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Weight Maintenance

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Maintaining February 2016
03 Feb 2016, 09:07
I started this month the same weight as I started the year, 2 lbs over my maintenance limit. I seem to be bouncing around 124/125 instead of last year's 122/123. As I am not any larger in the waist I assume some of the increase is muscle. On the other hand, I have noticed that in my window I do eat when I am definitely not hungry - just want to eat something else delicious. I am going to try planning my entire menu in advance with only a little chocolate allowed as last-minute nibbled.
Re: Maintaining February 2016
08 Feb 2016, 22:52
After doing well during December I put on a couple of kilos in January and I am having a hard time getting rid of them. I'm back to two days of fasting each week, which I hadn't done for ages, but at least I was below 69 kg this morning. My upper range has been 68.5 kg for about 18 months (below that I don't feel the need to do a proper fast) but I've never had difficulties losing a kilo. Perhaps it was water retention in the past whereas I did eat too much in December and it ended up being real weight/fat gain during Dec/early January.
I am getting used to fasting regularly again, say no to cakes and biscuits at work, and don't feel as hungry during a fast day. Waist is still a bit more than it was a few months ago but I'm sure I can fix that. I wish the scales didn't have such an impact of my state of mind. At least this morning was a good start to my day :)
Re: Maintaining February 2016
09 Feb 2016, 00:14
My heaviest weight since Christmas was 150.4 pounds on the 2nd January - after a very carb-heavy new Years Day! Yesterday, on my 'official' weigh in day, I was 141.4 pounds! After losing my initial 'water-weight' the remaining pounds that I am trying to lose, in order to get down to my revised target of 140 pounds, are proving more difficult to shift. A combination of a couple of fasts a week, some 'light' days and the occasional 'eat until you can't eat any more' days seem to be working but this is uncharted territory for me - weight wise - and I wonder if I will be able to maintain at this lower weight once I get there! I guess that only time will tell! :grin:
Re: Maintaining February 2016
09 Feb 2016, 10:52
I'm still over my maintenance limit too. Little disheartening because I feel like I was well behaved food-wise in January, but obviously not good enough! Hope that with some strict fasts I will be back in my comfort zone by the end of Feb. Fingers crossed. x
Re: Maintaining February 2016
09 Feb 2016, 21:09
Crusing along in terms of weight, even with less cycling because of terrible weather the last weeks. That seems to be compensated by a lot of teaching these weeks (walking in class rather than sitting behind my desk :smile: )
Re: Maintaining February 2016
15 Feb 2016, 02:39
Hey's been a couple of months since I checked in, so I thought it was about time. Nice hearing from those who have checked in for Feb...I might have to go back and have a look at some past threads too. has been a mad few months for me, between buying a house, dad dying, then moving house, along with school starting up again. I really wasn't sure what my weight would do in it all, as I really wasn't watching what I ate or drank for some time, and any exercise has only been the incidental walks to the train and box packing and lifting. But now that I've found the box with my scales, it seems that I'm mostly managing to fluctuate within the 2 kg range I'd allowed that's something.
I keep thinking I should start being more intentional about my exercise, maybe trying some resistance training...but this equilibrium that I seem to have achieved is making me really reluctant to change anything...maybe next month I'll do something...
Re: Maintaining February 2016
18 Feb 2016, 09:34
Drum roll ... This is the first day of 2016 that I have been within my maintenance range. No additional restrictions to my WOE were applied. Patient persistence pays. :victory:
Re: Maintaining February 2016
18 Feb 2016, 11:56
barbarita wrote: I started this month the same weight as I started the year, 2 lbs over my maintenance limit. I seem to be bouncing around 124/125 instead of last year's 122/123. As I am not any larger in the waist I assume some of the increase is muscle. On the other hand, I have noticed that in my window I do eat when I am definitely not hungry - just want to eat something else delicious. I am going to try planning my entire menu in advance with only a little chocolate allowed as last-minute nibbled.

