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Diet and T2D reversal
29 Oct 2013, 17:02
@izzy there is hope yet - there are other papers like the following, that work through diet, let me know if you want me to dig them out xxx FatDog

Reversal of type 2 diabetes: normalisation of beta cell function in association with decreased pancreas and liver triacylglycerol

E. L. Lim & K. G. Hollingsworth & B. S. Aribisala & M. J. Chen & J. C. Mathers & R. Taylor ... 011-2204-7
Newcastle diet...
30 Oct 2013, 12:42
Wow, thanks for that @izzy!

Didn't know that this diet was being rolled out for 'general consumption'! Not such a good thing methinks as, for example, a) it *really* needs to be low-carb otherwise their resting-energy-expenditure will be reset at a lower level (*very* difficult for some) and b) they need a decent segue from diet to maintenance (and this pamphlet says to control calories by keeping *fat* low - such rubbish probably got them fat in the first place!). Gnashing of teeth here - and it's NHS Scotland, how mortifying.
Monday, day one-hundred and twenty-seven, repair day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 115.6lbs (analogue scales corrected ~113.5lbs); 0.2lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.9, w. 26.0, t. 31.5, h. 35.0 inches

Report at the end-of-week 18 of low-carb : total low-carb weight loss 22.2lbs, and last week 0.6lbs loss and about a quarter of an inch off waist, stomach and hip measurements. Good - nearly recovered from the gain of the previous week. And I'm finally recognising the shrinkages on the tape measure, albeit conservatively for the hips.

However, the damage from the weekend's carbocalypses is yet to show on the scales... I shall *try* to view it all from an experimental standpoint. Ha, ha, ha. Fat chance (no pun intended), especially when the black dog is lurking, given that my emotional barometer appears to be directly inversely attuned to movement on the scales.

Now, what to add to the green beans & cauliflower with a Saint Agur (ooooh 24p for 250g bargain) creamy cheese sauce? With particular note that it's a repair day. Hmmm. Maybe a very little quantity of finely chopped date and walnuts run through the sauce (given how well they go with blue cheese)?

Best neighbour arrives bearing delights such as asparagus, cooked beetroot and anya potatoes (tesco offers). Tomorrow's dins? Looking at those delights I'm seriously glad that tonight's efforts received a 'superb'.

Bother, forgot the 'linseed crackers *not* nuts to bump fibre' mantra - at least they were almonds, which are supposed to have wonderful mysterious properties for dieters.

........ Calories 602.69 Carbs 19.11 Fat 47.67 Protein 23.61 Fibre 9.34

dog's dinner no. 19 - spicy blue cheesy cauliflower & green beans
cauliflower, floretted, 38c/C3.0/F0.9/P3.6/Fi1.8/100g
......... 391g 148.58 11.73 3.52 14.08 7.04
dwarf green beans, 1/3rd'd, 30c/C3.2/F0.5/P1.9/Fi2.9/100g
......... 211g 63.30 6.75 1.06 4.01 6.12
Saint Agur, crumbled, 365c/C1.0/F33.0/P16.0/Fi0.0/100g
......... 96g 350.40 0.96 31.68 15.36 0.00
extra mature cheddar, co-op, grated, 415c/C1.4/F34.5/P24.4/Fi0/100g
......... 36g 149.40 0.50 12.42 8.78 0.00
double cream, coop, 465c/C1.6/F50.5/P1.5/Fi0/100ml
......... 100ml 465.00 1.60 50.50 1.50 0.00
soya milk, coop org unsw, 30c/C0.1/F1.9/P3.4/Fi0.6/100ml
......... 100ml 30.00 0.10 1.90 3.40 0.60
dates, fine chopped, 277c/C68.27/F0.15/P1.81/Fi6.7/100g
......... 51g 141.27 34.82 0.08 0.92 3.42
walnuts, raw, medium chopped, 654c/C7.0/F65.2/P15.2/Fi7.0/100g
......... 40g 261.60 2.80 26.08 6.08 2.80
chilli flakes
......... 2 large pinches 0.00
cinnamon, dried ground
......... 2ml 0.00
nutmeg, dried ground
......... 2ml 0.00
s&p 0.00
total for dog's dinner no. 19 - spicy blue cheesy cauliflower & green beans 1609.55 59.26 127.23 54.13 19.97
FatDog's ¼ portion of dog's dinner no. 19 - spicy blue cheesy cauliflower... 402.39 14.82 31.81 13.53 4.99

