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#38 reporting a tiny half pound loss, so 1.5 total for challenge. I did lose 1 percentage body fat and another half inch from waist, I feel this counts for more than the half pound really.
No 5 checking in. A tiny 0.25lb of a lose but it is TOTM so not overly disappionted. Plus this month I have lost 0.5 inch of my waist so am happy at that. Overall that's 0.5lb lost since this challenge started.
greenmonster wrote: Hmm number 95 reporting a big fat fail & a 1lb gain. Has been TOTM this week but I have also eaten far too much. I managed the gym on Tues but not Body Attack on weds as my tummy was pretty sore. So exercise not great (altho did walk a lot test).
Must get myself into a better frame of mind for the rest of this challenge or I'll be still messing about with the same couple of pounds at Christmas. Grr!

At least I've managed my sober for October - nice glass of red and a real ale over the weekend to celebrate!
How did all those pumpkins & ghosts get in ?!
My last fast of the month today. Really hoping the scales show something good tomorrow although I may have sabotaged myself yet again as I've only managed 5:2 instead of 4:3 this week and we took the kids to Blackpool yesterday to see the illuminations and ended up having fish and chips. It's things like this (something always comes up on a feed day) which is why I haven't lost any weight all year. Why do I always do this???
No 23 checking in - today I weigh 15st 10lbs which is exactly the weight I was at when this challenge started!
I now feel back on control with low carb 16:8 and 5:2/4:3, however I lnow I won't meet my goal of 14st 13lbs. Therefore Juliana, please may I reset my goal to 15st 3lbs which just may be achievable?!
Number 108 reporting a weigh in of 64.4kgs.
I lost 0.6 kgs.
I was only able to fast 1 time :( I'll try to be more disciplined next week.
Thank you
Despite not missing a fast, and fasting twice since I got home, I'm up 2 lbs from where I was before attending my conference last Weds. 139.4 after a fast, and 140+ when not fasting.

I think this is largely do to having to eat a lot of carbs at the conference. I think it really boosted how much glycogen I have stored in my liver, as my waist also expanded. I am familiar with large glycogen-caused weight gains in the low carb diet, but I had assumed since I'm eating more carbs on non-fast days that the glycogen would be refilled. But this is the third time I've gone off on a brief vacation after fasting extra before and/or after to keep the number of fasts steady only to see much higher weight gain than expected.

The good thing about this kind of gain, though, is it gives me a very good idea of what weight I'll end up at at maintenance, because I like to maintain with full glycogen. If I really weigh 140 lbs at maintenance rather than 137 that's fine if that extra couple pounds was not body fat.

But given what is coming up in the next couple weeks, with all the holidays coming, my goal through the holidays probably is going to be maintenance and I'll be lucky to attain that.
# 12 checking in.

Last week: 80.4
This week: 79.9
Down: .500gm

This is the first time in a number of years, perhaps 5, that I have seen this figure on my scales. I sincerely hope that it is for real.
But, I have seen it, that's what counts.
I'm working on cracking a fairly long plateau and it may just be happening. :victory:
#94 checking in
58.7kg (down 0.7) Feeling better after flu, so more willpower over food, but still failing on exercising.
Oh dear 2lbs up I knew I shouldn't have ruined my fast day yesterday with eating lunch & then Hallowe'en chocolates bought by my OH for children that never arrived on our doorstep! So much for just in case buying :cry: I suspect too many calories & carbs resulting in increased fluid retention?
Number 40 here. No weight loss this week. Been on half term and I shall blame this for not being in my usual routine. 12.5.6 it is then.
Plus I can have a drink now that it's novemebr but am a bit apprehensive I can tell you. Will the dreaded wine stop me losing weight.
We shall see..........
No 29 checking in with a 1lb gain. Now how can that be? :wink:
Congrats to all you losers this week ...... hope to join you next week, I'm on it!
One whole month in ketosis and using fasting windows. 3 carb feeds all inside my TDEE. Counting everything going into my mouth. Total loss 1lb. I had an initial loss of 2lb's but that would have been water. However my body fat is down 1.5% (it's been trending down all month). This number is more important to me. No movement on waist measurement.
To say I'm gutted is an understatement. :confused: Please can you change my goal to 3lb's. Thanks.
Member 26 weigh-in of 107.2lbs which means that I'm still within my 105-110lb maintenance range. So, on balance, I'm OK with this.

I'm managing my sub-challenge of One Moment Meditation.
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