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Monthly Weigh-Ins

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I started 5:2 on 4 March. My weight was 105.9 kg. My target, for the time being, is 79 kg.

On 5 May 2013 my weight was 100.33 kg and waist measured 101.6 cm.

On 1 June 2013 my weight was 98.7 and waist measured 100.3 cm

So in that month, I have lost 1.6 kg and 1.3 cm
I started 4:3 on 27 September 2012. My weight was 88.9kg using my old scales (and also using another set I had borrowed from someone). I didn't record fat % or waist at that point.

On 5 May weight was 68.6kg and on 2 June it is 60kg (my target weight - hurrah). However I have been concerned about variation in the weight my new scales say I am within very short time spans, depending on their position, so not sure of accuracy but I have definitely lost quite a bit!

5 May fat was 34.5% and is now on 2 June 23.4% (find this hard to believe!).

5 May waist was 88cm and is now on 2 June 84cm (feel more confident about this one!).

Pleased to be at my goal weight but want to get my waist down a bit before I go to maintenance.
Start weight on 5:2 (Nov 2012) 83.5kg
Total loss so far on 5.2 = 10.5kg
Goal = 63kg

May weigh in @ 74kg
June weigh in @ 73kg
Loss 1 kg

May waist = 98cm
June waist = 96.5 cm
Loss = 1.5cm

Further 0.5cm off thighs since May weigh in

Very small loss this month, but it's a loss :smile: Know I could have been a bit more strict with myself, but it's all still heading in the right direction, so I'm happy still .
Start weight on 5:2 (Jan 2013) 94.5kg
Total loss so far on 5.2 = 10.3kg
Goal = 64kg although I'm going to review that since I'm large framed and not sure it's right for me - I've never been that weight in my adult life

May weigh in @ 85.8kg
June weigh in @ 84.2kg
Loss 1.6 kg

May waist = 87 cm
June waist = 84.5 cm
Loss = 2.5 cm

May body fat % = 50.4
June Body fat % = 48.5
Loss = 1.9%

A fairly average month for me but I'm particularly happy that I've finally conquered the snacking habit and much better at making healthy choices on non-fast days. It's taken 5 months but I now think the sugar cravings are under control. So onwards and upwards (or should that be downwards from a scales point of view :lol: )
March 4 starting weight: 83.9 kgs (185 lbs)
April 6 weight: 79.9 (176.2 lbs) loss 4 kgs
May 4 weight: 78.2 kgs (172.4 lbs) loss 1.7 kgs
June 1 weight: 77.4 kgs (170.6 lbs) loss .8 kgs
Total lost to date: 6.5 kgs (14.4 lbs)

Starting waist: 35 in(89 cm)
April 6 waist: 35 in (89 cm)
May 4 waist: 34 in (86.4 cm)
June 1 waist: 33.5 in (85.1 cm)
First monthly weigh-in too...

current weight 1st June: 139.6 lbs (63.3 kilos)
ditto waist: 31.5 inches

previous (and start) waist 1st May: 146 lbs (66.2 kilos)
ditto waist: 33 inches

weight lost is 6.4 lbs (2.9 kilos) this month and since start
waist lost is 1.5 inches ditto

Which is wonderful! I'm aiming for approx 53 kilos but I'll be pretty chuffed if / when I manage to get to 58 kilos (about 8 kilos lost).

However, I might have ruined it all today as I had a complete "free day" which included an utterly delicious lunch with lovely family friends in sunny Peebles, including pudding and white wine: oh FatDog, ever be thy nature...

Edit, correction: I know that one day's over-indulgence can't 'ruin it all' - that's the beauty of this way of eating and I'd hate for other newbies to think otherwise - the rant last night was my guilt/fear talking :)
Today's weight: 75kg; waist:95cm

May 6th weight: 75.9kg; waist: 93cm

Starting weight: 78kg; waist: 101cm
5th May Weight 68.49kg. Waist 82.5cm

2nd June. Weight 67.58kg. Waist 82.5cm

Loss of only 0.91kg this month - worst month so far. Actually gained 0.91kg in the middle of the month.

Start weight 170kg waist 94cm on 28th January
Hmm, rather disappointing month!

May 3rd weight 185 lbs (83 kg according to google, couldn't figure the tool here)

June 1st weight 182 lbs (82kg)

I've been doing a great job on my fasts, I guess my feasts need to be monitored :(

Start 18/3/2013 85.1 kg, waist 95.

29/3/2013 83.1 kg, loss 1.9

26/4/2013. 80.9 kg, waist 94 loss. 4.2

31/5/2013. 78.5 kg, waist 94. loss. 6.6

Goal is to get to 60 kgs, would love to be a standard size 14, who was maybe an occasional 12.
So not much off my waist, but I wonder if thats because I am one of those women very fortunate to have an hourglass waist!! I know,Im still overweight by a good margin but I do have a small waist proportionately to my boobs and butt. Jeans and trousers that fit in the hip and thigh positivley gape at the waist.

Thanks for all your work Carorees, really appreciate the effort you put in
Here are my weigh in stats.

June 3rd. weight 62.41 kg.........waist 76, cm. = loss of 1 kg

May 4th. 63.41 kg......... 76 cm.

Seem my weight loss is slowing down, but feel fine and trim and at least there's no gain.
My results are looking very strange this month as I have new scales which weigh 3 kilos heavier than my previous non digital scales.
I know my scales are now accurate as they weigh the same as 2 of my friends.

May weight: 65 kgs
May waist: 86.5 cms

June weight: 67.6 kgs
June waist: 84.5 cms

Weight loss this month: 400 gms
Waist Loss: 2 cms.

Caroline I'm sorry for the confusion. I hope the weight loss I've entered is accurate. If not feel free to change it. :heart:
Good morning everyone,

My stats are as follows,

6th of May - 81.5kg
3rd of June - 77.6kg

Weight Loss this month - 3.9kg

Well happy with the month, I reached my starting goal - Although I have adjusted in down during May. So still have a little more to lose.

I just love this Way of life, and reading through this it seems that everyone is doing amazing :-)
From the progress tracker:

You've lost 9.99lbs since starting your diet 2 weeks 3 days ago (your start date to last recorded weigh in). That's a mean average of 4.111lbs lost per week.

I'll post proper stats at the July weigh in, but so far I am VERY pleased.
Starting weight on 14th August was 101.15kg and 33.03 BMI

6th May - 74.39kg

3rd June - 73.03kg and 23.85 BMI

Now reached target weight and experimenting on how to maintain.
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