Method: 1. wash the green beans and cauliflower in salted water in a grill and microwave proof dish, roughly drain, ping for 8 minutes with the lid on, then drain very thoroughly; 2. mix the Saint Agur, milk and cream in a lidded microwaveable jug, along with the spices, and ping for 2 minutes odd, until the cheese has melted; 3. sprinkle the walnuts and dates over the veggies, then pour the cheese sauce over them, and finally sprinkle the grated cheddar on top and season with fresh ground black pepper; 4. bung under the grill until the top is golden brown and bubbly.


Tuesday, low-carb day one-hundred and twenty-eight, feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 115.6lbs (analogue scales corrected ~113.25lbs); 0.0lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.9, w. 26.0, t. 31.5, h. 35.0 inches

Well, given the carb/cal-ocarnage over the weekend that's not such a bad reading. Thankee V&P vary-fairy, thankee. Just hope that the goodness keeps coming. Reading from the MadMan again, and I find much reassurance and hope; he reckons that:
"It's common for even a 8.5st (54kg) female to gain up to 8lb (3.6kg) of water weight after 24 hours of increased carbohydrate intake. ... Relax. It will disappear over the next 48 hours."

Arrrhgh! I've been completely scammed. Finally bought "The Slow Carb Vegetarian" by Rachel Henderson, Amazon print-on-demand, which I'd been eyeing-up for ages but had balked at the cost (especially as no reviews or proper preview). At four quid for 46 pages I was sincerely hoping for a densely packed delight that would elucidate the joys of veggie 'slow-carbing' - that's doing Tim Ferriss's 4-hour body diet but for veggies - admittedly a hard call. I'm so disappointed.
*** The recipes are an utter insult. One hoped for at least a handful of novel recipes, not a litany of grim flavour-free bog-standards of 'Vegetable Chilli', 'Vegetable Stew', 'Stuffed Peppers', 'Boiled Egg Salad', etc. For example, the 'Mixed Bean Salad' ingredients are: 400g cooked mixed beans, 1 cos lettuce heart, Vinaigrette dressing - yup, that's it; methods aren't much more than 'chop lettuce and mix with beans and dressing'; oh, except "there are lots of lovely combinations using different flavours of vinegar that you can experiment with". Wow. Thanks. 'Stuffed Peppers' = "2 red peppers, 400g flageolet beans, Salt, Pepper, Chilli flakes". Or one large tomato in an ingredients list, a second miraculously appears in the methods. Henderson's conclusion: "You should be able to come up with some ideas of your own as well." - gosh, really?
*** But far, far worse, is that Henderson appears to have jumped on the Ferriss band-wagon without having read/understood the basics in his book properly. The first sentence in her 'Meals' section (p4) starts "As fruit and dairy are not allowed..." ah ha: so that's why Ferriss suggest that you don't have more than two tablespoons of cream in your coffee (T4-HB, p74), or highlights the wonders of 'the Chipotle diet' with cheese and sour cream (p93). Admittedly, in his lacto-ovo section (p91), he suggests most milk products are avoided but that's not an injunction and it's certainly not one of the 'five rules'. And fruit is fine on your binge day.
*** And so it goes, e.g. much fanfare about the recipes being sugar free, then uses lots of balsamic vinegar. Eh? The very first recipe in the 'book' (it's really a pamphlet with nice glossy card cover) for 'Tomato and Lentil Soup' has suggestions such as 'use xyz' but it's "not really allowed to be consumed". Great.
*** Oh - and I should have picked this up on Amazon's preview (which only includes the cover and the introduction, one wonders why?) - the back cover is full of typos, even misspelling Ferriss as Ferris (likewise "Ferris" in the introduction, or "Time Ferris" in the conclusion), and that really ought to have warned me off.
*** Actually, I'm beyond disappointed, I'm furious. Livid. I could have had a 'proper' cookbook for the price of this abomination. I'd send the beastly thing back but I'd have to pay the postage so I might as well cut my losses. I'll mebbe just use it for knife-throwing practice or something... Oooh, or a table mat for hot dishes - except the nice shiny cover would probably stick to the pot. Darn.

