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Re: Who's missing????
18 Sep 2014, 22:14
Strange how so many of us have gone missing. Maybe peeps will pop their heads in and get back into the way of it ready for Crimbo!
Re: Who's missing????
19 Sep 2014, 00:35
Though there might be missing peeps at least they go missing with the fabulous tool of fasting to help them if straying too far from their achievements.

I have been a bit AWOL from forum lately only due to life's busyness but am now able to have a more freed space for a bit with my time so it's nice to do a quick catch up here.
Re: Who's missing????
19 Sep 2014, 15:01
Ihavent seen@minigillandher meerkats for a while x minigill hope youre ok x
Re: Who's missing????
19 Sep 2014, 15:21

Heres a bunch of friendly fellas who have gone AWOL. :frown:

@philxjr @Robmorris @Runningolsen @P-JK to name but a few, @ADFnFuel
Re: Who's missing????
20 Sep 2014, 22:14
Hello! Sorry I haven't visited lately but I have been very very busy.
Decorating and decluttering as my house is going on the market at the beginning of October.
Still fasting mostly successfully and my weight is slowly going down.
My business is in the throws of closing but it's going to take some money for an expensive solicitor and threats lol.
Off to Glossop for the weekend in October to look at houses and spend some time getting to know the area. Going with a friend so we will have fun poking around houses and driving around in a hire car.
It's nice that you think of me. xxxxx
Re: Who's missing????
20 Sep 2014, 22:38
@drilakila So glad all is well with you, I wondered if you'd already moved to Glossop so enjoy your weekend mooching around and I hope you manage to settle the sale. :clover: :clover: Sue
Re: Who's missing????
20 Sep 2014, 22:59
thank you sue.q. I think the house might sell pretty fast. The market is booming here still. Exciting and scary! x
Re: Who's missing????
20 Sep 2014, 23:11
Thanks for calling by @drilakila! A busy and exciting time for you..glad all is well and hoping you will make a quick housesale!xx
Who's next...Come in@westlondonchick!x @otter?@dragonheart?
Re: Who's missing????
20 Sep 2014, 23:38
PS and @littlejoy?
Re: Who's missing????
20 Sep 2014, 23:42
grrh - it lost my post - just to thanks @CandiceMarie for giving @WestLondonChick a shout out - she's my buddy and although I have been rubbish at keeping in touch lately I think of her often!
Re: Who's missing????
21 Sep 2014, 00:05
Yeh i think i remember there was a great photo of you two meeting up @madcatlady?
Hope she's ok and calls in gets in the way sometimes doesnt it
@egregious is someone else i havent seen for ages xx
Re: Who's missing????
24 Sep 2014, 21:35
Hi, all. Thanks for the tag @CandiceMarie. Been meaning to pop in but been busy. I need to check in on the fall challenge that I've epically failed at. I wonder if my lack of visiting the forum is directly related to my rubbish fasting habits lately. Been blaming it on work but I suppose I can't do that forever. ..
Re: Who's missing????
25 Sep 2014, 09:31
I'm back and it feels good.
Re: Who's missing????
25 Sep 2014, 11:27
A very happy welcome back to @egregious and @julieathome x x!
Re: Who's missing????
25 Sep 2014, 12:24
Whatever happened to @Greenmonster???
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