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Silverdarling wrote: Many congratulations and crivvenses! :victory: :like: :victory:

Are you now going to be one of those smaller dogs which thinks (and acts) like it's a big dog?? :wink: :razz:

Please NO, my wee ankles canny take being bitten, there is only bone, nae meat on em!

Ballerina , she of the scrawny wee legs x :heart:
Repeating yourself, @Ballerina - so have thanked you twice :lol: :wink: :razz:
Bum !!

Ballerina x :heart:
Seem to have developed a stutter, stutter, sorry

Ballerina x :heart:
I'm more than happy to delete duplicate posts but if I did that now then the conversation that followed would be out of context and look odd. ;)
Who you calling 'looking odd'? :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:

Yes, sometimes one just has to go with the flow :frown: :lol: :lol:
I am hungry will have to make those fritters now after catching up on your thread @FatDog though you are now in minds eye now a very very smart sassy thin Jack Russell - a compliment as they are the most fabulous little doggies) Having also followed your instructions and checked out your tracker it is very impressive.
I think @fatdog should really have a new user name.....something like..........TOPDOG! .....Yes, I like that .......TOPDOG, yep,.......TOPDOG,....mmmm :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:

Or....Skinny B....h...ooooo! Xx :shock:
Saturday, low-carb day two-hundred and nine, weekend feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 109.6lbs (analogue scales corrected ~106.75lbs); 0.8lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

Oh, lovely 109, it is such a joy, and a relief, to see you again. Thank-you so much V&P vary-fairy, you've made for one very happy FatDog today :)

Report for the end of week 38 on 4.5 : 2.5 - 2.6lb loss this week (total loss 36.4lbs); no shrinkage but the possible "expansion" at the end of last week would appear to have been fluid (as suspected / hoped).

The apparent two and a half pound drop this week is, of course, mostly the loss of carb-water-weight, as my deficit for the week was a mere ~1780 calories (thanks to the previous weekend's madness) - equating to just a half pound loss. But I'm affy glad it's gorn, wherever it came from...

I said upthread that it would take a couple of weeks to sort out the festive season's gains, and so it has, with the few extra days courtesy of the OH's birthday indulgences. This wonderful WoE is truly wonderful. Now, feel free to bounce around under the 110 as much as you like V&P vary-fairy - that realm is all yours.


Reminder to self: must try to keep the carbs sub 50g/day this weekend / week.

Acquired a good condition hardback copy of Mireille Guiliano's "French Women Don't Get Fat" for just £1.50 in a charity store yesterday - purely for *research purposes* you understand. More people seem to love the book than loathe it but, from a brief peruse and the first 35 pages I can sympathize with the latter group, whilst agreeing with the former; okay, she is stating the obvious but does so in such a way as to really resonate with her reader. Will let you know how I get on.

Now to dinner. Oh dear, another confession to make. We've had Skye Gyngell's "A year in my kitchen" in the window at work for the last couple of weeks and I've had a good shufti at it the last few times I've been in. It's utterly pretentious in some respects, and woefully self-regarding, but some of the recipes are inspiring, and I *really* like the tips and genuine cook's words of wisdom dotted about. Certainly wasn't going to buy it at a tenner, not least because it breaks my rule of "no more meat recipe books", but had a little accident on Amazon a couple of evenings ago (post wine on Thursday perhaps?) and ordered a penny copy. How's that relevant? Well, there was a recipe for an "Autumn salad" dish (can't remember quite what she called it and the book is yet to arrive) that involved red cabbage, fennel bulb, beetroot, carrot, and apple. Now, I've done the carrot and beetroot thing before and it's yumptious - adding the red cabbage, fennel and apple speaks to me of being doubly yumptious (and will help clear the bottom of the fridge). I'm going to cook it though (not salad it) - in my lovely new casserole pot - along with the remains of my bargain crème fraîche, plus wholegrain mustard, and sherry vinegar. Think it might be rather good.