And before I'm berated for my own typos - you're not being charged four quid to read this. As my ramblings are mostly ex tempore, I tend to only do the one 'proofing'; if I were to 'publish' I'm sufficiently OCD that I'd proof-read at least a dozen times! I'd at least spell Ferriss's name right.

Enough! That's held up my day horrendously - I've not even logged my weight stuff yet! And I'm affy 'hungry' (not sure if it's real hunger or just psych) - those dratted dry roasted peanuts are calling to me and it's only 15:20hrs. Ed. *must* remember the linseed crackers.

Ung. More disruptions / interruptions. Creamy coffee with visitor puts the munchies on hold. Need to get dinner on the go *now* - that's fixing my friend's PC suspended again.

But dinner was worth it. And, somehow, I've managed to just top my TDEE today - best neighbour discovered a remnant lump of Lochnagar at the back of his fridge and brought it round: I simply couldn't help a wee night-cap with it and a dried apricot or two...

........ Calories 1734.34 Carbs 49.88 Fat 119.87 Protein 40.91 Fibre 10.37

beetroot, tatties and blue cheese bake; nod to Gayler Passion for Potatoes, p30
potatoes, anya, 72c/C15.4/F0.1/P1.8/Fi1.2/100g
......... 400g 288.00 61.60 0.40 7.20 4.80
beetroot, cooked, sainsers, 42c/C7.2/F0.3/P1.4/Fi2.2/100g
......... 230g 96.60 16.56 0.69 3.22 5.06
Saint Agur, crumbled, 365c/C1.0/F33.0/P16.0/Fi0.0/100g
......... 54g 197.10 0.54 17.82 8.64 0.00
extra mature cheddar, co-op, grated, 415c/C1.4/F34.5/P24.4/Fi0/100g
......... 112g 464.80 1.57 38.64 27.33 0.00
walnuts, raw, medium chopped, 654c/C7.0/F65.2/P15.2/Fi7.0/100g
......... 50g 327.00 3.50 32.60 7.60 3.50
rosemary, dried
......... 5ml 0.00
s&p 0.00
total for beetroot, tatties and blue cheese bake 1373.50 83.77 90.15 53.99 13.36
FatDog's ¼ portion of beetroot, tatties and blue cheese bake 343.38 20.94 22.54 13.50 3.34

Method: 1. boil the tatties for about 15 minutes (test they're done by pronging them with a fork - if they fall off, they're done); 2. meantimes 1/4 the smaller beetroot the nth the others so they're roughly the same size; 3. arrange in a large grill-proof dish; 4. once done, chop the tatties in half longways and sideways and arrange with the beetroot; 5. in order, sprinkle the walnuts, herbs, seasoning, Saint Agur and cheddar over; 6. bung under the grill and bake until golden and bubbling.

asparagus sauce
asaparagus, snapped-off woody ends, 29c/C2.0/F0.6/P2.9/Fi2.1/100g
......... 70g 20.30 1.40 0.42 2.03 1.47
double cream, coop, 465c/C1.6/F50.5/P1.5/Fi0/100ml
......... 80ml 372.00 1.28 40.40 1.20 0.00
lemongrass, very lazy, 107c/C13.9/F4.2/P0.5/Fi6.0/100g
......... 10g 10.70 1.39 0.42 0.05 0.60
lime juice, 26c/C2.0/F0/P0.4/Fi0.3/100ml
......... 5ml 1.30 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.02
coriander seed, fresh ground
......... 3ml 0.00
s&p 0.00
total for asparagus sauce 384.00 3.02 41.42 1.43 0.62
FatDog's ¼ portion of asparagus sauce 96.00 0.75 10.35 0.36 0.15

