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Suggestion: Regional Categories
23 Jul 2013, 12:44
While I really do like this forum, and so appreciate you for starting and maintaining it, I sometimes feel somewhat of the outside looking in, being one of just a handful or so not in the UK.

How about a category area, broken down by regions, or areas? In particular one for the United States? I love hearing all the UK stories, but sometimes, the language and word variations are a bit frustrating. I do see other US posters, but no way to filter to find them, to either share stores , or make some more local buddies to connect with.

Just my suggestion , again, thanks for a great forum.
Hi Diane, and thanks for the suggestion. So far we've not felt the need to divide up the community in this way, since we're all in it together and I'd be concerned that this kind of segregation might keep users apart too much. What I'd suggest is starting up a thread specifically for users from your region.

If demand is great enough then I guess regional boards are a possibility but I've always been one for everyone being in together and we do start to pick up on other people's language differences. It works both ways but I think it's good for us to learn to understand one another :) Everyone here is so friendly, you need only ask if a word doesn't make sense!
I have to say, I love how international this forum is. It's a perpetual source of wonder to me how different we all are and yet how similar our experiences can be. It's also nice to get a peek into other lives, like finding out it's freezing cold somewhere else when some of us are stewing (silly example, but you know what I mean).

I realise a substantial majority of us are probably from the UK, seeing as how this is where all this started, and that may be frustrating for others occasionally. But do let's stay together. Maybe start regional threads, as Moogie suggested?
It would be a pity if everybody was divided in areas or countries. The fact that the community is so rich with different people from everywhere gives it strenght, I believe, and without it it wouldn't be so appealing and, I guess, a little boring.
I think that joining an international forum is a great way to expand one's horizons! Yes, the language is a bit different, the recipes need converting and it took time to get used to speaking of my weight in stones and kilos.

But I think the payoff is really worth it in the end! When you open yourself up to different ways of doing things, you realize how small the world really is, and how different we really aren't.

I would suggest jumping in feet first and making friends across the ponds! Don't forget, we have Australians and possibly even the rare wild kiwi bird.
Ok then, thanks for the input.

I do like the international aspect of this forum, and will continue trying to 'fit in', as I get more at ease and comfortable with this WOE

All you lovely people have put your locations in your profile and I'd like to encourage everyone to do so. You can often make more sense of a post if you know where the poster is literally coming from!
As an Aussie I have to say we don't have much trouble with the language differences, possibly because we get TV from all over.
I love the differences and yet similarities found on this forum. I would hate to be segerated as I already find the time zones segerating enough, everybody is done with their fasts when I'm at the 1-2pm hurdle and the down-under folk are already on tomorrow, lol. I think its fun when US and Aussie chat about tightening up the belts on their pants the UK people are trying to get around the visual of having belts on knickers, lol. I googled a few words that my english BF didn't even know and expanded both our horizons.

I just continue to type in American and everybody types in whatever dialect they do. There is a forum #wiki that should help and if you don't understand you can ask or pm the poster to ask them to translate or explain.

There is a thread that I think @Tracieknits started back aways asking if any Americans were fasting. Maybe that thread can be found and bumped up?
I love the international aspect too- exactly because there are so many members from such a lot of different countries. :like:
in non diet chat, subject Any Americans in the house? 114? responses.
Hope you take a look and I am sure there are many more. I really enjoy the international 5:2 club here. On a social note, we all need to get to understand each other for a better world. We live in a globalized world meaning we all consume basically the same products, although our cultures are somewhat different. The one thing that I still cannot wrap my head around is that our Aussie friends are in the middle of winter while the most of us are sweltering. You can even gain useful info from that. It has also been fun to investigate the geography of members. Please do not change the international format.
Hi,I have just tried to put my region in..Went to progress tracker could not find it :doh: Please advise where to go.. :heart:
Thank you clairemarie Senior Moment!!! Which I am hoping 5.2 will help :lol: :doh: x
I love the international aspect because of the different food idea's.
clairemarie wrote: The one thing that I still cannot wrap my head around is that our Aussie friends are in the middle of winter while the most of us are sweltering.

I chat to a lady from Tasmania on a craft forum and she is always busy making woolly jumpers when we are stripping off!

I think its one of the best features of the internet that it brings people together from all over the world and all walks of life. Please don't change the format. :smile:
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