Whilst we're on recipe books in the shop, the other one I've been (partially) dribbling over is Tamasin Day-Lewis' "Supper for a Song", subtitled "For the clever cook in the cost-conscious kitchen". I'm really not sure which planet this woman lives on, but it's not the same one that I live on... Whole organic chicken, for example: I'd agree that *all* chicken consumed should be organic, for welfare reasons alone, but one can't exactly buy it "for a song", nor clams, wild salmon, pheasant and "Tarocco oranges". And there's plenty more examples of the same. I can get the book for a penny+p&p, but shan't just now: a) *lots* of meat - fair enough, it doesn't say it's veggie but, actually, a good veggie diet is often cheaper than omnivore, so I'd expect more veggies; and b) there are rather too many liberties taken with the pictures, e.g. a chickpea soup with luscious blobs of oil, but only 15ml in the whole recipe - I don't think so. I *really* dislike cookbooks that pimp the pictures so that they bear no relation to the outcome one will get. There are some stonkingly good recipes in there for omnivores (and even the veggies), so please don't let me put you off, just don't believe what it says on the cover (or what the pictures show you).

In future, the FatDog should not be allowed out to do the messages before the charity shops shut. Please. I'm dead chuffed with the beautiful Jaeger frock that I now have, but there was no space for that in my budget (eight quid, including discount as I work next door), or even my back-of-the-door wardrobe. Mind you - the frock is *absolutely stunning*, and it's not just me saying so. Seriously. It is properly cut - though it is ancient (one can tell by the sizing) which is probably why it is well cut. You could stick a seriously deformed dwarf (like me) in this frock on the red carpet and she'd look good. [rant] Why do manufacturers / retailers *do* badly cut stuff, when the properly cut stuff costs no more (in terms of materials) and can look utterly stunning? [/rant] I've, honestly, *never* understood it. And whist I was at it, I popped back into the book shop and re-checked the recipe's name - "Autumn Coleslaw".

Well, dinner took an age to prep - *lots & lots* of peeling and chopping. Decide against the mustard, and the crème fraîche needs added atop on each serving at the end. OH didn't help by demanding a time dinner would be ready, then completely sabotaging my estimate by occupying the kitchen for half an hour to make himself a snack of beans on toast. Grrrr. Currently (nine forty-five p.m.) dinner's fragrance is wafting about and it's no bad - here's hoping...

Mmmmm. That were good. Really, really good. Moved to seriously delicious after I remembered that I meant to add nuts in there. Pecans did a great stand-in for walnuts, and the walnuts were a stand in for hazelnuts - couldn't find either of the latter two in my "larder" (they should both be there). Actually, I think pecans were serendipitous - better than walnuts or hazelnuts would have been. Bestest neighbour would have had it cooked for ten minutes longer (gawd, he's mad, it would have been *horribly* soggy!) - OH and I both disagreed strongly and thought it *very good* as was, with great texture and bite. Flavour-wise methought it delicious (as did the others), even though I forgot the sherry vinegar. Would happily do that again, *without any changes*. There's two portions going in the freezer, and I know who's getting *both* of them (not at the same time, of course) and it ain't the OH...

My hands are, like Lady Macbeth's, stained red... I love beetroot but, if you've a fancy manicure please, do, wear gloves when prep'ing this dish - even the red cabbage stains a bit! The new casserole pot did wonderfully, methinks; I was surprised that the top browned a little (nicely, not burnt) even though the lid stayed on the whole time.

