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Monthly Weigh-Ins

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3/5 106.7 31/05 106.6 (period today so unsure how meaningful that number is)
3/5 45.4% fat and 31/5 43.4% fat (I like that number better!)

SW 108.9 fat 47.5% waist at start 112 and now 109cm unsure about 3/5

Since mid month I have increased exercise and that seems to have slowed the overall number but dropped the fat % so I will try to remain positive.
I think I am finally relaxing into this. My first fast was on April 5 and in the two months following I have lost 13.4 lbs! I am thrilled!! I like my fast days and don't eat anything until after 5 pm. I feel surprisingly energetic on them.
Weight on 4/5 - 61.7 kg
Weight on 1/6 - 61.1 kg
Weight difference - 0.6 kg
Waist - no change - 74 cm
Hi Caroline, I'm still in maintenance mode:

May 5th 62.14kg

Jun 1st 61.42kg - bottom of maintenance range - loss of 0.72kg but probably water weight after an hour on my bike yesterday!

Waist unchanged. Weight varies by up to 3 lbs during the week, not necessarily lowest after "fast" days, which are no longer calorie restricted but more like 16:8 avoiding breakfast.

4th may : weight - 58.8kg. Body fat - 25.8%. Waist - 83 cm
1st June: weight - 57.2kg. Body fat - 24.4%. Waist - 77 cm

Difference: weight : -1.6 kg, body fat: - 1.4%. Waist: -6cm

When I started 5:2 I could see a difference in my waist but then it stopped, so glad now that my tummy area is reducing again, I am doing ripped in 30 by jillian as well, just finished my third week so I am sure that's helping as well.
Weight May 69.5kg, June 69.7kg - gained 200g
Waist May 85cm June 83.5 cm - lost 1.5cm

This month I've switched to liquid fasting, and NEAT, so surprised I have actually gained. My daily fluctuations are greater than my month-to-month changes though, so if I reported yesterdays, or tomorrows weights, it would probably be a different story.
there we go:
May 5th: 77.0 kilo, 31% body fat, 82,0 cm waist, BMI 25.14
June 1st: 74,8 kilo, 29% body fat, 77,5 cm waist, BMI 24.42

Hi all,

Weight 4th May was 56.4kg
Weight 1st June is 57.6kg Difference = 1.2kg

Waist 4th May was 76.5cm
Waist 1st June is 77. Difference = 0.5cm

Still coming down from the excesses of a 2 week holiday but I'm confident that July's results will be back on track.
Hi there
Start 10/3/13 weight 87.7; waist 89.5
May 4th weight 81.5; waist 86.5; BMI 29
June 1st. Weight 78.5; waist 85.5; BMI 28.3
Goal Weight 73kg; waist 84

Have struggled to lose the weight I packed on until now and I have many reasons to shed the extra pounds so I am so grateful for the 5:2 concept, the forum staff/moderators and the forum community which all play a part to support me to my goal
Weight 62.28kg
Waist 82.6cm

Weight 63.68kg
Waist 83.8cm

Start 25/3
Weight 64.41 kg
Waist 86.4cm
:like: :like: :like:
May 4th:
87.25cm waist
46.9% fat (= 40.47 kg :shock:)

June 1st:
84.3 kg
85.5cm waist
45.4% fat (38.27 kg)

Loss this month:
1.75cm waist
1.5% fat (= 2.2 kg of I must have gained some water/muscle!)
Hi Caroline,
5/5/13 Wt 76.3kg
Wst 95cm
1/6/13 Wt 74kg
Wst 94cm

Weight -2.3kg Waist -1cm

Very happy.
First monthly weigh in for me!

May 4th:
68.2 kg
80 cm waist
27.4 % fat

June 1st:
67 kg
77 cm waist
26.4 % fat

Loss this month:
1.2 kg
3 cm waist
1 % fat

Doing 5:2 and on day 10 of the 30 day shred so have gained slightly this week.

4th May Weight 71.3Kg. Waist 93.98cm. Body fat 23.2%.

1st June Weight 68.85Kg. Waist 91.44cm. Body fat 22.2%.

Difference Weight -2.45Kg. Waist -2.54cm. Body fat -1%.

Doing pretty well so far.

Start Date: Mar 14, 2013 weight= 195lbs.

May 31, 2013 weight 181 lbs.
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