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gillymary wrote: What is CCB?

Sorry @gillymary my mistake, should be CBB,the initials of Celia Brooks Brown , the author FatDog refers to in her blog :oops:
That's brilliant @callyanna - after Rose Elliot's low carb veggie book, I think that Celia Brooks Brown's "Low-carb Vegetarian" (@gillymary) was the next low-carb recipe book that I acquired (back in June?) and it's certainly the best low-carb one that I have, veggie or not. Have done eight or more recipes from it, some repeated, and nary a duffer yet - though her sweetener quantities are insane in places, so beware.

Have just acquired the other veggie low-carb standard "Carb conscious vegetarian" by Robin Robertson - not hugely impressed at first glance (but nothing like the disappointment of Henderson's slow-carb abomination) - I need to have a proper look and then I'll report back!

Edit: caveat for anyone tempted by CBB's low-carb veggie book - it is currently listing on Amazon at £30 for an acceptable copy and £71.32 for a 'very good' one, or £398.08 new! Ha ha ha. They're to be had on ebay (I'm told) for six quid something and Amazon sometimes has them at four or five quid plus postage. Please don't get ripped off (its original list price was £9.99).
I see what you mean re sweeteners F@atDog, just clocked 8 tbs total sweetener in her Chocolate Marzipan Cheesecake! incidentally, is there a sweetener you would recommend? :?:
callyanna wrote: I see what you mean re sweeteners F@atDog, just clocked 8 tbs total sweetener in her Chocolate Marzipan Cheesecake! incidentally, is there a sweetener you would recommend? :?:

@callyanna. I use Stevia in liquid form and I have noticed you can get it in some supermarkets but easier on line Don't use Truvia. It's not really stevia, just marketed as stevia based which it is not, and it gives you a poorly tummy.
Thanks @rawkaren, not that I was thinking of making any desserts you understand! :razz:
callyanna wrote: Thanks @rawkaren, not that I was thinking of making any desserts you understand! :razz:
. I have had hairy dieters sugar free tea loaf and paleo banana bread most days. (No stevia needed). So I'm not deprived..... :oops: :oops:
callyanna wrote: I see what you mean re sweeteners F@atDog, just clocked 8 tbs total sweetener in her Chocolate Marzipan Cheesecake! incidentally, is there a sweetener you would recommend? :?:

I've been using Pure Via - from the co-op (Scotmid) - horribly expensive but it lasts for ages and I've not had any of the 'weird taste' stuff that some folks get. Our Scotmid discontinued it locally when their stock ran out of date the other day and reduced it to half price - needless to say I bought the lot. I mean, faux-sugar doesn't go off (does it?) :)
:oops: :grin: My dilemma now izzy is that I have a cupboard full of low fat/'diet' cookery books because for years I thought that was the healthiest way to cook. I was the low fat queen and not as much as a drop of oil or smear of butter passed my lips. Now I'm a reformed character and am trying really hard to incorporate good fats into my diet whilst reducing carbs, my great weakness. Hopefully I will find enough inspiration in this latest acquisition to make me donate all these books to the charity shop I work in. :razz:
Wish me luck! :wink:
izzy wrote:

Just sling those old books in the recycling bins :wink: Otherwise some poor misguided person might end up making the same mistakes (the charity shops are doing alright anyway, thanks to people on this forum) :wink:

Yes, when you put it like that you're right! it's taken me a lifetime of self deprivation and I must admit a bit of a 'holier than thou' attitude in the past to folks who actually ate FAT!! :-o Recycle bin it is then!
Cook books are an obsession of mine. I have dozens, possibly more, plus also every diet cookbook known to man! However on real food, I'm considering getting Smashing Plates by Maria Elia. It's Greek food and I'm a sucker for Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food. Oh dear, I just pressed 1-click on amazon. :oops: :oops:
izzy wrote: Be scared, @Callyanna, be very, very scared. It all starts innocently enough. What's one little book, right? You can stop whenever you want to. But before you know it, you're chewing your nails, and twitching your curtains, waiting for the postman to bring your next fix from Amazon. Then you find yourself still in your PJs at 3 in the afternoon, unwashed, breakfast dishes in the sink, and there you are, drooling over food porn!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :bugeyes:

You have been warned....... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you have a camera in our kitchen @izzy? :)

I've Maria Elia's "The Modern Vegetarian" @rawkaren, and it is *seriously good*, and a 'like new' copy for £4.68 (inc. post) just one-click away too :)
FatDog wrote:
Edit: caveat for anyone tempted by CBB's low-carb veggie book - it is currently listing on Amazon at £30 for an acceptable copy and £71.32 for a 'very good' one, or £398.08 new! Ha ha ha. They're to be had on ebay (I'm told) for six quid something and Amazon sometimes has them at four or five quid plus postage. Please don't get ripped off (its original list price was £9.99).

Just spotted your postscript @FatDog, yes it was me who mentioned buying it on Ebay for £6.17 inc p&p, but it WAS the only copy listed. Seems like I got a bargain then! :wink:
Cook books are an obsession of mine. I have dozens, possibly more, plus also every diet cookbook known to man! However on real food, I'm considering getting Smashing Plates by Maria Elia. It's Greek food and I'm a sucker for Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food. Oh dear, I just pressed 1-click on amazon.

Oh the temptation of 1 click on Amazon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I obviously have NO idea how to copy and paste - I was trying to reply to rawkaren's post!
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