........ Calories 1850.22 Carbs 64.93 Fat 87.57 Protein 38.84 Fibre 21.52

Christmas red cabbage reprise, a FatDog concoction
cabbage, red, narrow strips, 27c/C3.7/F0.3/P1.1/Fi2.5/100g (tesco figs)
......... 718g 193.86 26.57 2.15 7.90 17.95
fennel, bulb, fine sliced, 31c/C4.2/F0.2/P1.2/Fi3.1/100g
......... 270g 83.70 11.34 0.54 3.24 8.37
beetroot, raw, thin sliced, 42c/C7.6/F0.1/P1.7/Fi1.9/100g
......... 349g 146.58 26.52 0.35 5.93 6.63
carrot, sliced, 41c/C9.58/F0.25/P0.93/Fi2.8/100g
......... 142g 58.22 13.60 0.36 1.32 3.98
ginger, very fine diced, 90c/C17.8/F0.8/P1.8/Fi2.0/100g
......... 16g 14.40 2.85 0.13 0.29 0.32
apple, 1cm sliced, 52c/C11.6/F0.2/P0.3/Fi2.4/100g
......... 227g 118.04 26.33 0.45 0.68 5.45
onion, red, co-op, medium fine diced, 35c/C7.6/F0.2/P1.3/Fi1.4/100g
......... 63g 22.05 4.79 0.13 0.82 0.88
shiraz, 83c/C2.6/F0.0/P0.07/Fi0.0/100ml
......... 200ml 166.00 5.20 0.00 0.14 0.00
water, hot
......... 300ml 0.00
nutmeg, dried ground
......... 5ml 0.00
cinnamon, dried ground
......... 10ml 0.00
star anise, whole
......... 3 of 0.00
s&p 0.00
total for Christmas red cabbage reprise 802.85 117.20 4.11 20.32 43.58
FatDog's ¼ portion of Christmas red cabbage reprise 200.71 29.30 1.03 5.08 10.89

Method: 1. layer the ingredients in the order given down to, and including, the onion in your oven-proof, lidded casserole pot; 2. mix the wine, spices and seasoning in a jug and pour over the veggies; 3. use the water to swill the dregs of the spices out of the jug and pour over the veggies; 4. bung the lid on and cook in a pre-heated oven at 200C for about fifty odd minutes - check how it's doing, and cook some more if needed (ours didn't); 5. serve with a 15g portion of pecans and a good dollop of crème fraîche.


Sunday, low-carb day two-hundred and ten, weekend feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 109.0lbs (analogue scales corrected ~106.75lbs); 0.6lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

FatDog picks herself up off the floor and wanders around the living room in a daze - vaguely wagging her tail in disbelief. Gosh. Thanks, V&P vary-fairy - that was totally unexpected, don't understand where it came from and, I'm feeling, it was strangely undeserved. But I guess that's the nature of the V&P vary-fairy. Ta ever so.

Just put some funky music on to do the washing-up to, and discovered that a) I now quite like bouncing up and down and b) the bits that shouldn't wobble (e.g. back below shoulder blades) didn't any more! Yay! Except that was nearly two and a half hours to do the washing up, not sure how, so dinner will be a bit later.

And the bottom of the freezer wasn't full of casserole veggies, as I had thought, but Christmas mixes, and the odd squash & pumpkin, or carrot & swede mix. Bother. Well, one casserole plus a half used Christmas mix of just carrots and sprouts will do fine with an extra onion. Cheesy dumplings go in at about twenty minutes before the end, and I forget to season them - will probably be okay as the stilton is quite flavoursome, as is the casserole sauce. So, half nine and... yum. Very happy with that overall, but the frozen carrots are (as the other day) rather spongy and the dumplings are a bit falls-apartsy; flavours however are delicious. I'm getting rather fond of my casserole pot.

Ooops, the accounts are a bit disastrous... Must do better with working recipes up *before* I cook (and eat) them.

