a couple of hours to cook things, regardless of what it is) as he's wanting to play in the gym. And by some serendipity I noticed that the co-op have their lovely mushroom open ravioli back in. Not really good FatDog food, but not terminally bad either, and - bless the OH, he's game for fetching and going halfsies on it, along with a leafy salad. Yum. Except that I keep forgetting about the after effects of eating pasta - ouch, howl - when will I learn?

The awful thing is that I also have a cheese mountain (gave half to the VBF, thank goodness) and two huge savoy cabbages (all purchased from the BN after his bargain trawl on Sunday) sitting the fridge begging to be eaten. Oh dear. And, what with it being the OH's birthday on Wednesday, it'll be Friday (has to be kale Thursday or it'll slither out of the fridge) before I can even contemplate using them. Unless, that is, you good people have imaginative party finger-food ideas for savoy cabbages? Or even red cabbage (the other half of the Christmas one)? The cheese is easy - we can just eat it.

FatDog acquired another *two* pairs of the cosy socks on her way to work (I mean - cosy socks *and* very pleasant ponging bergamot foot cream for a quid?) - and the OH has even agreed to accept a pair (he'll need to chop the dangly bow & balls bits off maybe?) as warm feet in our house have been a rarity in recent months. So we're both off to bed honking of bergamot and with warm happy toes.

........ Calories 1699.57 Carbs 75.44 Fat 96.63 Protein 38.21 Fibre 19.15
Wednesday, low-carb day one-hundred and ninety-nine, repair day until 18:00hrs, ad lib for OH's birthday thereafter

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 111.6lbs (analogue scales corrected ~108.5lbs); 0.2lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

Groan. And it's OH's birthday today so I'll only be repairing until this evening. Just two pounds - that's all I'm needing - two pounds. Think I'll need to go back to strict rather than relaxed maintenance for a couple of weeks to knock things into order from next week.

Glad I'm not posting tonight, as that consumption might take a wee while to work out, accounts wise... Recorded the major intakes (chocolates oh, no?! vino, mini-pizzas and the like) but will need to guestimate humous etc.

And, some days later: might have over-estimated the latter, but (sadly) not to the tune of the 500 calories and 80g carbs excess. Hmmm.

........ Calories 2393.95 Carbs 130.09 Fat 123.64 Protein 48.91 Fibre 19.29


Thursday, low-carb day two-hundred, feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 111.8lbs (analogue scales corrected ~108.5lbs); 0.2lbs gain
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

Wish today was a repair day (suspect that figure will go up again tomorrow, as yesterday's excesses take their vengeance) - but can't face doing a back-to-back with Friday; I'll just have to try and be a little restrained - a nice 1200 calorie day would be good. Which I've sabotaged already by having double double cream in my coffee this morning as it's about to go to waste / off. C'est la vie.

Very happy FatDog though. The postie delivered a large Amazon parcel - Elizabeth David on Vegetables and Yotam Ottolenghi's Plenty. Can't stop the tail wagging. OH cast a jaded eye over them and said that I'd be running out of shelf-space soon - and he might just be right. Will need to do a mini-reorganise of the "diet" books (nooooo, I don't follow any of them, except 5:2 fast, they're for "research purposes" only) and that'll give me a wee bit more space. As the number-one boss-man said on Tuesday - "you don't need that", with reference to a very lovely Mezze cookbook, "until you've cooked everything in the books you already have". I don't entirely agree with him, but he has a certain point...

I'm afraid that it's likely to be another recipeless day today, as I'm meant to be retrieving our friend's computer from the grasp of multitudinous viruses (again), so it'll be instant food of some sort. I'm going to have to say to the lassie that this is the last time I'm doing this for her - she knows not to download stuff from dodgy sites but keeps doing it, with ruinous consequences - as it's not what I want to be spending my time on (even if it does "earn" me a bottle of wine).

Okay - I'm needing serious psychiatric help with my book addiction, three extra today from work: Troth Well's "The Spices of Life" which is the follow-on (sadly including some fish and meat) to the wonderful "The World in Your Kitchen"; Catherine Brown's "Broths to Bannocks", which is a history of Scottish cooking from 1690, with some wonderful recipes; and Mary Contini's "Dear Francesca", recipes and reminiscences - MC being a founder of the wonderful Valvona & Crolla deli in Edinburgh. Slightly pissed that all are available (and hard-back rather than soft) for £1.20 less each on Amazon. Bummer. Suppose it's for charity, but do feel a bit ripped off. Might challenge the boss next time I'm in. Or maybe not.

