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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Member Number 2 Checking in....

@Umleila what is your fitbit app? Not heard of this one and I LOVE anything techy. Think I may have the wrong end of the stick.

So far I'm keeping up with my goal but I've discovered an annoying side effect for me.

I am EXHAUSTED. I have trouble waking up, feeling like I could nap at any time and am GLAD it is Friday.

Just wondering if anyone else is encountering this? It could be my health problems and I may well have to drop out...

Feeling discouraged - any advice?
janeg wrote: *shuffles in, in a very soggy state*
Well, fellow HIITers
number 4 checking in with a RESULT :oops:
Mad max and I are once again reacquainted. Oh, has he lost fitness in the wilderness months- oh boy, has he! :bugeyes:
However, as Juliana suggested, I went very easy on him.
The book I have (No Bull-Hiit by Jenn M Leftwich) doesn't actually cover rowing, but has a beginners, intermediate and advanced plan.
Beginners it is
4 times a week for 1 week 5 min warm up
intervals of 20 secs UP 40 secs DOWN x20
cool down
5 min warm up - easy :like:
10 intervals - it's about 9-11 hard strokes
thought I was going to expire :shock:
5 min warm down :oops:
then just managed another 10 :neutral:
really thought I would throw up...uggghhhh :shock:
stopped, off madmax and did a standing stretching cool down cos my padded posterior isn't as padded as it was and it's more than a tad uncomfortable :shock:

I'm thinking about what the good Dr M says about strength and aerobic and how both are equally important.
I'm wonderng though if rowing actually hits both bases....any thoughts/research to make this easy on me :geek:
or am I going to be soooo disappointed?
start made, aiming for Sunday as my next. Got a feeling week one may end up being done more than once
Distance rowed was 4.9km, manage to hit 2'03" for 500m at average 28 strokes /min, mostly over 3'15 in DOWN spells
I'll keep an eye on those figures and see if they change

@janegyour post made me laugh.. glad you can smile whilst sweating away.

Madmax is definitely your friend.

Love the rowing machine stats you are sharing. Machines are probably a good way of giving us all something to work against. what im hoping to do is on some summary list i write what i think is everyone's method of HIIT. its so varied which is to be expected. we all have different capacities, different machines or devices and different motivations of course.

this strength versus aerobics matter. i so have to get the book and read it. but i think people tend to lean to either one or another and a challenge for all will be to see what we do on both sides. I think rowwing might be both but im not an expert in such matters
Umleila wrote: Thanks for the join :)

The link that you posted Julianna is exactly the exercises I am doing with the 7ًminute workout. I also am unable to do a couple of exercises due to a dodgy shoulder. I can't do the half plank or the push ups with rotation so I have substituted those for other exercises.

I have set my own timer with an app from the App Store called gymboss. I can't find a link right now but will post one soon. Now I've added the MM style 3 Bursts of 20 secs to the mix as well. It has a beeper that goes off for the start of each set.

Here's the link... ... 87448?mt=8

I will be able to keep track by seeing my fitbit step stats go down! I have an app so it should be pretty easy to track.

Yesterday was day one and as expected my body is pretty sore today and in a good way.

I go to the UK on Tuesday for a couple of weeks so not sure if I'll be able to continue there but as I need no equipment and only a short time, I'm hoping it will be ok.

Have a good day everyone :)

Thank you for the link @Umleila
Ive already inspired myself in setting up the club. Decided tomorrow morning first thing, i will clear a space in my living area and return the treadmill thats been gathering dust in the garage. Now thats a big thing for me so it will be for a while my aerobic side of things. Probably with some steep incline walks.

Will save me having to join the gym again. Still might in the future but ill even be fitter by then.

and hopefully get to my 69.9 weight too with all the good things going on.
OfficeMonkey wrote: Member Number 2 Checking in....

@Umleila what is your fitbit app? Not heard of this one and I LOVE anything techy. Think I may have the wrong end of the stick.

Hi office monkey :)

The app is connected to the fitbit fitness tracker that I and quite a few other members here own. Here's a link to their UK page

I have the one and I can sync it to my iphone and it keeps track of my steps and a whole host of other things.
Umleila wrote:
OfficeMonkey wrote: Member Number 2 Checking in....

@Umleila what is your fitbit app? Not heard of this one and I LOVE anything techy. Think I may have the wrong end of the stick.

Hi office monkey :)

The app is connected to the fitbit fitness tracker that I and quite a few other members here own. Here's a link to their UK page

I have the one and I can sync it to my iphone and it keeps track of my steps and a whole host of other things.