........ Calories 2046.66 Carbs 97.14 Fat 82.45 Protein 53.96 Fibre 26.90

freezer-bottom stew with cheesy dumplings, a FatDog concoction
carrot, swede, leek, potato & onion mix, co-op, 40c/C7.5/F0.3/P1.2/Fi2.1/100g
......... 600g 240.00 45.00 1.80 7.20 12.60
sprout, broccoli & carrot mix, co-op, 40c/C5.5/F0.7/P1.8/Fi3.0/100g
......... 593g 237.20 32.62 4.15 10.67 17.79 (but no broccoli, that was Chrismas dins)
lentils, brown, 332c/C44.9/F1.0/P28.4/Fi14.2/100g
......... 160g dry weight 531.20 71.84 1.60 45.44 22.72
tomatoes, chopped, canned, napolina, 22c/C3.5/F0.4/P1.1/Fi0.3/100g
......... 400g 88.00 14.00 1.60 4.40 1.20
tomato puree, 86c/C14.9/F0.4/P4.7/Fi2.0/100g
......... 25g 21.50 3.73 0.10 1.18 0.50
onion, red, co-op, medium fine diced, 35c/C7.6/F0.2/P1.3/Fi1.4/100g
......... 63g 22.05 4.79 0.13 0.82 0.88
bay leaf, dried
......... 3 of 0.00
parsley, dried leaf
......... 15ml 0.00
sage, dried leaf
......... 10ml 0.00
thyme, dried leaf
......... 10ml 0.00
s&p 0.00
water, hot
......... 1000ml 0.00
soya flour, 424c/C16.0/F20.0/P39.0/Fi12.0/100g
......... 30g 127.20 4.80 6.00 11.70 3.60
linseed, brown, fresh ground, 534c/C1.5/F42.16/P18.29/Fi27.3/100g
......... 40g 213.60 0.60 16.86 7.32 10.92
oat bran, Holland & Barrett, 389.2c/C59.1/F6.5/P12.6/Fi9.3/100g
......... 30g 116.76 17.73 1.95 3.78 2.79
stilton, 410c/C0.1/F35.0/P23.7/Fi0/100g
......... 45g 184.50 0.05 15.75 10.67 0.00
cheddar, extra mature, mull, 403c/C1.0/F33.2/P24.6/Fi0/100g
......... 48g 193.44 0.48 15.94 11.81 0.00
parmesan cheese, 390c/C0/F28.4/P33.0/Fi0/100g
......... 10g 39.00 0.00 2.84 3.30 0.00
veggie suet, atora, 718c/C28.4/F65.7/P2.5/Fi0/100g
......... 46g 330.28 13.06 30.22 1.15 0.00
water, warm
......... 50ml 0.00
total for freezer-bottom stew with cheesy dumplings 2344.73 208.69 98.94 119.43 73.00
FatDog's ¼ portion of freezer-bottom stew with cheesy dumplings 586.18 52.17 24.73 29.86 18.25

Method: 1. bung the veggies (if you're OCD like me, you'll chop them bite size first) into your oven-proof lidded casserole pot; 2. squish the tomato puree equally over the top; 3. likewise distribute the chopped tinned tomatoes over the top; 4. sprinkle the herbs and seasoning over the tomatoes; 5. pour the 1L hot water over the lot; 6. put the lid on and bung in a pre-heated oven at 200C for an hour or so; 7. meantimes, make your dumplings: mix all the dried stuff (sift the soya if you like) then gradually mix in the water with a flat knife, and then finally work into a dough-ball with your hands; 8. divvy the dough into 8 dumpling balls; 9. wheecht the casserole pot out of the oven and pop the dumplings in - pushing them down into the sauce; 10. return the pot, lidded, to the oven for ten minutes, then take it out again, turn the dumplings and bung the pot back in for it's last ten minutes without the lid. Mmmm.

Lentil macro numbers are for red lentils, as before, as I've not found any listing for brown.

My dumplings did try to fall apart a little when served - not sure if this is a fault of the recipe or the cook, but you have been warned :)
Congratulations on your low weight Fatdog. I love the combinations of things you use, inspires me to be more adventurous. (Though OH tends to look pained and say 'What's in this.')
Monday, low-carb day two-hundred and eleven, repair day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 110.0lbs (analogue scales corrected ~107.0lbs); 1.0lbs gain
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

Report at the end-of-week 30 of low-carb : total low-carb weight loss 27.8lbs, and weight loss for the week 2.4lbs. No shrinkage (except hips, maybe).

Digital scales change not really reflected in analogue change so eeeevil scales-fairy might be at it (especially as the digital scales did some extra, abnormal, beeps). Still, will go with the digital reading. Slight sulk. Must have been the Peruvian dark chocolate with cranberries - nothing that a good repair day won't fix.

Need to finish working up the weekend's recipes, then set up a friend's new computer (I'm beginning to loathe doing computer stuff and was rather press-ganged into this). Then I'll have to work out a dinner plan. Think it might be soup as bestest neighbour brought by some carrot and broccoli, and there's the remnants of the fennel plus some crème fraîche - will do nicely with some OLS bread... Except that I already have two recipes to work up, and don't need a third... so I'm cheating with a sainsers' Greek salad (again; never bored with it as it really does the trick), OLS bread, mustard and quorn ham.