Method: 1. boil the asparagus woody ends in minimalist water for about an hour, until they are well soggy; 2. blitz, then put through a sieve to get rid of the fibrous bits (I'd hoped the wee whizz would smash the fibres but sadly not - we didn't do this step until after step 4 and lost quite a bit of the sauce); 3. blitz again with the cream, lemongrass, ground coriander seed and seasoning; 4. you could try adding the lime juice if you don't mind lumpy sauce - otherwise don't do it
That's a brilliant idea @izzy. Drives me insane when a much promised book ends up like that.

As ever @fatdog, these dishes sound seriously delicious. I'm having blue cheese fantasies (sheeps), as I have just picked some radicchio from the garden and wondering what to do with it.

Newcastle Diet. First I :lol: :lol: since this is not the diet of your average Geordie, :grin: but then remembered some of the media reporting about it. As you say, interesting they chose to publish. Dangerous in the wrong hands but I guess on balance, the risks around the obese are far greater.
Oh no FatDog, sounds like for once you bought a dud with your latest purchase! :cry: I hate being ripped off like that and agree with izzy that you should write a stinking review!
On a brighter note, did I notice you have lost even more off your waist? :shock: Well done you!
Thanks @rawkaren - though I say it myself, the last few recipes I've done have been rather tasty (it's the blue cheese and walnuts that do it - I was worried about doing two evenings in a row but was voted down by hoi polloi).

Oh I love that pate recipe @izzy - I'll have to make sure I do that one soon! Snarkyness aside, I was sore tempted by the Granovita pates in H&B the other day - but sooo expensive. And you're right about parmesan - I'm afraid I'm not so very good when it comes to sourcing the veggie stuff, I believe that Waitrose and Sainsers do a veggie version.

And thank-you @callyanna - yes, I've shrunk a wee bit more, but my beastly weight has been stuck in the same pound for the last few weeks. Grumph. Patience with myself was never one of my virtues.

And save me from myself, please? Our freegan friend delivered a lovely cheese pizza this morning and, sadly, my gloom has extended to an I'm-not-cooking-this-evening humph and I am *exceedingly* tempted... The calories for half are okay, it's just the 45.7 grams of carbs and all that wheat that are the problem. Think I might just let it go as a half-repair day and be kind to myself and *indulge* - though eating that quantity of wheat is / will be rather masochistic of me :)
FatDog wrote:

And save me from myself, please? Our freegan friend delivered a lovely cheese pizza this morning and, sadly, my gloom has extended to an I'm-not-cooking-this-evening humph and I am *exceedingly* tempted... The calories for half are okay, it's just the 45.7 grams of carbs and all that wheat that are the problem. Think I might just let it go as a half-repair day and be kind to myself and *indulge* - though eating that quantity of wheat is / will be rather masochistic of me :)

Can you not slice off most of the base and just snaffle the topping with some extras thrown on for good measure? More of a 'pizzette' than a pizza but better than taking in more carbs than you're happy with! :wink:
callyanna wrote: Can you not slice off most of the base and just snaffle the topping with some extras thrown on for good measure? More of a 'pizzette' than a pizza but better than taking in more carbs than you're happy with! :wink:

Ah ha - neat idea but, fortunately (?) I was saved by fury [Ed. furry even] cheese mould - the pizza was growing its own blue bits (and it wasn't blue cheese to start with). OH isn't much fond of pizza anyway so he'll be happy with all the soup.

