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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I have done a couple of 36hr water/tea/coffee only fasts, but generally I do the standard 5:2.

I drink black coffee, herbal and green tea and water throughout the day, and eat one meal at about 7pm. A typical meal for me would be a piece of lean protein such as fish or meat, plus a heap of veggies or salad, followed by perhaps some berries. Sometimes I throw in a little bit of carbs, but not wheat. I do enjoy lentils and other pulses, or I might have a little rice or a small amount of potato.

Last night I had 150g green cabbage, steamed, 100g (raw weight) pork loin, 100g cherry tomatoes and 100g chestnut mushrooms. I 'fried' the pork using fry light for a minute of two each side, then added the mushrooms and put a lid on till they were nearly done. Poured in some water to loosen the juices, added the halved tomatoes and cooked with a lid until the meat was done. Season with salt and pepper. The juices from the meat and veg made a lovely sauce for the cabbage, and it was really delicious :smile: That all came to 340 cals.
When the weather is hot, like today, I make a sort of salad. Some cooked kale that has been drained and chilled, a diced fresh tomato, a small can of tuna, drained, 1/2 cup of chickpeas, with either a little low-cal italian dressing, or a sprinkle of feta cheese. Salt and pepper. Very filling and tasty too!
I have had omelettes or other egg based meals. (We have a couple of chickens you see). I have also had salads with lean protein or lentil dahl. I try to avoid carbs on a fast day as it switches on my hunger.
3 boiled egg whites for breakfast 51 calories, cream of celery soup for lunch 67 calories, skim milk in tea, and a dinner of 300 calories say 150 calories of steak or chicken with low carb baked or steamed veges. Hubby thought I may have been overestimating cals for dinner as he hadn't lost for a month so we are experimenting with 'lite n easy ' frozen mini meals and meals in a bowl. Most are around 250 cals and i add an amazing amount of veg to boost the meal size as they are small. In the end we need not have woried as he just lost 1.8kgs- he was just on a plateau. Oh well, at least I won't have to think about what to cook for the next 6 weeks on fast days! :-)
I can't last all day yet so have turkey rashers and mushrooms or a red pepper or tomato and basil soup as late as possible for lunch. Then either half a chicken breast/fish with salad or a veggie chilli on a bed of uncooked spinach.
I usually fast Monday and Wednesday. Here are some of my menus which combined (and depending which choice is made) add up to below 600 cals:-

Either porridge made with water, not milk, and a handful of blueberries or strawberries (130 cals)
Grapefruit segments with blueberries + 2 spoonfuls of yohurt 0% fat (105 cals)

2 ryevita with 0%fat cottage cheese topped with sliced cucumber (150 cals)
One medium apple (53 cals)

1 Salmon fillet baked, with a generous portion of steamed green beans + a mixed green salad ( 315 cals)
100gr of smoked salmon with large green salad and half tub of 0%fat cottage cheese (335 cals)

If I feel hungry between these, I munch a celery stick (2 cals). I drink lots of water and I happen to like black coffee. I also drink green tea.

However, I'm always looking for fresh ideas and most 5:2 recipe books are useless for single men because the menus are based on multiple servings (2, 4 and sometimes even 6 people!). They also appear to be largely written by Americans, seem aimed at women and use ingredients not found in British supermarkets!
So...ideas welcome!
I have been doing this for about 4 weeks now, my fast days are Monday &Thursday so tomorrow I will have a cup of tea with milk then until lunchtime I will have either water or herbal tea to keep me full, I also chew sugar free gum if I feel peckish. :) for lunch I have a weight watchers soup and for tea a weight watchers meal. I like this as I then know exactly how many calories I am having. If I fancy something sweet in the evening I then have a 10calorie jelly. So far I have lost a steady 2lbs a week. I am very happy with the results so far.
I have been doing this for about 4 weeks now, my fast days are Monday &Thursday so tomorrow I will have a cup of tea with milk then until lunchtime I will have either water or herbal tea to keep me full, I also chew sugar free gum if I feel peckish. :) for lunch I have a weight watchers soup and for tea a weight watchers meal. I like this as I then know exactly how many calories I am having. If I fancy something sweet in the evening I then have a 10calorie jelly. So far I have lost a steady 2lbs a week. I am very happy with the results so far.
Today's my very first day so I'm interested to see what others are eating on fast day's! I've had black coffee for breakfast, some strawberries & am having a ready made Quorn lasagne later as it only contains 273 cals so that will leave 177 cals which I'll use on a babybel cheese & a nectarine. Does this sound okay? I@ve been drinking plenty of water today too. On my normal food day tomorrow can I really eat what I like as long as I don't exceed a max of 2000cals? How quickly do most ppl lose weight? I only have half a stone to go so am expecting it to take longer!
Nothing from 10pm to 7pm the next day (21 hour fast)other than water and a couple of black coffees. Then 300 calories consisting of 2 poached eggs and a tin of tuna. Before bedtime, 2 x weetabix, a dash of SS milk and a diet hot chocolate.
I usually have baked salmon steak with brocolli and peas and sweetcorn
We are trying something new tonight, quinoa stuffed acorn squash. My husband will probably chop up some green and red peppers mixed with the quinoa and top with shredded cheese. Can't wait!
How many cals are in egg whites?
I am doing my first one tomorrow...I think I am better off having a few bits throughout the day rather than saving it up for the evening meal. I am doing 36 hrs, fasting Tues and Thurs. Tomorrows menu is banana for breakfast 90cal, weight watchers carrot and lentil soup for lunch 87cal and The City Kitchen Prawn and Orzo Pasta ready meal at 290cal. Leaves me with the possibility of a small rice cake if needed! Here goes!!!
I normally have soup for lunch and a small dinner of fish/pasta or chicken/salad. Today with this lovely heat I changed things up.

2 Ryvita with ham/philly light for lunch
1 Solero this afternoon and
not quite sure what for lunch but still have 300kcal for dinner so not too worried. just gonna go with the flow.
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