So, having just finished working up the weekend's recipes and doing the log, I now know why my weight went up... CARBS! And rather too many calories too, but not enough of the latter for a whole pound increase: that, without a shadow of a doubt, is 97 grams of carbs for you...

........ Calories 567.12 Carbs 23.40 Fat 38.94 Protein 24.19 Fibre 12.89


Tuesday, low-carb day two-hundred and twelve, feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 110.0lbs (analogue scales corrected ~107.0lbs); 0lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

Soooo many carbs on Sunday that even a half-decent repair day on Monday can't counterbalance them, humph. Still, I should be thankful that the scales didn't go up, which without the repair day they most certainly would have.

Spent half the night dreaming about very cheesy vegetable gratins - which is what I was plotting for tonight's dinner. Sadly I can't remember any of the details of the recipes that made them utterly wowzer, double humph. Still, it's morphed into a mash of the root and bulb veggies with stilton and cream, with cheese and broccoli chucked in there at some point.

That's my Lustig book just arrived - such excitement. Darn it! It's brand new, but the cover is damaged, back pages bent and final page torn. Double darn. Can't be bothered to send it back and, in any case, once the OH has had a read it will look far from pristine anyway - but damaged books jangle my nerves so affy bad. Howl.

Only one book-accident, which was on the way to work (amazingly none at work, nor any on the way back): a lush book of simple Italian recipes "Rustic Italian" by Domenica Marchetti. It breaks my "no meat" rule, but at £1.75 and full of simple but delicious looking veggie (as well as omnivore) recipes I really couldn't resist. I've just looked it up on Amazon: ha ha ha ha ad infinitum... it's listed at £1,191.65 (plus £2.80 p&p) - oh, and there are four listed. Methinks there are gremlins at work and that the automated systems just do "I'll see you and do a penny less". But if you want to make me an offer, bidding starts at a tenner (plus p&p, of course). The paperback is on Amazon at a wee bit less - £1.45 plus p&p :)

........ Calories 1679.62 Carbs 47.67 Fat 102.11 Protein 37.20 Fibre 15.95

cheesy carrot, fennel & swede mash with broccoli, a FatDog bottom-of-the-fridge concoction
broccoli and carrot mix, ready-prepped, co-op, 35c/C4.8/F0.5/P1.7/Fi2.7/100g
......... 436g 152.60 20.93 2.18 7.41 11.77
fennel, bulb, fine diced across the grain, 31c/C4.2/F0.2/P1.2/Fi3.1/100g
......... 170g 52.70 7.14 0.34 2.04 5.27
swede, peeled, 2cm chunked, 26c/C5.0/F0.3/P0.7/Fi1.9/100g
......... 518g 134.68 25.90 1.55 3.63 9.84
double cream, coop, 465c/C1.6/F50.5/P1.5/Fi0/100ml
......... 250ml 1162.50 4.00 126.25 3.75 0.00
stilton, crumbled, 410c/C0.1/F35.0/P23.7/Fi0/100g
......... 64g 262.40 0.06 22.40 15.17 0.00
cheddar, extra mature, mull, grated, 403c/C1.0/F33.2/P24.6/Fi0/100g
......... 70g 282.10 0.70 23.24 17.22 0.00
crème fraîche, "healthy choice", co-op, 165c/C5.4/F14.5/P3.2/Fi0.5/100g
......... 73g 120.45 3.94 10.59 2.34 0.37
s&p 0.00
total for cheesy carrot, fennel & swede mash with broccoli 2167.43 62.67 186.55 51.55 27.25
FatDog's ¼ portion of cheesy carrot, fennel & swede mash with broccoli 541.86 15.67 46.64 12.89 6.81