And FatDog? Well, not one for letting go of an idea once it's in there... Drum roll, ta da! Pizza-pancakes. I'm munching them now and they're a bit of alright, they are...

Soya and gram flour pancakes, with lots of ground pepper, salt, basil, garlic & chilli flakes mixed in to the batter, finished under the grill with crumbled cheese and served with small vine tomatoes and olives. Will do nicely. Haven't done the numbers yet but likely less than 15g of carb the lot! Happy FatDog :)
Wednesday, day one-hundred and twenty-nine, repair day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 116.0lbs (analogue scales corrected ~113.65lbs); 0.4lbs gain
... t.measures - ub. 28.9, w. 26.0, t. 31.5, h. 35.0 inches

I fear that gain is Sunday's carbocalypse pay-back, and / or perhaps yesterday's full calorie intake. Okay, fair enough. Disconsolate but resigned FatDog. *Sigh*. And the sun's gone in...

Determined to do friend's laptop PC today. See first whether I can do a factory restore of the Vista operating system - nada; from the spraff on the internet the PC is pre. such luxuries. So, try the Ubuntu CD I burnt a couple of weeks back but the silly PC completely ignores it and boots into Windows. Boot from my Ubuntu external drive - works okay (can't get the 'install' menu up, video just goes doloopy). Probably need a more recent Ubuntu, best / fastest on a USB stick. Erhumm. That means I need to find one of my sticks amongst the mess on 'my shelf' in the living room. Tidy shelf (which has needed done for... probably a year or more). Find my "old reliable" Ubuntu CD - which I'd accused the VBF of going off with, apology due - video still goes doloopy when I try to install. Find three sticks too though, including one with my old "personal" installer on it. Boots but installer sends the video doloopy (loopy story looping it seems). Drat. Download more recent Ubuntu long term release disc image (took an age as I wouldn't give them any money) and then burn it to stick. Boot from USB stick. Yay. Beautiful. Install from USB stick. Yay. Beautiful. WTF took me so long to do this? It's been guilt-tripping me *every day* for the last couple of months! Done. And I'll even get paid a little!

*Almost* tempted to have a glass of vino to celebrate but, NO, that would be a slippery slope too far: simple rule : no hooch on a repair day; I mean - alcohol is hardly 'repair' material for the body is it? Now, if I were just having a 'fast' day then maybe...

Dinner was a disaster turned into a triumph: freegan friend's earlier delivery of pizza turned out to be the 'wrong sort of blue cheese', i.e. it was growing. So FatDog, having set its sulky heart upon a pizza-esque dinner, does herbed & spiced soya & gram flour pancakes and tops these with slithered cheese and then bakes them under the grill. With vine tomatoes and olives. Yum.

Nearly blew the accounts though: totted up my day's intake after dinner and thought it miraculously came to just under 300 - oooh lots to go, let's go nuts with the nuts! Thank goodness I spotted a certain lack of *cheese* (the most calorific element of my pizza substitute) in my list, just *before* I got stuck in. Have since had gallons of herb teas to try and get over the no-nuts disappointment. The teas have not worked. I *want* nuts; I fear that I've become a bit of a nutaholic.

........ Calories 509.88 Carbs 15.03 Fat 36.51 Protein 28.40 Fibre 8.19


Thursday, low-carb day one-hundred and thirty, feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 115.4lbs (analogue scales corrected ~113.25lbs); 0.6lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.9, w. 26.0, t. 31.5, h. 35.0 inches

Zebedee thinks that the V&P vary-fairy has exceedingly impressive boings! Boing, boing, boing. Think I need some of those drugs they were taking when they wrote the Magic Roundabout as I'm getting *just a little* wound up. Chill-out (wo)man :)

Especially given the FatDog hip measurement this morning. I tend to do the tape as tight as possible first (as a hopeful beacon of where I might get to) then slacken it off until there's no muffin top / it's comfortable - well, that first reading on my hips was *below 34 inches*, only just mind, but definitely reading 33 point something. But that's three weeks since that 115.4lbs was first recorded and the tracker is showing that I'll not reach my target until mid-December, so maybe I should join the Christmas club rather than the 'Hogmanay maintainers' after all.

