The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

64 posts Page 1 of 5
Urgh. It is so frigging warm. Apparently Adelaide is set to be the warmest city in the world today, with a top of 46C (114.8F) expected. It was already 31C (87.8F) when I got up to go for a run at 5.30am....madness! Needless to say it was a sloooooow 7km run. Anyway, I am looking forward to my sixth fast day today after eating way too much over the last couple of days. Fasting may be easier on hot days, but so is snacking on 'normal' days when the weather is too hot to get out and do stuff. Boredom = snacking in my books. I *may* have consumed a large amount of rocky road last night so looking to repent today :(

Anyway, good luck to everyone who's fasting today! I'm heading off to the indoor pool with my kids to beat the heat (and take my mind off food). :like:
I' m in ..sort of!
But,experiencing famine reaction so am eating extra cals for a week or two
So will have some extra cals and eat late lunch and dinner after a night's sleep ( i hope)
Used to thurs being fast n repair days so i dont want to go much over limit,scared of getting out of the fasting habit!
Best fasting everyone for a Therapeutic Thursday :like: :like: :like:
:clover: :clover: :clover: good luck! :clover: :clover: :clover:
I managed to start the same strand at the same time as Nickers, so have transferred my comments here - @Moogie, if you read this, you could delete the strand I started, thanks.

Heading for another v hot day, tho not as bad as Adelaide. I am actually going to do an hour in the garden before it gets too hot, then it's time for the weekly house clean before it is too hot inside...

Happy fasting everyone, whatever your weather conditions. :)
Hot hot hot. Oh well that's summer for you. I'm fasting, I can't decide between a stir fry or a barley salad for dinner, should do a stir fry and use the greens in the garden before the caterpillars eat them all.
Happy Fasting :smile:
That heat is unbelievable, you poor Aussies!! Good luck with the fasting, don't forget water. and Nickers, so impressed you ran despite the heat!
Tomorrow is Thursday for me, and I'll be having my half oxo cube for lunch then an Innocent curry for dinner. Got it on offer, nice and ready prepped, and its 319 cals so a little extra wiggle room for some fruit or the like!! :) xx
Very quiet here, so far, for this time of day. I am in today. It's already quarter to 1, but I've been busy so forgot to log in. I have just eaten some of last night's left over T-bone. I couldn't eat it all last night, and it was very nice cold and cut into small cubes. I think this is ok. I haven't eaten anything else so far. I just got an insanely hungry period. It's too hot to distract myself in the garden, and trying to distract myself by reading the February issue of Delicious which just arrived in the mail, didn't help. There are some good fast day recipes in there though, which I marked in the index with an 'F'. Tonight's dinner is a green leaf salad with poached eggs. I have some lovely strawberries from the local strawberry farm, so that will be an acceptable pudding. Stay cool in Adelaide! I remember studying for my matric exams in Adelaide, sitting in a cold bath, with a board set up across the bath for a desk.
Hey everyone,

I'm in and finding it a bit tough!
Looking forward to my dinner of salmon, vege and low fat cottage cheese very much but that's not for another 6 hours.
Oh well miso and red bull yes please x
Hi all,
Just got around to checking, I'm in today, sat indoors shutting the Adelaide heat out! Had a terrible night's sleep as it stayed at 29!! Just hit 43 on the thermometer, yuck! Fasting is easier in this weather!!
I'm in. I'm sick today and haven't gotten out of bed yet. Not eating much should be easy.
Hi everyone

Good luck for today - I'm in today instead of Wednesday. The heat is baaaad but at least Sydney is not anywhere Adelaide
Had 2 egg whites for Bfast with 2 cherry tomatoes, soup for lunch & now having a black tea. I cannot last the day without food yet so am happy spreading the load across the day. Had a major fright though & got hubby to check the calories on the kebabs I WAS going to do for dinner - 1 kebab is 95 calories yikes = may have to rethink dinner
Must say that watching the calories on the fasting days is making me so much more aware of how much I put in my mouth the other days
The heat must be frying my brain - I forgot it is my fast day! Glad I had a look in.

Never mind i'm doing 16/8 so I just had an egg and cheese salad for lunch. Will just have some raspberries tonight.

Its too hottt hottt to eat.

Cheers maggie. :smile: :smile:
Hi all,
I'm here too.
I wasn't sure if I'd make it today, but since it's 4pm and all I've had is some strawberries I guess I'm doing it!
Going to the hairdresser at 1pm helped. No choice then about eating! :wink:
I went for a swim this morning with my DD :smile:
Looking fwd to my standard vege stirfry and more fruit for dinner- have some leftover for my OH thank goodness.
I'm on hols at the beach next week :cool: so I'll check in when I get back. I'll do 2 or 3 16:8 days but no fasts I'm sure! :shock:
It's 4.00pm and 37 degrees but according to the weather app it only feels like 36.9 :?:
To hot to do much other then stay inside with the airconditioner so now I'm bored and want to eat. Hurry up time go faster.
@gigi55 have a nice holiday, hope it's not too boiling hot.
Checking in late today, but not feeling well, so it's been easy to fast today.

Hope you're feeling better soon @Maryann

@Deb - trying to sleep in that heat would be impossible - hope you get some relief soon.

Good luck fellow fasters :like:
Cold baths people; leave the water in the bath and dip you body in it every hour or so.
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