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Re: Who's missing????
18 Dec 2014, 19:59
What is on a plate of 'scouse' @CandiceMarie??
Re: Who's missing????
18 Dec 2014, 21:45
It's basically stew @Julianna or a casserole
Made with stewing steak,lots of spuds,carrots,swede and onions
Served with crusty bread and butter,red cabbage or beetroot..or on its own if preferred.
You can have ' blind scouse' which is everything except the meat.
Just cook up a big pan of scouse in water ( after browning the meat first) and a couple of stock cubes,plenty of pepper
Takes a few hrs or no time in a pressure cooker
I like to use very floury potatoes as they drop and the scouse gets very thick
Even more delicious the next day..i could eat a whole pan of it..real comfort food on dark evenings!
I feel starving now and The Kitchen Is Closed! :lol: xx
This scouse isnt thick enough for my liking! X
image.jpg (30.65 KiB) Viewed 701 times
Re: Who's missing????
22 Dec 2014, 09:26
I'm here @Candicemarie I'm here. Just, but I'm still here. Life has been hectic at the moment. Minsdad got a promotion at work, yay him, but he was told on the Friday and started on the Saturday! Which meant v long hours, to the point we wouldn't see him for days on end, he spent several nights sleeping on the camp bed at work. I've had a 'mare sorting out who can look after Min on the days I work, and being a shift worker this was not easy!! Min has been stressed with assessments and ballet exams. She did the latter with a rugby injury and a boot print on her inner thigh, plus stud scrape that went from the top of her thigh to her swollen knee.
Me well fasting and working out was going well until I tore a calf muscel :( queue a couple of weeks hobbling around like a hobbly person from hobble town. I then got flu, queue bed. And I now have a kidney infection!!! Arrrggghhh!! Am on double dose antibiotics which are having a rather undesirable effect on any food I eat!!
But, it's nearly Christmas, Minsdad has taken some time off, I don't have to work until Boxing Day and Min, who is full of cold - she's always ill at Christmas, is holding out on her best behaviour for a white iPhone!! She told us this 2 days ago!!! I think a life lesson will be learnt when it doesn't arrive this Christmas!!
Hope you are good xx
Re: Who's missing????
22 Dec 2014, 10:22
Oh @minsmum lovely to hear from you,but jeepers,what a catalogue of catastrophe! :confused:
poor ole Min too, and Minsdad working all those hours.
I hope this week you can all regroup and be well and have a fab time x x
Ps at least you can look on the bright side MM and write entertainingly about it all! X
Re: Who's missing????
22 Dec 2014, 18:08
Oh @Minsmum what a hectic time you've had. Hope everything calms down for Crimbo and you have a relaxing, cosy time. So Mins plays rugby AND is a ballet dancer? That's just brilliant. I was always a Tom boy and even now spend all my time in trousers. If I had my time again I think I would have liked being a dancer! Dream on buddy ;)
How did Min's exam go?
Bean :bugeyes:
Re: Who's missing????
23 Dec 2014, 13:53
I'm still here @CandiceMarie but haven't been fasting and have gained weight, I will get back on the wagon after my OH's birthday at the beginning of January. My New Year's resolutions are to stop baking bread except at weekends and to stop drinking alcohol during the week, that and a few fasts should get me heading in the right direction again :smile:
Re: Who's missing????
23 Dec 2014, 15:28
Hi Everyone
Just dropped in to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy 2015. To those of you who have troubles I wish you peace.
I haven't been around lately but I drop in to have a read and see how you are getting on now and then. I have Mum with Alzheimers, MIL in Hospital and my westie Jack going down hill fast, he is 15.5 yrs old so can be expected now, but while his tail is wagging we plod on. I have put nearly 2 stone back on. I am still fasting about 14 hours out of 24 every day and my latest health check was good. Just got to get my head straight again with portions and carbs :razz: DD has taken some of the pressure off regards looking after Mum while I am at work, so I hope to get back into the swing in the new year, well maybe Feb, I have a hol in Lanzarote in Jan :grin:
Love to all
Chris xx
Re: Who's missing????
31 Dec 2014, 12:57
I'm back, again. I've given up with my doctor who won't treat my thyroid because 'I'm in range' only just mind you. So in his eyes I must be depressed. How can it be depression with a TSH of 3.7, but a symptom of hypothyroidism at a TSH of 4.2? As I refused anti-depressants, mainly because I don't need them, I need the underlying cause treating, I was referred to a psychiatrist! What a load of bull droppings. I've taken a lot of advice and have bought thyroid medication online and will be self treating myself from now on. Even if I have to pay privately for the blood tests, my health is worth it. I won't allow the NHS and its limits, keep me ill and tired and fat!.
The meds won't make me slim, but they will speed up my sluggish metabolism to near normal, so that a diet on top will finally start those pounds moving and staying off. I have actually put 23lbs back on. 20 were in an astonishing 8 weeks when I had a flare up and 3lbs I will allow as a Christmas oops.

So I'm back, and this time I'm staying.

Have a great new year everyone.
Re: Who's missing????
31 Dec 2014, 13:00
Nice to see you back@Julieathome
Hope all goes well.
Re: Who's missing????
31 Dec 2014, 21:52
I've been invited to Dubai by my daughter. he's going to sort out flights as soon as possible. If that isn't a mini goal incentive, I don't know what could be. Dubai!!! Whoo hoo!
Re: Who's missing????
31 Dec 2014, 21:58
Please don't give up on your doctor completely don't forget they have to specialise in everything and that's just not possible, they're only human after all, but I'm so glad that you're back, have misse you. And am pleased that you've got a trip to Dubai lined up. Happy new year Mrs at home
Re: Who's missing????
01 Jan 2015, 20:33
I am Pia and back after 7 month break :smile: ..
I couldn't for sure remember my name used last year, so I had to sign in as a new member :wink: . I think I was "famse2013" though - anyway I am here :razz:
No exuses - I just focus, I was here from february 2013-June 2014, lost from 101-69 and now I had gained a little bit till 76, so I am ready for sure .. Usually I was doing 4:3 but I am not sure, if it will be 5:2 this time.
Happy again the join this wonderul site :like: :smile:

Re: Who's missing????
01 Jan 2015, 20:51
Happy to see you Pia.

Does anyone else still have cupboards full of Christmas food? I still have the Christmas cake, whole, untouched, tempting me and bottles of wine (who buys teetotlers wine for Christmas and New year?). Plus hubby bought me an ice cream maker for Christmas, I can't use it yet because there is still not enough room in the freezer for the bowl, but I am really looking forward to some real cream, ice cream.
Re: Who's missing????
01 Jan 2015, 21:16
Hi @famse2015 i remember you doing well and the inspiring before/ after pics! Good to see you again! X and good luck with yr continued IF journey !
Re: Who's missing????
01 Jan 2015, 21:23
Thanks for the warm welcome :smile: .
Yes I did put the before/after photos and now finally I found my old profile as pist1958 ... still here, so I don't know if I should go to that instead or will it be too confusing?
Advice please :lol:
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