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Group Challenges

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I need a new challenge to get me through the summer, so here it is. The last challenge was for 7 weeks. Not too long, not too short. I think 7 weeks sounds good again. That will take us to the 19th of august.
I'm going for 7 lb loss My challenge start weight 170lbs.
Who's in???

Challenger # 1: justdee. To lose 7lbs. Challenge start weight 170lbs. Challenge finish weight 163lbs. Lost 7lbs. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Challenger # 2:@Tracieknits. To lose 14lbs. Challenge start weight 210.3lbs. Challenge finish weight 197.6lbs Lost 12.7lbs. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Challenger # 3: @cblasz. To lose 5lbs. Challenge start weight 169lbs
Challenger # 4: @Ana56 To lose 6lbs. Challenge start weight 231.5lbs. Challenge finish weight 227.5lbs Lost 4lbs. :star: :star: :star: :star:
Challenger # 5: @Hazelnut20 To lose 10lbs. Challenge start weight 182.4lbs. Challenge finish weight 174 Lost 8.4lbs. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Challenger # 6:@johns To lose 5lbs. Challenge start weight 158lbs. Challenge finish weight 154lbs Lost 4lbs. :star: :star: :star: :star:
Challenger # 7: @nursebean To lose 1lb a week. Challenge start weight 151lbs. Challenge finish weight 142lbs Lost 9lbs. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Challenger # 8: @Queen56 To lose 7lbs. Challenge start weight 169lbs. Challenge finish weight 161.8lbsLost 7.2lbs. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Challenger # 9: @Pilchards To lose 7lbs & 2cm off waist. Challenge start weight 151lbs, waist 84cm
Challenger # 10: @grannieannie To lose 7lbs. Challenge start weight 220.6lbs. Challenge finish weight 212.8 Lost 7.8lbs. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Challenger # 11: @loveswalking To lose 14lbs. Lost 8lbs :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Challenger # 12: @Macalfran To lose 7lbs. Lost 1.5lbs . :star:
Challenger # 13: @Thehungermonster. I'm giving the unlucky 13 to the hunger monster. It's going to be an unlucky 7 weeks for this guy, as we're all going to totally ignore him. Every time he rears his ugly head we can remember he is challenger 13, therefore will have no luck spoiling our challenge.
Challenger # 14 @Annurca To lose 6lbs. Challenge start weight 150lbs.
Challenger # 15: @Woods_woman To lose 7lbs. Challenge start weight 182lbs
Challenger # 16: @Committed To lose 7lbs. Challenge start weight 181lbs
Challenger # 17: @Azureblue Challenge start weight (16/7) 78.4kg. Challenge finish weight 77.7kgs Lost 0.7kg :star:

Good luck challengers :clover: :clover: :clover:

:victory: :victory: I make that a grand group total of 71.1 lbs (or 71 :star: 's ,,, just over 5st,,, 32.25kg,,, or 142 packs of butter ;) ) lost on this challenge. A massive well done everyone for taking part. We've had some great results, big pat on the back for all. :victory: :victory: :like: :like: :party: :party: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
I'm in! I fly to France on the 25th of August. My personal goal has been 20 lbs from two days ago until the 24th. So I suppose I can make it 17 to accommodate the 7 weeks. It's a big stretch, and a lot of weight for such a short time, but I'm hopeful I can do this. If I manage to make my goal, I'll be nearly not obese when I land in Paris -- my BMI will be 30.4. My old goal had been to simply lose 30 pounds before Paris, but I've already lost 24.7 since April, so that should be totally achievable :-) Now onto the stretch goal!!

Ok, my challenge start weight is 210.3. Sigh. Yeah, that's still very high, but it's better than it was. So I guess my challenge goal weight will be 193.3. But please don't tell anyone I weigh that much. ;-)
I'm in! That will take me almost to the end of my summer vacation. I'm going to try to lose 5 lbs. That might be a bit ambitious, but I'm going to strive for it. I'll weigh in on Monday officially, but I'm going to say my starting weight is 168. So I'm looking to get to 163.
Thank you for starting this. I think I need it!!!
Brazil!!!! Challenge
WEIGHT: 105.0kg BUST: 99.0cm WAIST: 93.0cm
HIPS: 123.0cm NECK: 33.0cm
WEIGHT: 231.5lbs BUST: 39.0in WAIST: 36.6in
HIPS: 48.4in NECK: 13.0in
Hugs to all
And we're off........... Soooo glad I'm not alone.
Challenger number 2: @Tracieknits
Challenger number 3: @cblasz
Challenger number 4: @Ana56
Good luck :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
Count me in please, JD!

I'm going to start from Monday 4th - this will be my 8-week weigh-in for the Blood Sugar Diet and I have to say that I am planning to ease off a bit next I might not manage anything approaching a loss...but I'm happy for the start date to be 04/07...and I'll just have to play catch up when I can!

What to aim for though? Think I'll try for 10lbs. The finish date of the 19th of August will suit me very well, because the next day is my birthday...and I know I'll be eating and drinking lots that anticipating a spot of birthday cake if I'm very lucky!!! Maybe even two spots....

Thanks very much @justdee for kicking this challenge off xx
hi Dee
count me in :) will see what my weigh in brings on monday (independance day ~ what a good day to start) but want to get to under 11 stone if possible. will work out the metric weight after my weigh in.
got family holiday in just over 2 weeks time for a week but this will then give me about a month after to get back on track.
looking forward to the challenge :)
good luck everyone. shelley xx
Oh hello my BSD buddies. Very happy to see you both here.
Challenger # 5:@Hazelnut20 (I was # 5 on the last challenge, good omen that :grin: )
Challenger # 6:@johns
Good luck ladies :clover: :clover: :clover:
Ooh I love a challenge! Please count me in! If I can lose a pound a week I'd be over the moon.
I'm currently 10:11, so I'll aim to be 10:4. That would make a 2 stone loss in all for me. This week I lost 1 and half pounds so I'm feeling pleased with myself!!
I may take a sneaky look at this BSD you're all talking about! :wink:
Bean xx
OK. I've updated my signature and I'm ready!!! I really feel if I stick with the goals listed and just try to be conscious of what I'm eating when I go out, etc. that I can do this. I am going away for 11 days in, so hopefully that doesn't throw me too far off course.
Good luck everyone!
Where are you going? I've found when I vacation in cities (especially in Europe) I actually lose a pound or two a week due to all the walking. BTW, I grew up in Glastonbury CT :-)
Tracieknits wrote: Where are you going? I've found when I vacation in cities (especially in Europe) I actually lose a pound or two a week due to all the walking. BTW, I grew up in Glastonbury CT :-)

That's cool Tracie! I am going to San Diego for a conference and then up to Seattle to see some friends. I probably will get a decent amount of exercise in both places, but I also know I'll be eating out a lot and stuff. And I don't know if I'll be able to keep up my regular exercise routine. If nothing else, hopefully I'll stay the same!
welcome to the challenge @nursebean, you're number 7. Good luck :clover: :clover: :clover:
@cblasz I'm loving the new signature. Great plan :clover: :clover: :clover:
I would like to join and will aim to lose 7lbs. Will put my starting weight on on Monday when I ŵeigh if that's ok. Thanks everyone !
Hello @Queen56 you're challenger number 8. Good luck :clover: :clover: :clover:
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