The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
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16 posts Page 1 of 2
It's now 6 months since I watched Michael Mosley's Horizon documentary and thought "I'll try that!" so I thought it an opportune time to give a little report on my progress. At the time I was on the edge of the overweight and obese BMI ranges for my height, and had been looking for a sustainable lifestyle change that I could make in order to lose weight. Despite the fact that I was (and remain) sceptical of the "long life" science, I thought that this looked like a very doable means of achieving my goals. If the science pans out, as they say, it will be gravy.

As you can see from my progress tracker, I've lost weight steadily over the 6 months, and I have to say that I've not found it difficult at all. I think this may be because I decided to stop "grazing" between meals years ago. This had served to stop me putting much weight on (but didn't help me to lose any!) which meant that for me, I didn't have to stop myself from snacking on fast days as I hadn't been doing it anyway.

I've experimented with various ways of splitting my calories and settled on a very light protein-rich breakfast of tuna with lime juice, before saving the rest of my calories for the evening. I find this very easy and I'm mitigating the worries that I've seen expressed in some circles about not having a steady supply of protein and hence possibly losing muscle on fast days.

I'd been hoping that I might reach the "normal" BMI range by this point, but sadly I'm a kilo or so short. I fully expect to reach that milestone in a few weeks, though. I started measuring my waist a few weeks back, and today it came in at 94.5cm which is the magic "half your height" figure. As a slender-framed tall man, I feel that in reality I've probably got a bit further to go on that count, though, and I'm certainly aiming to lose another ten kilos or so before I switch to "maintenance mode."

As a whole I've found 5:2 to be really easy to do, and I've still be able to eat out, drink booze in moderation etc. without any guilt or worry. Thanks to everyone here, especially Moogie and the mod team, for providing a friendly environment with interesting conversations. I hope to keep posting here for many months to come!
Congratulations and thank you for the update ,it gives us all a lot of encouragement reading post like this
Millions of congratulations!!!
I wonder if I ever drink in moderation. Perhaps when I die...
Brilliant! You must be well pleased. I'm looking forward to seeing the maintenance board on the forum fill up with'll be there soon I think.
Well done, thank you for sharing and inspiring!
Thanks for all your posts, it's really encouraging to see how all the "long time" 5:2ers are doing & the fact that after 6 months you're still happy with this WOL.
Well done Funny Uncle! :victory:
Fantastic! What's a kilo OH is slightly over his BMI but looks fine to me as there is more muscle than fat. Good luck with the remaining 10kgs and congratulations with what you have achieved so far. It is quite something!
Thanks, everyone! As I mentioned I'm quite a slender-framed man without much upper-body muscle (my main form of exercise is cycling so all my muscles are in my legs!) and I definitely still have a belly but it has reduced considerably in size since I started!
Well done. Wonderful success story. Wish I could get some of my overweight friends here in the US to try the diet. I feel it could really improve their health.
Well done! I'm sure you'll soon knock off that extra kilo. This is the first time in years that I've had a Bank Holiday when I'm not in a panic about trying not to over eat. Its mighty liberating!
Wow 16 kilos that's amazing, well done you!

Great to hear success stories. Keeps me very motivated to shift my last half stone.
Hi! You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing. Its posts like these that encourages me
Well done!! I've just taken a peak at your Progress Chart and it's a very impressive constant downward line. Your post is very reaffirming - thank you!
The first half of my progress chart only contains a few data points, which is where I posted my weight on various social media sites and forums, so it looks smoother than it was. I have though lost weight every week. It has varied from only 100g to closer to a kilo on a week-to-week basis but that's due to what people here like to euphemistically call fluctuations in "water weight." ;-)
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