Method: 1. lob the carrot, fennel and swede into a pot, add boiling water and boil moderately for about ten minutes until the veggies are tender; 2. drain veggies and bung into blender along with crème fraîche and cream, season generously then blitz until smooth; 3. add stilton and broccoli (which you've mini-floretted) and mix; 4. transfer to a grill-proof dish and sprinkle over the cheddar cheese, season further if you fancy; 5. pop under a pre-heated grill until golden and bubbling

That were *good*, *so good*, and pretty hassle free and simple. Methinks that, for completeness, I'd serve it with a veggie sausage or two next time - just for textural interest, in all honesty I don't think they're really necessary. The last 1/4 is in the fridge for the OH tomorrow (other 1/4 went to a welcome but unexpected visitor) - it is in considerable danger of being scranned by a greedy FatDog, even at this late hour... So posting now and wishing all good night xxx
Wednesday, low-carb day two-hundred and thirteen, repair day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 110.0lbs (analogue scales corrected ~107.0lbs); 0lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

Gosh, could this be maintenance? :) FatDog wriggles to see how the new collar fits - and discovers that there's no change from before: there isn't a collar as this WoE isn't restrictive at all! Woof!

My "illicit" copy of "A year in my kitchen" arrived this morning and there are *lots* of delicious looking veggie recipes in there, more than I remembered. Gazing lovingly and greedily at my cookbooks today, I conclude that I'm a seriously fortunate FatDog. I also conclude that I *really MUST NOT* get any more cookbooks until I've done at least three recipes out of each of the ones that I have already... There's a challenge! Though, actually, that's not really so hard when I come to think about it - I've already done more than three out of quite a few of them. It's the duffers that might cause a problem. And, actually, perhaps if I can't find three recipes that I want to do in a cookbook, I should take the book to work* and leave it there... [* I work in a charity bookstore]

Took a wee bit time out this afternoon to start on Lustig's book - and so far I'm finding it to be a thoroughly depressing read: say, for example, over 40% of death certificates listing diabetes as the cause of death, and governments (and scientists) continue to stick their hands over their ears singing the la-la-la-fat-is-bad mantra.

Dinner was delicious: shared the remaining portion of last night's mash with the OH, and had a couple of Linda's veggie sausages along with it, as well as the bargain pomodorino salad that I picked up from sainsers yesterday evening. Yum. Shame that I completely miscalculated the numbers (and I already knew the mash would push things a bit high), but thought of the salad as salad, and forgot that it was 131 cals (courtesy of the dressing and cheese; worse still, I'd forgotten that the dressing was a sugar trap). Bother. Never mind, I'm not doing penance, and I'm not depriving myself because of a daft mistake - I'll still have a good calorie deficit at the end of the day... FatDog reaches for another square of 85% :)

Bestest neighbour was by, bearing gifts of salad, roasting vegetables and green beans, and will join us for dinner tomorrow to help us eat them (oh, and an apple pie for the OH - the diet buster). So, now for a recipe. Was thinking of a gratin (what a surprise), then mash even (again? so soon), then remembered the Thai inspired roasted veggie dish I did a while back. Then thought, how about a Thai inspired gratin? And I'm going for that idea for now - think it might be rather *interesting*.

........ Calories 769.78 Carbs 29.56 Fat 53.08 Protein 43.06 Fibre 10.31


Thursday, low-carb day two-hundred and fourteen, feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 109.6lbs (analogue scales corrected ~106.75lbs); 0.6lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

I *like it* when things move in the *right* direction... I'm almost getting excited about having to "do something" should I go below my bottom weight limit (108.0lbs)!

Hmmm. The Struggle Town thread has me thinking about FitBits - I've ignored references to them up to now, thinking that they're just for "fitness" folk, but I finally looked them up and am rather taken with the idea. The sleep bit would be brill for a start! *FatDog waves at all the insomniacs out there*. I fear that I'll be mortified by how few "steps" I'm taking most days - but now I weigh less, taking more steps shouldn't wear out my metal/plastic knee too much. Hmmm.

Dinner went as planned, except that I forgot the double cream (probably a good thing, retrospectively, if one looks at the accounts). OH, bless him chopped the root veggies small for me (and discovered how much work it is and, in the process, why it takes me so long to do his dinner). It was undoubtedly delicious - OH reckoned possibly my best yet and BN came in with 9.9 (the highest score he's ever given to a dish so far).

