The FastDay Forum

Weight Maintenance

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Re: Maintaining March 2016
23 Mar 2016, 08:29
Hello maintainers, I've slipped below my maintenance range at 121lbs without fasting. With Easter approaching it's a good opportunity to focus on chocolate :lol: and get back to 125lbs which is my perfect weight. Never thought I'd be trying to up the lbs - 121 is definitely way too low.
Re: Maintaining March 2016
23 Mar 2016, 10:48
I think I wrote last month but not yet here. I am kinda maintaining with two annual fast sessions. This is the biggest one: Lent. I actually put on quite a lot of weight before this fasting. It has made me wonder whether my maintenance weight goal was too low. I think after this Lenten period I'll be aiming somewhere BMI 22. Instead of 20 as I've had it so far. I will be 60 years of age this year, so that ought to give me some more leeway. Hmm? What do you all think? :?:
Re: Maintaining March 2016
23 Mar 2016, 11:47
Hi @Margotsylvia
Maybe you should be allowing a bit more leeway...there is an article in the Library on setting target weights which shows how you should probably be heavier in later life as older people whose BMI is at the higher end of normal or even a bit above normal tend to live longer than those at lower BMIs but of course that is on average and may not apply to you...only you can know. More importantly, what is your waist size? Keeping your waist less than half of your height is more important than what you weigh!
Re: Maintaining March 2016
23 Mar 2016, 11:49
March has been an OK month so far...keeping below my upper maintenance limit and waist still stable. Not planning on a chocolate fest at Easter so hopefully will end the month well!
Re: Maintaining March 2016
23 Mar 2016, 21:33
Happy :smile: Feel I'm comfortably back in my maintenance range. Easter do thy worst :shock: :grin:
Re: Maintaining March 2016
24 Mar 2016, 08:55
Unfortunately, not maintaining at all! I seem to have lost my fasting 'mojo' over the last three weeks and have piled a few pounds back on. :oops:
I can't explain why it has happened and it is most unlike me but I am wondering if my revised target of 140 pounds is just a step too far and that I should revert to 147 pounds which I managed to maintain (more or less) for a couple of years. :?:
Any ideas to help me make a decision regarding a target weight would be very gratefully received! :smile:
Re: Maintaining March 2016
24 Mar 2016, 11:02
I'd go with the higher weight and count anything below as a bonus. I rarely fast now-like almost never-I find it almost impossible, but it was relatively easy before I reached where I wanted to be and I've not put enough weight on to worry. I do occasionally throw in a some 16:8's if I think the weight is creeping too high.
Re: Maintaining March 2016
24 Mar 2016, 12:11
StowgateResident wrote: Unfortunately, not maintaining at all! I seem to have lost my fasting 'mojo' over the last three weeks and have piled a few pounds back on. :oops:
I can't explain why it has happened and it is most unlike me but I am wondering if my revised target of 140 pounds is just a step too far and that I should revert to 147 pounds which I managed to maintain (more or less) for a couple of years. :?:
Any ideas to help me make a decision regarding a target weight would be very gratefully received! :smile:

What is your waist size @stowgateresident? Your tracker shows just under half your height. If you've put on around the waist then you need to review what you're eating to ensure you're not raising insulin levels with too many carbs/sugar, too much inflammatory veg oils (e.g., sunflower oil, corn oil etc) or by being stressed. If you've lost your fasting mojo it could be a sign of over-stressing your body in some way. If your waist has not gone up then I wouldn't worry about what the scales say at all!
Re: Maintaining March 2016
30 Mar 2016, 19:05
End of the month approaching, so time for some stock taking? No fasts before or after Easter yet, so some weight gain becomes apparent. Will probably take care of that next week, so actually next month :grin:
Re: Maintaining March 2016
31 Mar 2016, 07:53
Let's just say an Easter weekend of mega indulgence hasn't done quite as much damage as I feared. With luck and a following wind I should manage to get back to normality next month.
Re: Maintaining March 2016
01 Apr 2016, 13:59
Maintenance Month 021

Goal weight 120 lbs, maintenance range 118 - 122 lbs, method 19/5 every day.

Entry weight 125 lbs, exit weight 126 lbs, average 125 lbs

Lowest 124 lbs (5 days), highest 126 lbs (5 days)
Re: Maintaining March 2016
01 Apr 2016, 16:43
Maintenance month 22
Entry weight 65.1kg, exit weight 64.6kg, highest 65.1 (1 day), lowest 64.0 (2 days)
Entry waist 70cm, exit waist 70cm, highest 70cm, lowest 70cm!

Weight all over the place but waist not moving at all. :-D
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