Love your siggy with what you are doing for your Fast Exercise goals, thanks
What I'm trying to do is make the commitment to scheduled day/ time (MWF 5 pm) then not letting anything get in the way of that. Once its done, I need to just keep going. I find if I track it, I either rest on my laurels (i can skip today, I got 2/3 in) or, I beat myself up (omg, I only got 2/3, I'm scum, I should just quit!) - can you say black & white thinker? So, I'm trying to act like its been a regular habit that I've always done it, thereby tricking myself into success...that's what I'm telling myself anyway:)
I have a fitbit one, I'm trying to get back up to speed on that as well. One step at a time, I have the rest of my life to tweak & improve...
Phew! That was GOOD. I've just done the Leslie Sansone HIIT workout and thoroughly enjoyed it. I doubt very much if I could have done it before losing the weight and going to the gym first. I am sat here dripping with sweat, its a fast day and I didn't feel 'drained' at any point., in fact I now feel very bouncy, euphoric even.

I think her DVD's and videos are a great way to ease into exercise because the movements generally are low impact with variations for people who are very unfit or have mobility problems etc. and you can always drop out when you have to.

The HIIT workout is here...
Just got back from a first attempt at intervals on my road bike, on the road. Wore my heart monitor strap which is usually rubbish for running but it worked OK on the bike.
Warmed up for just over a mile, at which time my pulse was still under 120, then pedalled hard for a count of 30-ish seconds, pulse went to 137. Rode gently for two minutes approx then repeated. In total there were 7 hard sections in a 6.5 mile ride which averaged 15.5 mph (which would normally be 17+ mph). According to Sport Tracks, which takes Garmin GPS data and presents it better than Garmin's own software, my pulse averaged 139 for 2.2 miles and peaked 6 times at around 145 - 147 which is 90% max for me according to the usual sources (but not my Garmin, the lying toad). Quite pleased, and quite wobbly-legged even after my bath.

Also did 3 sets of 10 chin-ups, quickly but spaced through the day, for strength training. Tried to do intervals but it was too hard to repeat 10 even after a couple of minutes rest...

Edited to clarify this was biking on the road.
@janeg Thanks for the rowing HIT schedule. I was looking for something to alternate running.

Has anyone here tried the exercises that were in The Times UK, not the strength ones but the ones that include Burpees and Star jumps that you do for 30 secs. I tried them and found them very hard which would seem to point to lack of stamina yet I can swim at a good pace for an hour and not be over tired!
MLCDz wrote: What I'm trying to do is make the commitment to scheduled day/ time (MWF 5 pm) then not letting anything get in the way of that. Once its done, I need to just keep going. I find if I track it, I either rest on my laurels (i can skip today, I got 2/3 in) or, I beat myself up (omg, I only got 2/3, I'm scum, I should just quit!) - can you say black & white thinker? So, I'm trying to act like its been a regular habit that I've always done it, thereby tricking myself into success...that's what I'm telling myself anyway:)
I have a fitbit one, I'm trying to get back up to speed on that as well. One step at a time, I have the rest of my life to tweak & improve...

You seem to have it worked out @MLCDz

love that phrase One step at a time. you have the rest of your life

another i love is "SMALL STEPS"
garnet25 wrote: @janeg Thanks for the rowing HIT schedule. I was looking for something to alternate running.

Has anyone here tried the exercises that were in The Times UK, not the strength ones but the ones that include Burpees and Star jumps that you do for 30 secs. I tried them and found them very hard which would seem to point to lack of stamina yet I can swim at a good pace for an hour and not be over tired!

DO you have a link @garnet25?
Star jumps are a complete no-no for me. I still have poor bladder strength and star jumps and trampolining are where it shows up. I guess having all this extra internal baggage pressing down on my bladder doesn't help. Maybe when I am at target I will find that I actually have excellent pelvic control, it was just battling against terrible odds.
I had made up a schedule for training for the half-marathon on Feb 1, including some HIIT and weight training. I missed two days because of a cold. So today… silly me… I thought I would make up some sessions (today was meant to be a rest day) by doing HIIT in the morning and weight training in the evening. Oh my. I only did a 10 min HIIT session (I am trying to build up to 20 minutes--I'm following the Boutcher protocol) and I'm absolutely beat. And these silly bike shorts I bought last night (another drama of clothes shopping in Japan--leaving me feeling fat and wearing ill-fitting men's bike shorts) still don't have enough padding.
garnet25 wrote: @janeg Thanks for the rowing HIT schedule. I was looking for something to alternate running.

Has anyone here tried the exercises that were in The Times UK, not the strength ones but the ones that include Burpees and Star jumps that you do for 30 secs. I tried them and found them very hard which would seem to point to lack of stamina yet I can swim at a good pace for an hour and not be over tired!

@garnet25, do you mean this: ... neral&_r=0
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