Now, what can I do with a bag of bargain baby carrots and the remnants of a fine green cabbage? I'm rather 'getting into' the pancakes thing - wonder if I could wangle them a staring role? If I curried the carrots and cabbage - somehow, maybe coconut comes in here too, dried fruit perhaps? or maybe a tomato / lentil base - then I'd have an excuse to make gram / soya flour chapatis to go with it. Now there's a thought. Madhur Jaffrey should have the inspiration for this one, methinks. Failing that there'll be a cheats version of something in one of my 'World' cookbooks.

It occurs to me that I don't understand doughs / batters / pasta at all - they're generally flour and water, with the occasional egg and / or wee bit oil thrown in, but they turn out completely differently... Thinking of my predominantly-failed pasta making attempts, I wonder if shredded chapati would make a convincing pasta substitute, given there's evidence of pancakes as cannelloni (see up-thread). Hmm. Might see if Delia has some sensible advice.

Must keep reminding myself of the 'remember the linseed' mantra as my fibre intake is 'not as good as it should be'.

Grumph. The indexing in Madhur's book doesn't do justice to the wonderful range of recipes - it's great if I've plenty of time and can browse page-by-page (a real pleasure) but frustrating if I need something in the next half hour. However, my latest browse lead me to discover that chickpea pancakes are ubiquitous and can even be turned into 'chips'!!

Well, the carrots and cabbage are in good nick and thus gave-way to wonderful bargain broccoli & cauliflower plus carrot & swede mixes, acquired on the way home from work. Thought this, a sort of curry spiced soup, would be a doddle and, given my spatial abilities it should have been fine. But my head must have been in orbit somewhere as that quantity of veggies does not fit into a soup-maker. No how, no way. So major shemozzle: started cooking in the soup-maker - sauted onion and curry spices (latter pre-ground in wee whizz) - then began to add the veggies, *oh dear*, can only get just over half of them in; so ping the remains of veggies; blitz then transfer soup-maker contents to saucepan; da de da de da... So much for a no-pot dinner - I had a pile of washing up at the end. And had hoped to have soup ready and waiting for OH's return - but no. OH finally 'dined' at about nine thirty- he was not a happy squirrel. FatDog dined some considerable time later once she'd made her pancakes to go with the soup (was going to do chapatis but their dough needs 'resting' for much longer).

So much for a relaxing evening with a glass of wine and a good book. And where the xxxx did all of my calories go? Ooops - lots of cheese, and those darned addictive dry roasted nuts.

........ Calories 1521.32 Carbs 53.50 Fat 99.33 Protein 44.48 Fibre 16.12

spicy broccoli, cauliflower, carrot & swede soup
broccoli & cauliflower, co-op, floretted, 35c/C2.4/F0.9/P4.0/Fi2.2/100g
......... 477g 166.95 11.45 4.29 19.08 10.49
carrot & swede, co-op, prep'd, 35c/C6.6/F0.3/P0.6/Fi2.8/100g
......... 450g 157.50 29.70 1.35 2.70 12.60
onion, fine sliced, 43c/C9.3/F0.0/P0.71/Fi2.1/100g
......... 145g 62.35 13.49 0.00 1.03 3.05
chilli, green, rough chop, 40c/C9.5/F0.2/P2.0/Fi1.5/100g
......... 11g 4.40 1.05 0.02 0.22 0.17
garlic, rough chop, 149c/C33.06/F0.5/P6.36/Fi2.1/100g
......... 9g 13.41 2.98 0.05 0.57 0.19
sunflower oil, 125c/C0/F13.8/P0/Fi0/15ml
......... 45ml 375.00 0.00 41.40 0.00 0.00
turmeric, dried ground
......... 7ml 0.00
cinnamon, dried ground
......... 3ml 0.00
ginger, dried ground
......... 3ml 0.00
black pepper corn
......... 3ml 0.00
fennugreek seed
......... 2.5ml 0.00
fennel seed
......... 5ml 0.00
coriander seed
......... 5ml 0.00
cumin seed
......... 5ml 0.00
cardamom seed
......... from 7 pods 0.00
s&p 0.00
total for spicy broccoli, cauliflower, carrot & swede soup 779.61 58.65 47.11 23.60 26.49
FatDog's 1/3 portion of spicy broccoli, cauliflower, carrot & swede soup 259.87 19.55 15.70 7.87 8.83

