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FatDog wrote: I need @carorees to shout 'get a grip' at me every now and again :0 I take it that was a tGBBO reference? 

Yes, it was! Well spotted! ;-)
Saturday, day one-hundred and four, weekend feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 117.6lbs (analogue scales corrected ~115.25lbs); 0.6lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 29.0, w. 26.4, t. 32.0, h. 35.75 inches

Thanks V&P vary-fairy for working your magic, it means that I'm not too disappointed in presenting my report for the end of week 23 on 4:3 : 1.2lbs weight lost, and a slither off under-bust, double slither waist, triple slither hips, and near half inch off stomach. Whoop! Okay, the shrinkage was really over a longer period, but still... And that's despite two significant carbocalypses of 75g and 71g carbs last week, each causing post repair day increases on the scales two days later.

I've a new, 'easy' way of checking that I'm not cheating with the hips measurement: I use a bit of sticky tape to 'fix' the tape measure at my number and, digging my nails into the tape as well, I make sure that I can slide it from my waist to just above knees without having to let it out. It's somehow ever so satisfying.

And to repeat myself from last week, I'm a very, very waggy FatDog :)

What's for dinner? I've nary a clue! Off to scout the shops.

FatDog returns from bargain hunting and messaging ladened with food, and a frock.

Food first: bargain cauliflower & broccoli, parsnips and sour cream - they'll form the basis of tomorrow's dinner methinks (when we seem to end up feeding the five thousand): a monster gratin of some sorts, with remainder of the carrots, and something seriously piquant as the sauce. I bet Gayler's "Sauce" book has some inspiration for me, though I've ideas of my own fermenting / fomenting already.

Very off topic. I'm not 100% certain about the frock (a *real* extravagance in the FatDog book): it's a brand-new linen bias-cut Jasper Conran LBD ('designers at Debenhams' [ed. transpires that one can't give them away on ebay]) in a size 8 (yes, a real UK 8, swoon). I *think* it looks good on me and I thought it rather slimming - nice lady customer in the shop thought it fitted well. My reservations are with the cut at the bust - sorry, TMI for the guys - the darts ain't aiming for the 'apex' so, either the frock *is* the wrong size or my pancakes need a lift after all (a properly fitted bra would probably help). Sadly, the OH didn't help, as he gave the frock a rather reserved "it looks fine, nice" (damning with faint praise?) and looked troubled; when pressed he finally conceded that he thought it might be showing off my tummy more than *I* might like. Gah! It's the bust that there's a problem with buster, the midriff looks fine! Humph. I'll run it past the VBF tomorrow (OH now plays affy offended that the VBF might know more about fitting busts). If it's really no good, the charity store it came from will let me have a credit note for it no doubt (starts crossing fingers now), and I'm bound to spend £15 in there sooner or later?

So, tonight's dinner? Slacker's night for a lazy FatDog - well, I hope to be doing some sort of serious cooking tomorrow - so salad (bargain), vine tomatoes, boursin (bargain), houmous (bargain) and linseed crackers it is, yay! Have just discovered that the 'crispy quotient' is far better when I microwave just 10g of linseed crackers in one go, rather than 20g.

Rude words... I have, somehow, managed to minutely slice the tips of three fingers (fore, middle, ring) on my left hand - must have been on the quorn packaging as I've not been near a sharp knife all night, can't think of anything else - just fine cuts (like paper cuts) but *more rude words* very stingy and make doing any thing feel very strange and unpleasant (touch typing included). I'll maybe have to delegate all the wet work to OH and VBF tomorrow - sly grin - except we'd not be eating 'til christmas (2017) in that case.