Figures ruined by an insane nut-fest, choco-feast (32g) and vino (fell out with the OH and polished off the bottle to drown my sorrows). Curses.

........ Calories 1959.26 Carbs 63.93 Fat 117.34 Protein 44.03 Fibre 24.54

Thai twisted root vegetable coconut gratin, a FatDog bottom of the fridge concoction
carrot, parsnip & swede mix, tesco, 46c/C7.4/F0.6/P1.1/Fi3.2/100g
......... 800g 368.00 59.20 4.80 8.80 25.60
chilli flakes
......... 5ml 0.00
s&p 0.00
toasted sesame oil, 827c/C0/F91.9/P0/Fi0/100ml
......... 30ml 248.10 0.00 27.57 0.00 0.00
coconut milk, blue dragon, 154c/C3.4/F15.0/P1.4/Fi0.4/100ml
......... 400ml 616.00 13.60 60.00 5.60 1.60
eggs, brown, organic, 151c/C0.0/F11.2/P12.5/Fi0.0/100g
......... 113g 170.63 0.00 12.66 14.13 0.00
baby pepper, red, sliced round, 36c/C6.4/F0.4/P1.0/Fi1.6/100g
......... 28g 10.08 1.79 0.11 0.28 0.45
chilli, green, fine sliced, 40c/C9.5/F0.2/P2.0/Fi1.5/100g
......... 15g 6.00 1.43 0.03 0.30 0.23
ginger, fine diced, 90c/C17.8/F0.8/P1.8/Fi2.0/100g
......... 21g 18.90 3.74 0.17 0.38 0.42
garlic, fine chopped, 149c/C33.06/F0.5/P6.36/Fi2.1/100g
......... 3g 4.47 0.99 0.02 0.19 0.06
tamarind paste, 57c/C14.23/F0.12/P0.09/Fi0.5/100g
......... 6g 3.42 0.85 0.01 0.01 0.03
lemongrass, very lazy, 107c/C13.9/F4.2/P0.5/Fi6.0/100g
......... 34g 36.38 4.73 1.43 0.17 2.04
lime juice, 26c/C2.0/F0/P0.4/Fi0.3/100ml
......... 10ml 2.60 0.20 0.00 0.04 0.03
soy sauce, low salt, amoy, 52c/C9.2/F0/P3.9/Fi0/100ml
......... 15ml 7.80 1.38 0.00 0.59 0.00
coriander seed, fresh ground
......... 10ml 0.00
toasted sesame oil, 827c/C0/F91.9/P0/Fi0/100ml
......... 15ml 124.05 0.00 13.79 0.00 0.00
[itotal for Thai twisted root vegetable coconut gratin 1616.43 87.91 120.57 30.47 30.46
FatDog's ¼ portion of Thai twisted root vegetable coconut gratin 404.11 21.98 30.14 7.62 7.61[/i]

Method: 1. chop the root veggies small (about 1cm cubed), drizzle with the 30ml sesame oil, s&p and chilli flakes; 2. bung veggies in a pre-heated oven at 200C for 40 minutes, giving them a good stir half way through; 3. meantimes, chop the other stuff; 4. beat the eggs and then beat in the coconut milk, set aside in a high-sided oven-proof dish (~8 inch diameter); 5. heat the remaining oil in a non-stick frying pan / wok add the pepper, chilli, ginger, garlic and coriander seed and gently fry until the garlic is *just* turning gold; 6. add the tamarind paste, lemongrass, lime juice and soy sauce and give it all a good stir about until the fragrance is heavenly; 7. add in your roasted veggies and stir some more; 8. stir the eggy mix then add in the veggies - shift them about if there's a mountain in the middle; 9. bake for about 15 minutes until the top is browning; 10. serve with crushed salted peanuts sprinkled over the top and some lightly buttered green beans to the side.
FatDog, since this post is 40 pages long you can forgive me for not searching for someone else who might have said this... :smile:

THANK YOU for being the low-carb counterexample that proves that low-carb is not all steak and chicken slathered in butter (thank you for that, Dr. Atkins). I had wondered if anyone could ever be low-carb and low-to-moderate-protein at the same time, and you seem to be pulling it off!
Friday, low-carb day two-hundred and fifteen, repair day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 110.0lbs (analogue scales corrected ~107.0lbs); 0.6lbs gain
... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches

Yup. Guess that's fair enough - yesterday's consumption would have been more appropriate for a weekend. Must. Do. Better.