No method, just chaos - see above - but something like this should do the trick: blitz spices with enough water to make a paste; saute onion for a minute, then add the spice paste and saute until aromatic; add veggies and enough water to near cover; bring to the boil; simmer with lid on until veggies are soft, stir every now and again; blitz; season; serve with a goodly dollop of natural (full-fat) yoghurt and gram and / or soya flour chapatis (or pancakes if you're in a hurry).

I don't think that you would really go amiss if you were to *more than double* the spices (tho' a sensitive OH mightn't like it so well).
Well done for seeing nearly 34 inch on the hip measure. I can only dream about that...... If you ever find a decent low carb substitute for pasta that's neither courgette or konjac let me know!

Two book recommendations for you to ponder on. Indian Superfood by Gupareet Bains. Not veggie but, but it being Indian there are a lot of veggie dishes. I know you are adept at turning things into low carb veggie. I'm hesitating at recommending Ottolenghi to you because it does have a very high veggie content but it's very carbiferous..... I have the original cookbook but I have a feeling that Jerusalem is totally veggie.

Finally I managed to turn my garden radicchio into a fabulous bake with butternut squash, garlic, chilli flakes, sage, thyme, Roquefort, and pecans.... It was your blue cheese posting that gave me the inspiration. Thank you :like:
recipes and cookbooks...
01 Nov 2013, 12:55
Oooooh - your squash and radicchio recipe sounds delicious @rawkaren. And thanks for the cookbook heads-up: I've heard of Ottolenghi and have put it on / off my save-for-later list half a dozen times - I shall have a closer look; not heard of Gupareet Bains, shall go deek at that too! Cheers, FatDog.
Oh and I missed the red onion (in rings) out of my bake ingredients. So it looks pretty too :like:
Friday, day one-hundred and thirty-one, repair day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 115.4lbs (analogue scales corrected ~113.25lbs); 0.0lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.9, w. 26.0, t. 31.5, h. 35.0 inches


^ that's a flat line, if you hadn't guessed. Oh well, better than it going up, I suppose.

Had high hopes of doing something tasty for dinner tonight revolving around salad, red pepper humous (that needed eating before it walked) and *pancakes*. But disaster struck as I was dolloping out my humous - planned on a generous 80g but there was 'a wee bit' still in the pot, so onto the plate it goes. Oh dear. That's 400 calories of red pepper humous. No pancakes today then - linseed crackers to the rescue. And yet another Friday turns into a half-repair day ...

... *but* at least there was no vino involved. Apart from the humous-ocalypse, just two extra 85% chocolate squares and those darned nuts *blush thingy* did the damage. Not exactly the way to get the 0.6lbs drop that you need for there to be a loss on tomorrow's weekly weigh-in. Sigh.

........ Calories 789.47 Carbs 20.28 Fat 65.02 Protein 19.88 Fibre 21.60
FatDog, my copy of CBB's Low-carb Vegetarian arrived today and can't wait to try some of the recipes. The illustrations alone are drool worthy. Can't wait to get to bed as this will be my bedtime reading tonight! x :like:
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Use our free 5:2 diet tracker FREE 5:2 DIET PROGRESS TRACKER & BLOG
Tracking your diet progress is great for staying motivated. Chart your measurements and keep tabs on your daily calorie needs. You can even create a free blog to journal your 5:2 experience!