Made myself laugh there (or, more accurately, near choke on my cheese and biscuits) - looked at the 'bottom line' for food today and read 657.56 calories. 'Oooh' thinks FatDog, 'lots of indulgence space there', and starts planning out its indulgences. But, by some good fortune, I suddenly remembered that I'd only done a cut and paste on the ingredients and hadn't updated the quantities (e.g. 30 grams of houmous instead of the actual 55g, one third of the boursin etc.). The real bottom line was 853.1 calories; not as bad as I feared once I twigged but still, it might have come as a nasty shock later in the evening - especially if I were about to sup another glass of lovely cabernet sauvignon and nibble some 85% chocolate.

The reason that I've a more than usual calorific leeway tonight is that I *didn't* have my coffee with cream this morning (cream was orf) - which makes me wonder how much I need that ritual / monster calorie intake (~350 cals) now? In the early days of low-carb it seemed a pretty good, nay essential, way of bumping up my calorie intake without shifting the carbs when the carbs were ferociously low (20 grams a day - whimper). Now. perhaps, it's just taking up calorific space that somewhat more 'nutrient dense' but ex. forbidden slightly carborific stuff could go. Jolly dee - sounds like more 'real' food joining the programme to me. I *like* legumes. A lot. But I'd best not forget - they're not for repair days.

Courtesy of bestest neighbour we have two fresh figs each for pudding, and (bargain) cream to go with them too! But I have a slightly embarrassing confession, methinks that I've not had fresh figs before - didn't even know whether one ate the skin or not. Now I know what I've been missing out on, I might be having rather a lot of them to make up for lost figs. I reckon they're calling for toasted flaked almonds, ginger and cinnamon, amongst (many, many) other things and variations. OH is resisting his second fig tonight. He might find that, mysteriously, it isn't there tomorrow...

........ Calories 1420.13 Carbs 39.34 Fat 78.67 Protein 35.57 Fibre 22.94


Sunday, day one-hundred five, weekend feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 117.8lbs (analogue scales corrected ~115.25lbs); lbs 0.2lbs gain
... t.measures - ub. 29.0, w. 26.4, t. 32.0, h. 35.75 inches

Well, my carbs weren't too high on Friday *but*, as a percentage of my energy intake they were somewhat higher than my norm at 31%. I don't think that 'explains' the slight increase though - think this one has simply to go down to the V&P vary-fairy getting bored on a Sunday morning and wanting to see a tantrum. Sorry vary-fairy - I'm cool :cool:

I've three things I *must* do today a) recipe for tonight's dinner (I suppose that's a given), b) attack my spreadsheet so that I can get a nice graph (yes, I'll do *lots* of backups first), and finally c) set up the computer that a friend left with me *weeks ago* (he's even willing to pay me) so this should really be first in the list. It's strange how folk presume that, because one 'worked with computers' - in my case designing / building / looking after *big* databases - one will be god's gift to fixing PCs. I'm not. And I find PC fixing horribly tedious and frustrating. Especially when folk return after a few weeks, having let yet another lot of PC hijack software in because they just "had to download this game that someone they didn't know had posted on their facebook page"... Ooof - that's rather a rant for a Sunday morning, maybe I'm not as cool as I thought?

So here's the evolution of a FatDog recipe:

Sauce (Gayler's). I'd like to do something beyond my usual cream and / or cheese (stilton, cheddar, whatever) sauce but I'm not sure what. Arrived at the 'vegetable sauces' page (peas, carrots, butternut squash) and wonder what a broccoli sauce (not listed) might be like. Not sure why, but I've slight reservations about a green sauce. Stick the idea on the 'possibles' list and move on. Ah! Pesto. But, how about 'rapini pesto' a.k.a. 'broccoli rabe'? It uses 150g of pureed broccoli added to a standard pesto recipe. Getting somewhere now. Methinks that a modified version with extra cheese and sour cream might *just* do the trick (with cashews not pinenuts, sadly can't do three quid for 100g). Still worried about the green-ness. Add a few mixed seeds, sprinkled over the top and... mmmm. I'm beginning to like this.

