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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Done a bit of a boob and I'm not sure how detrimental it is/will be. Nothing MAJOR, only, since I've come to work out my calories for today, I have gone over a bit. According to MFP I've had 650 today.... over 2 meals.

I've decided as a way to keep in check my calories, I'm not going to bother 'cooking' and trying to work out how many g of pepper, how mang g of green beans, how many g of onion etc.... I'm just going to have 'something' that I know is 500 calories - so, like a ready meal, or tin of soup or something like that, a shop bought meal/sandwich... as I'm finding it tricky to work out the calories for a 'homecooked' meal...

Will it be really detrimental to my weeks efforts for the fact I've had 650 calories today instead of 500?

Other than that, i've had a good day. Had my 'graze' snack (145 cals) for lunch and black coffee or green tea the rest of the day and just had my pork stir-fry meal (about 510 cals) @ 7:30pm.

Does anyone else feel 'guilty' about even eating the 500 calories?? because, being honest - I do. Would it be unwise to JUST have tea/coffee on the FAST days and not even have the 500 calories??

Thanks for reading, and any advice or reassurance! lol

JB x
650 cals is still a big decrease over your usual amount so you have not ruined your efforts at all. The only likely consequence is that the weight loss may be marginally less than might otherwise have been. That is no big deal, you have all those fast days in the future to get you the weight loss. Don't stress about it, you will most likely keep to around 500 in future.

A total fast is possible if you like, and some do, but I think it might need rather a lot more willpower! I would start by just having the evening meal (after all if you had done that you would be at around the right calorie count). If you can go all day without calories and get to the evening meal feeling good, then perhaps not eating at all might be possible. For me, by the time dinnertime comes I'm very keen to eat, but then again, perhaps it's just habit...
My OH did sums and said to me that if I average a 500 cal deficit per day over the week, then I would eventually lose weight. I do ADF so have some more cals to play with but so long as I stick to under 1000 on fast days and about 2000 on feed days, it'll work in the long-run. As documented in other posts, my weight fluctuates a lot so it's hard to tell but I'm thinner after a month!

I'm not a great cal counter so I think I probably have about 600/650 cals on a fast day. Not so sure about feed days but have eaten less as the weeks have gone on, though had a load of chocolate tonight as I had a bit of bad day.

I agree totally with Caroline. I went over my 600 last Thurs and felt disappointed because at the time it seemed like 'all that effort for nothing' but the truth is in the wider scheme of things it doesn't matter a jot. You'll stick to the 500 in future, that's what matters...

I've never tried 0 cals for 36 hours (or thereabouts), if I were you I would focus on making the 500 cals a no-brainer first.
Hi guys,

Thanks so much for the fast replies.... and yes, that has put my mind at rest.

I really do think I could go all day with just coffee/green tea but I like the idea of getting the 500 calories right and seeing the results.

Wednesday will be my next fast day, so I'm going to make sure I have a 'set meal' for supper. then I don't need to worry going over.

Thanks again :)

JB x
I aim for 500 calories as a target but allow 100 calories as a 'buffer' so that I know I will be under 600 calories.. Works for me as I know if I aim for under 600 I will undoubtably occasionally slip ovee
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