Similar story here...up 2lb but no change in the waist. Can't imagine that it is muscle gain in my case. My downfall is nuts! I go nuts before dinner with nuts. I think it is knowing that nuts in moderation are healthy so I allow myself some nuts but then fall down with the moderation thing. Having them as a pre-dinner snack is the problem because I'm hungry then and inclined to eat too many. But the pleasure of sitting down to chat with OH and have a small glass of wine and some nibbles (nuts) is hard to deny. I'm wondering whether to accept a higher maintenance range or make a concerted effort to curb my nut habit. :?:
Re: Maintaining February 2016
19 Feb 2016, 10:30
All seems to be going well in the Maintainers Tent this month. Well done, @Barabarita, for getting back within your maintenance range and congratulations to those who are maintaining within theirs and those who are continuing to work their way back into theirs! :smile:
@carorees, I find that with nuts, crisps, caramel popcorn etc that I have to weigh a specific amount into a small bowl and limit myself that way . It is fatal for me to have access to a large packet because I can't stop eating until it's gone! Last Tuesday, I ate my way through a 200g bag of caramel popcorn - well over 800 calories when I checked! Alternatively, if you are comfortable at your present weight and aren't gaining any more, then it's entirely your own choice whether you redefine your target. I suppose that you would just need to make sure that your target doesn't increase too often! :shock:
Re: Maintaining February 2016
19 Feb 2016, 11:47
carorees wrote: Having them as a pre-dinner snack is the problem because I'm hungry then and inclined to eat too many.

Sure @carorees, you will be hungry before dinner... that's because you are going to have dinner! :doh: So be a good girl and remember that dinner is supposed to end your hunger feeling, not anything in advance :wink:
Re: Maintaining February 2016
19 Feb 2016, 14:01
This morning's weighing was a first--I never lost 2.5 pounds in one fast day before!

In the last couple of weeks I've hit a high of 138 pounds--goal is 135--and today I'm at 135. What an amazing WOE; sometimes it's hard to believe how effective it can be. I wasn't really very hungry yesterday; kept busy with standing Thursday activities out of the house and drank sparkling water during the evening for that "full tummy" feeling.

Hope all maintainers are having good February luck, too. :clover: :clover:
Re: Maintaining February 2016
20 Feb 2016, 13:24
Still here folks! :smile:
I'm recovering from a family trauma and my life turned upside down, the last two weeks have been a blurr, needless to say I've not fasted, though neither have I reached out for food, just eaten when I remembered I felt ravenous :shock: , healthy eating I guess. I'll pass looking at the scales, focus on a Monday fast and weigh at the end of February. It's sure good to be back on the forum, reading all your posts is very comforting to my recovery and uplifting, thank you.
Great to see so many of you doing so well, I think it will take me 2 weeks to get back into the groove.
Taking it easy for now :wink:
Re: Maintaining February 2016
20 Feb 2016, 23:57
Oh, @Lizbean, so sorry that you have been having a tough time of it and quite understand that fasting has not been high on your list of priorities! It sounds as if you have done well not to resort to food for comfort and are beginning to see your way ahead. Good luck and remember that we are here for you! XX
Re: Maintaining February 2016
21 Feb 2016, 11:20
Time I also wrote on this maintenance thread. My maintaining life includes 2 regular fasts a year as part of my maintenance. I am now on my Lenten fast period, 40 or so days. It is Sunday now, and I do not fast on Sundays. Because I knew this fasting regime was coming up I just kept on enjoying the good food life in January. I am no longer anxious about my weight. The 5:2 way of life has gotten rid of those terrible anxieties. So instead of anxiety, I was observing the changes in my body with great interest. I have been window fasting since Ash Wednesday (not on Sundays) and have lost over 2 kg.
I have still a lot more to lose. But am not worried. My BMI is about 23 now, ie not really so bad.
I will be 60 y old this year, and my target weight is at BMI 20. I am wondering if that is too low for a person of my age.
Well, I'll see what I weight just before Easter, and take it from there!!! Easter is early this year! :grin:
Re: Maintaining February 2016
21 Feb 2016, 12:03
Thanks for the support @Stowgateresident :like: it's really weird, I feel as though I have been away for months and it's only weeks. :confused: I'm looking forward to popping in daily for my dose of wellbeing :wink: A long relaxing candlelit bath is on the menu for dinner :lol:
@Margotsylvia congratulations on replacing anxiety through using the tools of this way of life. :like: Bye - bye anxiety :wink:
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