Now, do I roast the vegetables first, or just steam them, before I bung the sauce over the top for 'finishing'? Roast would add an extra level of tastiness; I think no to roasting, after all, one doesn't pre-roast the cauliflower in cauliflower cheese, does one? Or should I simply cook the vegetables in the sauce? Always a risk that the veggies are hard as rocks at the end of 40 minutes - I confess I prefer to play it safe and pre-cook, at least partially. Do I need to add some legume in there, to pack in the nutrition? Probably not needed - the cheese and seeds should suffice. Okay - now to do the recipe and macro-nutrients and then I can move on to b).

Well, that took an age. And I should have had d) 'do all the washing up' on the list too... Poor old c) doesn't have a hope, again, and b) is looking increasingly unlikely.

Washing up a killer. Dinner takes an age to prepare but was, probably, worth it in the end. Better still though, the VBF thought the frock was great :)

I think that the recipe was essentially sound (Gayler's original pesto looks great, my adaptation might be slightly misguided but should have worked) but my execution was hopeless. Note to self (again) do not pre-cook vegetables if you are going to oven bake stuff (or even grill) for more than 10 minutes - they *will over-cook*. Bestest neighbour thought the flavours interesting and sometimes "wow!". That'll do me. And, yes, I over-cooked the broccoli horribly; the carrots and cauliflower were, at least, still recognisable. The top bit was *definitely* delectable.

........ Calories 1411.48 Carbs 52.74 Fat 70.32 Protein 30.13 Fibre 16.26

vegetable bake with rapini pesto sauce; pesto adapted from Gayler's "Sauce", p77
broccoli & cauliflower, co-op, floretted, 35c/C2.4/F0.9/P4.0/Fi2.2/100g
......... 480g 168.00 11.52 4.32 19.20 10.56
parsnips, ½ inch rounds, co-op, 65c/C12.5/F1.1/P1.8/Fi4.6/100g
......... 477g 310.05 59.63 5.25 8.59 21.94
carrot, baby, chop ½ lengthwise, 35c/C7.7/F0.3/P0.6/Fi3.0/100g
......... 183g 64.05 14.09 0.55 1.10 5.49
basil, fresh, rough torn, 23c/C2.35/F0.64/P3.15/Fi1.6/100g
......... 20g 4.60 0.47 0.13 0.63 0.32
basil, dried
......... 10ml 0.00
garlic, rough chop, 149c/C33.06/F0.5/P6.36/Fi2.1/100g
......... 10g 14.90 3.31 0.05 0.63 0.21
cashew nuts, raw, 553c/C26.89/F43.85/P18.22/Fi3.3/100g
......... 20g 110.60 5.38 8.77 3.64 0.66
parmesan cheese, 392cal/C0g/F28.4g/P33.0g/Fi0g/100g
......... 10g 39.20 0.00 2.84 3.30 0.00
soured cream, co-op, 205c/C3.8/F19.9/P2.9/Fi0.0/100ml
......... 300ml 615.00 11.40 59.70 8.70 0.00
coriander, fresh ground
......... 5ml 0.00
s&p 0.00
extra mature cheddar, co-op, grated, 415c/C1.4/F34.5/P24.4/Fi0/100g
......... 50g 207.50 0.70 17.25 12.20 0.00
sunflower, pumpkin and pine nuts, co-op, 665c/C13.7/F56.6/P22.6/Fi6.3/100g
......... 52g 345.80 7.12 29.43 11.75 3.28
total for vegetable bake with rapini pesto sauce 1879.70 113.61 128.29 69.74 42.46
FatDog's ¼ portion of vegetable bake with rapini pesto sauce 469.93 28.40 32.07 17.44 10.61