Lovely lady came into the shop this after-noon - a fellow cook-book addict I think. Spookily asked whether I was familiar with ED's on Vegetables and YO's Plenty (both of which arrived this morning, of course). We yattered away, ten to the dozen. She's interested in food history so I dug out the copy of Sara Paston-Williams' "The Art of Dining" from where it had been languishing on the shelf for months. It's a gorgeous tome with recipes going back to the middle ages, a real feast for the eyes - and I'm so pleased that the book now has an appreciative new home.

Yay! Friend's computer stripped of malware. Oh good. I wish she'd stop saying "yes" though (except to independence). I've never met anyone so easily seduced into downloading malware / virus software. I summoned up the courage to say - not again - but suggested that I'd do "due grace" for a couple of weeks until I could get some "parental control" software on her computer to stop her downloading / installing sh*te.

Oh dear. Completely fell off the sensible-wagon - total pig-out. I simply stuffed myself once visitors had gorn - had two extra Pataks' "pappadums" with massive quantities of the remnants of humous from the OH's "party". Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. No idea what got into me there - pure greed, to be honest. It was the obverse of "I can have that tomorrow", i.e. "I can't have that tomorrow so I'll have it now". Bad news.

........ Calories 1933.62 Carbs 103.33 Fat 99.93 Protein 40.91 Fibre 22.40
Ah 'Plenty' what can I say, better to do this :mrgreen: :turtle: :smirk: :moon: :clover: :clover: it was all the green I could muster here to express my envy. Good luck to you I say and it is all in the cause of very good research. Go on with you about your bit of a feed up, there is always tomorrow to repair
10 Jan 2014, 23:20
I've been hankering after Plenty for ages now @gillymary and, having seen the library copy, simply had to have my own *blush*. Plenty is currently listing at £15 (inclusive of p&p) on Amazon, which is the lowest price I've yet seen. I'm calling it my frying-pan exchange, or is it the new CB book surrender? Can't remember, *double blush*.

Gawd - this is a confessional is it not, and the VBF has started to read my thread! FatDog waves at VBF :)
Friday, low-carb day two-hundred and one, repair day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 112.8lbs (analogue scales corrected ~109.5lbs); 1.0lbs gain
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

Utterly self-inflicted - really don't know what got into me last night with the pappadum (that's how Patak's spell poppadum) and humous pig-out: madness. Simply. Madness.

Need to make a decent repair day of it today - no saying to myself "it's Friday so it's a half-repair", especially given that Wednesday wasn't a repair at all. The wheels seem to have completely fallen off my maintenance plan - think the high number of extra-indulgent feed days over the festive period and OH's birthday are taking their revenge. My tracker is looking horribly like I've hit the bottom and am on a rapid re-bound back up the way! Eek! Terror strikes the FatDog's heart. Methinks this is rather a dangerous place to be. Classic "throw in the towel time" on a conventional diet, I suspect.

The devil on my shoulder is suggesting that I might need to start eating under my TDEE, at least during the week, to get back on track. Might even have to be a little circumspect at the weekends too, if I want that weight back down "sooner rather than later"...

NOOOOOO. Away with you devil! Stick. To. Plan. No short-changing on eating to TDEE - that's dieting, and this is no dieting - just don't go over TDEE for a bit, and do repair days properly and they'll do just that: repair the damage. Have a wee bit of faith FatDog: you've been doing this WoE for more than eight months now - you know that it works, and how wonderfully forgiving it is. <<FatDog throws salt over her shoulders, puts her hackles up, and growls ferociously>>

Am also struggling to keep up with my food accounting just now - seem to be allergic to doing it: could it be shame at the horrendous numbers? And that too would be a notably very unhealthy sentiment for the FatDog to have. The whole point of this WoE is that it *allows for ups and downs*. It trusts one to balance things out, not keep them absolutely level every day - the latter would be called a very restrictive diet, methinks, and they're rather famous for being completely unsustainable as a WoL.

So, there's no shame in the occasional indulgence, just as long as one matches it with a wee bit abstinence. Rather shocking that I'm only really learning that lesson and *fully* taking it on-board now I'm over fifty (-two)! And it's amazing really: the current popular implementation of such excellent common sense is called the 5:2 fast diet.

Not sure whether to switch my tracker back to weight-loss - but that really wouldn't reflect the reality: I've reached my target and am endeavouring to maintain it and that's the truth. It's just an awkward time of the year to have arrived, so there's bound to be some bouncing along the bottom! Soon fixed. Maybe I'll sneakily hitch my wagon to the Valentines crowd, until I can get those wheels back on properly :)

Sorry, that's rather a lot of havering for the day - displacement activity for doing my numbers and working up recipes, perchance? I'm sore needing @carorees with her *get a grip* or even @janeg with her wet fish (don't think janeg has visited in here yet?).