Rather a lost day - still pondering the idea of doing a dietetics masters course but, finance aside, I'm not sure that I can do another two years of being treated like a numpty.

Bestest neighbour was by to say that he wouldn't be able to make our Burns' feasting tomorrow night as his boss had *rsed up the shifts and he'd be working. So persuaded him to stay and I'd do my special comfort-food cheesy carrot & swede mash with broccoli that I was planning to repeat tomorrow (at his instigation - BN had rightly said that one can't have haggis without neeps) tonight, along with tesco veggie bangers. Yum. Was good. Not as rich and creamy as last time though: I think that the frozen veggies didn't do the concept as much justice as the fresh, and the proportion of carrot to swede wasn't as satisfactory. I'd still have eaten the whole pot, given an hour or so of solitude and a spoon...

Had a huffy fit (translated => nuts and chocolate) late through the evening after doing the revised recipe work-up. Somehow it was *much* more calorific than anticipated - I'd 60kcal a sausage in my head, not near 100, for a start. And so I converted (what could have been) a perfectly good repair day into a half-repair in a "throw in the towel" gesture. Pathetic. B*gger. At least I didn't have any wine - that must be worth half a brownie point surely?

........ Calories 886.32 Carbs 22.08 Fat 67.11 Protein 45.16 Fibre 13.67

Have just caught @wendyjane's "seven stone" celebrations - hurrah, and many congratulations on your loss!

But I must confess it makes me wonder if I'm a heffalump: I'm only a quarter of an inch taller (on my left leg, one and three quarters shorter on my right:0) but a hefty 12 pounds heavier. I'm pretty certain I'm *not* a heffalump, so it just shows how the general size tables are just that - general, there's a huge range of body shapes and nobody should be beating themself up to fit into a range given in a table (which doesn't even show the two standard deviations which massively extend the range, for starters).

I wasn't going to include the mash recipe as it was simply a variation on the earlier one - but then decided that maybe I should, if only to show what combination doesn't work quite so well. Key changes: frozen veg, much milder stilton, no crème fraîche, less swede - given the choice, I'd use the first version, but this more than does as a bottom-of-the-freezer concoction.

cheesy carrot, fennel & swede mash with broccoli, V2.0, a FatDog bottom-of-the-freezer concoction
carrot & swede, co-op, pre-prep'd, 35c/C6.6/F0.3/P0.6/Fi2.8/100g
......... 450g 157.50 29.70 1.35 2.70 12.60
fennel, bulb, fine diced across the grain, tesco, 17c/C1.8/F0.2/P0.9/Fi2.4/100g
......... 178g 30.26 3.20 0.36 1.60 4.27
broccoli, floretted 38c/C1.8/F0.9/P4.4/Fi2.6/100g
......... 250g 95.00 4.50 2.25 11.00 6.50
double cream, coop, 465c/C1.6/F50.5/P1.5/Fi0/100ml
......... 180ml 837.00 2.88 90.90 2.70 0.00
stilton, tesco, Christmas, crumbled, 410c/C0.1/F35.0/P23.7/Fi0/100g
......... 64g 262.40 0.06 22.40 15.17 0.00
cheddar, extra mature, mull, grated, 403c/C1.0/F33.2/P24.6/Fi0/100g
......... 84g 338.52 0.84 27.89 20.66 0.00
s&p 0.00
total for cheesy carrot, fennel & swede mash with broccoli 1720.68 41.19 145.14 53.83 23.37
FatDog's ¼ portion of cheesy carrot, fennel & swede mash with broccoli, V2.0 430.17 10.30 36.29 13.46 5.84

And thank-you @BruceE - that sort of feedback really keeps me going!
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