Method: 1. wash, crudely drain and ping the broccoli & cauliflower mix in a covered dish for [6] 2 minutes, then drain thoroughly; 2. set aside approx half of the broccoli and all of the cauliflower for the dish then ping the remaining broccoli a further 2 minutes, to the point of 'well cooked', to go into the sauce; 3. wash, crudely drain and ping the parsnips for [4] 1.5 minutes, then drain thoroughly; 4. likewise the carrots for [3] 1 minute; 5. layer the veggies nicely in a deep oven-proof dish; 6. bung the basil, garlic, cashew nuts and parmesan plus a little of the soured cream into a blender and start blitzing, gradually adding the rest of the cream; 7. once the adulterated pesto is nice and smooth, add the extra-cooked broccoli and blitz until becoming smooth again (not to worry if it isn't perfect - it'll still be delicious); 8. check your seasoning and s&p as required; 9. pour the pesto sauce over your veggies; 10. sprinkle the seeds and the grated cheese over the top and bake in a pre-heated oven at 200C for about 20 minutes, or until it's nice and brown and bubbly on the top *; 11. this shouldn't need served with anything methinks, but carbivores might like a chunk of rustic bread with it, or new potatoes.

If you're brave, you might refrain from pinging any of the veggies (except the broccoli to go into the sauce) and rely upon them cooking in the sauce. I'm not that brave. * And this would have been much better grilled than baked, methinks (in which case the ping time needs to go back up a wee bit). I'll get it right one day.

And I still have reservations about a green creamy sauce.

Oh, happy, happy FatDog - VBF has just had me order a pressie: a brand new copy of Madhur Jaffrey's "World Vegetarian Cookbook" (she's used it herself in ages past and knows what a compendium of wisdom and delight it is - but new???!) I'm spoilt. Very, very spoilt.
Good morning Fatdog,

I am intrigued, you are only about 3 lbs heavier than me and yet your BMI is 23.75 whilst mine is under 19, how can that be? I am 5'5" so are you a giant or a dwarf? The other thing is your waist, HOW did you get your waist SO SMALL? :shock: I am beside myself with jealousy. :confused: Last question and then you can get back to cooking, what is your target weight?

Have a great day girl,

Ballerina x :heart:
Some of us have a heavier frame, and therefore our BMIs will be different than our finer boned sisters and brothers?
Good morning Gillymary,

Oh, I suppose it's evening where you are so, Good evening Gillymary. (Right, got the daft stuff out of the way, now down to brass tacks!)

BMI? I know what you are saying and I have very skinny wee legs and arms and smallish feet ( a U.K. size 4) but I thought your BMI was a calculation involving only your height and weight which would, I think, not take frame size into account, or am I just being my usual THICK self here? :bugeyes:

Ballerina x :heart:
I will be my own experiment here I am way off a healthy BMI range and even at my adult thinnest, for me to make it in to the healthy BMI range eg under 25 I will be impossibly skinny. So I know I need an adjusted BMI to aim for, so there is a different figure for those of us with larger framed bones. It's not you it's the BMI thing
@Ballerina, I was wondering exactly the same thing. My BMI is 19.2, I'm 5', shoe size 3, weigh 7st yet I'm as green as FatDog's pesto sauce regarding her waist measurement! Despite exercising regularly I can't get mine below 28.5 ins and still have a little roll of excess flab around my middle. :confused: :?:
HI @ Ballerina. It must be body shape. You are very tiny indeed and yet I have some distance to go, (5.3/9st11lb) yet my waist is 27". You see it all sits on my very lardy bum as I also have pancakes like fatdog. I'd make a great newsreader because my top half looks great!
Hi Girls,

Thanks for the replies. Actually RawKaren, I'm not tiny at all, waist is 28-29" and no matter what I do I just CANNOT, I'll say that again in case you missed it first time, CANNOT get any beef of my middle. I am an apple shape so I'm destined to always have a flat bum and a fat tum but my spare tyre and my waist are driving me nuts. I don't want to lose any more weight as my thighs look like chopsticks now but what's girl to do? :shock:

Callyanna, we are indeed sisters under the 28" waist, what a bummer, or in my case, what a non bummer! :lol:

Gillymary, I didn't know there were differing BMI's for differnt frames, where can I get the information as my BMI is VERY misleading, yes, I'm now slim again but nowhere near as fat free as my BMI would suggest. :cry:

Oh well, must just be grateful that I'm healthy, and I am it's just that.......I will go now before a wet fish makes contact with the back of my stupid head :oops:

Ballerina x :heart:
Exactly Ballerina! I have no behind to speak of either, just wish I could move some of my tum flab round to my bum cheeks! :oops: I blame my apple shape but if I'm honest, I think some of my problem is my love of carbs. I do love bread and cereals but would (maybe!) be willing to sacrifice some of them if it really would shift that extra inch or so. :?:

Any low carbers out there give me any encouragement as to whether this might work? Thanks guys! :smile:
FatDog wrote: I'm not 100% certain about the frock (a *real* extravagance in the FatDog book): it's a brand-new linen bias-cut Jasper Conran LBD ('designers at Debenhams' [ed. transpires that one can't give them away on ebay]) in a size 8 (yes, a real UK 8, swoon). I *think* it looks good on me and I thought it rather slimming - nice lady customer in the shop thought it fitted well. My reservations are with the cut at the bust - sorry, TMI for the guys - the darts ain't aiming for the 'apex' so, either the frock *is* the wrong size or my pancakes need a lift after all (a properly fitted bra would probably help).

Definitely get a new bra before considering whether the dress needs to go back! I bet it'll look fab with the right infrastructure in place!
Fatdog....a size 8?????? :shock: I tried on one of those nice frocks on in Debs, I tried a size 10 and it was a little bit snug round the old Devil's pillows area but you could have got a herd of elephants in with me round the flat bum bit so back on the hanger it went. :frown: Size 8?????? I won't sleep now tonight.....size 8? Grrrr!!!!! Not fair, gonna cry, boo hoo! :cry: Size 8? Jealous or what? :confused:

Ballerina x :heart:
I have chopstick envy now. :bugeyes:
low carb. Yes it does seem to work on my tum quite quickly as you de-bloat and lose water. No such luck on the thighs though.
It does help with bloating but I don't find it shifts any fat, oh well....

Ballerina x :heart:
BMIs and waistlines...
07 Oct 2013, 12:33
Good morning @Ballerina - you got it with the second one, dwarf - yes, really :) Mesomelic dwarfism == very long body, that of a 5' 11" lassie, and very short arms and legs, that of a 3' 11" child, and I'm big boned for my actual height (4' 10.75") but not for my should-be height: all makes TDEE calculations a bit insane. Small waist? Could be that I pull the tape tight :) Actually, I'm being pretty good with the 'not cheating' so 26.4" is not far off - I hadn't really thought of that as small as my pie-in-the-sky target was to get back to a youthful 25 inches! My original target weight was 116lbs - but the new BMI says that would still leave me over-weight! And there's some evidence to indicate that a BMI (old) of 21 is 'healthiest' so I'll probably revise my target down. I certainly still have a good layer of blubber all over that would be good to see rid of!

Re. BMI for frame: the 'frame size' calculator that some good person posted on another thread gives a suggested weight - which I suppose let's you see what is 'normal' for your build ... Size-Wrist , but as far as I can tell there isn't a modification of BMI for frame size.

I'm even greener than my pesto sauce at your statistics @callyanna, getting even half-way to your weight would make me jolly happy - my ribs are quite prominent now but the life-preserver around my midriff is being exceedingly stubborn about going.

@rawkaren the weight has certainly come off my legs - ankles, calves, thighs - the lot - probably the 'firmest' bit of me just now! Bingo wings, wobbly bits and life-preservers elsewhere but the legs is good. I have no idea why - except that I'm trying to walk a bit more (but a bit more for me isn't very far at all as the joints in my legs aren't as good as they should be).
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