And I'm further procrastinating by swithering over dinner. Needs to be strict. Will try to make it as late as possible, then I'll not be so easily tempted into eating something else before bed-time. Thinking double fried eggs with veggie sausages, and the remains of the 'dipping' bell peppers from OH's birthday fine chopped and fried with a little red onion, would be rather good. Wish I had some mushrooms to throw in there as well. Sounds like a plan to me anyway. Ah, change that. I think a frittata is in order, then I can add in the rocket (arugula) too. And I could chop the cooked sausages small and mix them in. Mmmmm. Better work this one up, rather than wing-it or I'll be over all my limits, and that would thoroughly cheese me off. Speaking of cheese, I wonder if I could pack a little cheese into that frittata too? :)

Might be an idea if I went back to working up all of my recipes *before* I prepared them, as in my early days of low-carbing, just for a couple of weeks or so. It'll help keep me from cal/carb-accidents and on the straight and narrow a little. And save me from the sort of horrible recipe work-up back-log that I have now!

Oops. Was editing yesterday's screed and went on to Amazon to look up the author of "The Art of Dining" and, erhum, accidentally ordered a penny copy. Double oops. I'll just have to hope that the OH is out when it arrives. Do you think that the NHS addiction services can help with bookaholism?

Well, the frittata would have been fine, except that it had to extend to three (as the BN dropped by with bargain co-op carrot & swede mix) thus FatDog rather thoughtlessly added the remains of a tin of tatties that the OH kindly offered to contribute. Didn't chop the sausages into the frittata in the end, but otherwise it was pretty much as plotted - bar the tatties. And oh dear: them tatties rather spoilt the macro balance - did terrible things to the carbs (added 23.1g to the whole). See - do the numbers before cooking FatDog, and then there won't be any nasty surprises.

Trying the post-it-now-and-eat-no-more trick again, so good night good folk, FatDog.

........ Calories 702.32 Carbs 28.50 Fat 40.26 Protein 45.69 Fibre 6.79
Ok FatDog, you've been doing brilliantly but I think you should pick a day for a repair day and stick with it! No excuses anymore, draw a line under what has been happening and get yourself back on track!

There! How was that? Not really sure if I can do a proper wet fish but it was needing to be said and you did a sneaky improper tag for @carorees and @janeg, did you think no one would notice? :wink: :lol:

Honestly, you've done a fantastic job but I think you are either a bit burnt out on logging and/or tracking and you are starting to wander into the 'yoyo' trap. Come up with your maintenance plan and allow for the scale bobble without beating yourself up, perhaps aim for 109-111 lbs?
@Hello Fatdog! I haven't commented but faithfully read and thoroughly enjoy your thread.
I have 'From Broths to Bannocks' it's one of my favourites and one of the few that came with me when I moved to the sandpit.
Now, about this blip...
You're allowed a bit of slack! Being of the daintier persuasion though, I know how easy a slip can show. So, why not set a day and get back on track from then on. Back to doing it like it was your first fasts ( thanks for that one@sue ) and I'm sure it'll be fine.
There is always the low carb wet fish standing by, just in case ;)
Betsysgr8 wrote: Ok FatDog, you've been doing brilliantly but I think you should pick a day for a repair day and stick with it! No excuses anymore, draw a line under what has been happening and get yourself back on track!

There! How was that? Not really sure if I can do a proper wet fish but it was needing to be said and you did a sneaky improper tag for @carorees and @janeg, did you think no one would notice? :wink: :lol:

Honestly, you've done a fantastic job but I think you are either a bit burnt out on logging and/or tracking and you are starting to wander into the 'yoyo' trap. Come up with your maintenance plan and allow for the scale bobble without beating yourself up, perhaps aim for 109-111 lbs?

Wise advice @betsygr8. You need a maintaining plan that keeps you as straight as your loss plan did. Besides, all this seesawing around is making us all feel wobbly :lol: Anyway, what do I know, I'm going through a blip too. :frown:
oh hi FatDog! Did someone call me? I think I've arrived too late to add any more to what the others have said...including your alter ego! I think you've given yourself an appropriate talking to, so take your own advice and Keep Calm and Carry On!
... although this is all highly amusing to read of a Saturday early morn, I wish you well @Fatdog with your plans for mainteneering - we're all watching and behind you! :shock: :wink:
Good morning Fat dog,

Stop blethering and get back on the case. Christmas is over, get over it and get on with it. Now..........that was the good talking to, here is the sympathy....................emmmm.......Oh, O.K.....we all go through this, it doesn't last, honest, would I lie to you? RELAX, just take it easy and you will slip back into the routine again before you can say " wet fish" and finally....BEHAVE YOURSELF! :wink:

Ballerina x :heart:
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