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I like to only try and weigh myself once a week on Mons as we all know the scale fluctuates day to day. But since I just started this diet on Wed and my Fasting days are Fri and Sun this week, Ive been weighing myself daily just to see how my first fasting day went. My official weigh in day will be on mon. Do you find it helpful to weigh everyday, so you know where you stand, or do you like the build up of suspense and surprise and do it once a week or less?

I need some tangible figure to chart my progress and keep me motivated, so the intention is to weigh weekly. As the rest of the week tends to be hectic, Sundays will be the day of record.

I've been weighing daily and tracking my weight with the Libra app. I find this gives me a much "truer" picture of progress with its trend line than a weekly figure.

I try only to weight myself every Saturday morning before the weekend. It is after my fasting day Friday but still after a whole week, and I need the big picture to see my progress for one week. Weighing myself everyday is demotivating for me even though I know water, hormones and so make the weight change every day up/down - so... only the big picture for me
. That's what is motivating me
Good luck to all of you with fast/non-fast-day today

Good luck to all of you with fast/non-fast-day today


Agree with pist1958. My weight can vary from day to day so just weighing myself once a week seems to produce a more accurate result.

I know I am always on this bandwagon but I weigh everyday and then at the end of the week divide by seven to get my weekly average.
See my blog entry as to why this is much, much better than jumping on the scales on, say, a Thursday each week:
See my blog entry as to why this is much, much better than jumping on the scales on, say, a Thursday each week:

I weigh myself every day and record readings on the Libra app. The ever changing weight doesn't bother me at all and the daily weigh in gives me more control. I can see if I need to do any adjustments to food choices or amount of food. I tried weekly weigh in method for a month and I went off track so much that I haven't lost any weight during that time.

Once a week, the day after my last fast of the week, so, usually friday mornings.

Every day. It's the only way I can successfully maintain my weight.

I sneakily weigh myself whenever I'm close to the scales, which is often!! I only officially weigh once a week though, on a Monday morning, I don't record any other weights or take them setiously. I just think I have a addiction to standing on the scales lol!

Every day - my weight is definately more up and down on 5 2 so for me a weekly weigh would be discouraging if I hit a heavy day. I have been recording my weight on paper. Can anyone recommend an app for the ipad to get the same graphs as the librs app? Actually i think my post fast weigh is probably the best - it may not be my 'real' weight but I know I'm heading in that direction.

Is weighing a big part of this?

I weigh myself once a week but what is the best day? I fast on Monday and Thursdays.

Hi Shellierocks and welcome! 
Weighing doesn't have to be a big part of this. Some people, as you've seen above, weigh themselves every day or every week. This is fine if you are not going to be disheartened by the usual daily fluctuations (up and well as down).
Some people are weighing less often, once a fortnight or once a month, while others are not weighing at all and are relying on how their clothes feel.
It really is up to you. Weigh as often or as little as you feel necessary.

Weighing doesn't have to be a big part of this. Some people, as you've seen above, weigh themselves every day or every week. This is fine if you are not going to be disheartened by the usual daily fluctuations (up and well as down).
Some people are weighing less often, once a fortnight or once a month, while others are not weighing at all and are relying on how their clothes feel.
It really is up to you. Weigh as often or as little as you feel necessary.

Thanks kencc - i'll have a look
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